Residences at DTC West
January 28, 2014
The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of VillaRosso Residences at DTC West Condominium Association was called to order at 5:30PM on Tuesday, January 28, 2014by Association President,Charles Kellogg.
The following were also present:
Bill Boyington, Member at Large
Michael Stefanik, Sec/Treas.
Carl Sullivan, Vice President
Sandy Marks, Association Manager, Handy Sandy, LLC
Ed Koerperich, Member at Large was not present at the meeting.
The Minutes of the November 19, 2013 regular meeting were presented and reviewed by the Board. It was motioned by Carl, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the Minutes as presented.
Sandy then presented the November and December 2013Monthly Operating Reports for approval.The Board reviewed and discussed the various reports.Mike motioned to accept the Operating Reports for November and December 2013Monthly Operating Reports as presented. The motion was seconded and it unanimously carried.
Old Business Presented:
- Front security entry door repair
- Sandy reported that the repair had been completed.
- Kitchen stack cleanout
- Sandy reported that Total Plumbing is coming out to give us guidance.
- AT&T past due rent
- Sandy reported that all past due amounts have been collected from AT&T.
- P2 overhead door operator gear box leak; P1 overhead door pressure boot defect.
- Still pending
New Business Presented:
- Review of December 13, 2013 Annual Membership Meeting.
- 2014 Board of Directors Officer Election
- Results: Charles Kellogg President, Carl Sullivan Vice President and Michael Stefanik Secretary/Treasurer.
- Assign 2014 Check Signing Authority
- Charles, Carl and Michael.
- Establish 2014 regular Board of Director Meeting Schedule
- Sandy will create schedule and notify Board members. Meetings will begin at 4:00 pm in the VillaRosso lobby.
- Establish 2014 Annual Member Meeting Date
- December 9th at 7:00 pm
- Establish 2014 Holiday Party date
- December 14, 2014
- New CD Purchase
- Board unanimously authorized Charles and Carl to transfer $60,000.00 from Liberty Savings Bank money market account into a new, one year $60,000.00 Guarantee Bank CD. The Board also agreed to allow the Association’s existing CD to renew for another year.
- 2013 Internal Audit
- The Board discussed and agreed to have annual internal audits of the Association’s financial statements performed by Angie Lutterman in place of annual Association financial statement reviews.
There being no further business, it was motioned by Carl to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:10 pm.
DatedJanuary 28, 2014
Sandy Marks
Handy Sandy, LLC
Residences at DTC West
March 25, 2014
The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of VillaRosso Residences at DTC West Condominium Association was called to order at 4:03 PM on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 by Association President, Charles Kellogg.
The following were also present:
Ed Koerperich, Member at Large
Michael Stefanik, Sec/Treas.
Carl Sullivan, Vice President
Sandy Marks, Association Manager, Handy Sandy, LLC
Bill Boyington, Member at Large, Member at Large was not present at the meeting.
The Minutes of the January 28, 2014 regular meeting were presented and reviewed by the Board. It was motioned by Mike, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the Minutes as presented.
Sandy then presented the January and February 2014 Monthly Operating Reports for approval. The Board reviewed and discussed the various reports. Ed motioned to accept the Operating Reports for January and February 2014 Monthly Operating Reports as presented. The motion was seconded and it unanimously carried.
Old Business Presented:
- Kitchen stack cleanout
- Charles and Sandy met with Terry of Total Plumbing and will be doing a horizontal ID for Total to clean out.
- P2 overhead door operator gear box leak; P1 overhead door pressure boot defect.
- Still pending
New Business Presented:
- Policy and Procedures for Collection of Unpaid Assessments
- Board approved mandated revised Policy and Procedures for Collection of Unpaid Assessments. It was posted to web site for comments on February 25, 2014. Mike motioned and the revision passed unanimously.
- P2, north retaining wall was damaged by a furniture delivery truck on February 5, 2014. Joe Elen Construction bid $1,100.00 to make the necessary repairs, including re-painting the entire wall. Joe Elen has begun repairs and the delivery company’s insurance company has already paid us the $1,10.00.00.
- Driveway water leak
- Denver Water repaired their leaking main water line on February 3, 2014. Permanent asphalt repair completed on March 18, 2014.
There being no further business, it was motioned by Charles to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 5:20 pm.
Dated March 25, 2014
Sandy Marks
Handy Sandy, LLC
Residences at DTC West
July 29, 2014
The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of VillaRosso Residences at DTC West Condominium Association was called to order at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 by Association President, Charles Kellogg.
The following were also present:
Ed Koerperich, Member at Large
Michael Stefanik, Sec/Treas.
Carl Sullivan, Vice President
Sandy Marks, Association Manager, Handy Sandy, LLC
Bill Boyington, Member at Large, was not present at the meeting.
The Minutes of the March 25, 2014 regular meeting were presented and reviewed by the Board. It was motioned by Charles, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the Minutes as presented.
Sandy then presented the March, April, May and June 2014 Monthly Operating Reports for approval. The Board reviewed and discussed the various reports.Charles motioned to accept the Operating Reports for March, April, May and June 2014 Monthly Operating Reports as presented. The motion was seconded and it unanimously carried.
Old Business Presented:
- Kitchen stack cleanout
- Charles and Sandy need to ID horizontal stack pipes for Total to clean out.
- P2 overhead door operator gear box leak; P1 overhead door pressure boot defect.
- P1 door is repaired. P2 still pending
New Business Presented:
- Hallway Carpet Cleaning
- Exterior Trash Room replacement
- Electric vehicle charging station installed
- Damaged Exterior Light Pole Replaced
- Building Caulking
- P1 Sump Pumps to be replaced
There being no further business, it was motioned by Mike to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 5:14 pm.
