Poor Animals of Saint Francis Inc. - Cat Adoption Application
Please note: If you are approved, you will be required to show proof of identification. If any information you provide is false, your adoption will be considered null & void. You must be 21 years or older to apply for pet adoption. Final decision is contingent upon our research department and its findings. All information is kept confident.
* Required
Top of Form
Date of application: * dd-mmm-yyyy format
Name of the Cat * Please enter the name of the cat that you are interested in adopting
Your Name * Please enter your name in full, that is, First - Middle Initial - Last
Your Maiden Name Please enter your maiden name if applicable
Your Age Group * Please select your age group, or select other to specify your exact age in years.
Marital Status Please specify your marital status.
Your Phone Number * Please specify the phone number where you can be reached in xxx-xxx-xxxx format
Your Email Address Please specify the email address where you can be reached
Your Address * Please specify your address
Your Postal Address