Dated July 29, 2014
Sandy Marks
Handy Sandy, LLC
Residences at DTC West
September 23, 2014
The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of VillaRosso Residences at DTC West Condominium Association was called to order at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 by Association President, Charles Kellogg.
The following were also present:
Bill Boyington, Member at Large
Ed Koerperich, Member at Large
Michael Stefanik, Sec/Treas.
Carl Sullivan, Vice President
Sandy Marks, Association Manager, Handy Sandy, LLC
The Minutes of the July 29, 2014 regular meeting were presented and reviewed by the Board. It was motioned by Michael, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the Minutes as presented.
Sandy then presented the July and August 2014 Monthly Operating Reports for approval. The Board reviewed and discussed the various reports.Charles motioned to accept the Operating Reports for July and August 2014 Monthly Operating Reports as presented. The motion was seconded and it unanimously carried.
Old Business Presented:
- Kitchen stack cleanouts
- P2 overhead door operator gear box leak
- Hallway carpet cleaning
- Exterior trash room doors replacement
- Electric charging station installed
- P1 Sump Pump Replacement
New Business Presented:
- August 1, 2014 Annual Fire Department Inspection
- September 3, 2014 Annual Fire Pump Test
- Put up a no soliciting sign in vestibule
There being no further business, it was motioned by Charles to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 5:20 pm.
Dated September 23, 2014
Sandy Marks
Handy Sandy, LLC
Residences at DTC West
October 21, 2014
A meeting of the Board of Directors of VillaRosso Residences at DTC West Condominium Association was called to order at 4:05 PM on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 by President Charles Kellogg. The meeting was held in the VillaRosso lobby for the purpose of reviewing, modifying and adopting the Association’s 2015 Budget.
The following were also present:
Bill Boyington
Mike Stefanik
Carl Sullivan
Sandy Marks, Association Manager, Handy Sandy, LLC
Ed Koerperich, Member at Large was not in attendance
The meeting was open to all Association members and notice was posted on the Association’s website all year.
The Board proceeded to complete a page by page review and discussion on the Draft budget presented.
After all questions, concerns and revisions were addressed, the Board came to agreement on the 2015 VillaRosso budget.
It was motioned by Michael to formally adopt the 2015 VillaRosso budget as presented, with the following changes:
- Increase the 2015 monthly Assessments by 6% from 2014 monthly Assessments
- Increase parking space and storage cage rental charges from $35/month to $45/month beginning 1/1/2015
- Increase move-in/move-out fees from $100 to $175 per move.
- Eliminated December annual holiday party for both 2014 and 2015.
- Keep the 2014 cleaning services at 3 times per week in 2015 and eliminate the $1,000.00 for discretionary cleaning throughout 2015.
- Increase 2015 monthly Reserve allocation’s to $5,735 from 2014 allocation’s $5148. A monthly increase of $587 and an annual increase of $7,044.
- Total Income $351,817
- Total Expenses$282,997
- Net Income$68,820
- Reserves <$68,820>
- Total Income$0.00
The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.
There being no further business, it was motioned by Michael to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Dated October 21, 2014
Sandy Marks
Handy Sandy, LLC
Residences at DTC West
November 26, 2014
The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of VillaRosso Residences at DTC West Condominium Association was called to order at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, November 26, 2014 by Association President, Charles Kellogg.
The following were also present:
Bill Boyington, Member at Large
Ed Koerperich, Member at Large
Michael Stefanik, Sec/Treas.
Carl Sullivan, Vice President
Sandy Marks, Association Manager, Handy Sandy, LLC
The Minutes of the September 23, 2014 regular meeting and October 21, 2014 Special meeting were presented and reviewed by the Board. It was motioned by Michael, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the September Minutes as presented. It was motioned by Bill, secondedand unanimously agreed to accept the October Minutes as presented.
Sandy then presented the September and October 2014 Monthly Operating Reports for approval. The Board reviewed and discussed the various reports.Charles motioned to accept the Operating Reports for September and October 2014 Monthly Operating Reports as presented. The motion was seconded and it unanimously carried.
Old Business Presented:
- Kitchen stack cleanouts
- P2 overhead door operator gear box leak
- Hallway carpet cleaning
- Exterior trash room doors replacement
- Electric charging station installed
- P1 Sump Pump Replacements
New Business Presented:
- Initial legal review of Declarant’s annexation rights of the empty lot directly west of VillaRosso.
- December 2, 2014 annual fire systems inspection
- Sandy out of town from Saturday, December 13, 2014 through Friday, December 19, 2014
- Survey of Board Members that intend to run for 2015 Board of Directors
- AT&T P2 water leak repair
- Vestibule wall damage/repair
- Boiler room heat exchanger repair
- DHW boiler #2 requires 4 cracked burners be replaced
- Driveway repairs, crack fill and seal coat
- P2 exterior retaining wall damage; Board directed Sandy to make that area of the P2 entrance a no parking zone to prevent continued retaining wall damages. Stripe/No Parking drive way and post No Loading or Un-Loading sign(s). Moving vans and
vendors making deliveries will be directed to park along the curb in front of Unit 103
- 2015 VillaRosso budget as adopted at October 21st 2014 Special Meeting
- P1 overhead door operator replacement
- Railings for ramps leading up the P1 and P2 elevator lobbies
There being no further business, it was motioned by Carl to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:25 pm.
Dated November 26, 2014
Sandy Marks
Handy Sandy, LLC
C:\Users\Sandy\Documents\VillaRosso\Monthly BOD Meeting Package\Meeting Minutes\2014\Jan 28, 2014 Regular.doc
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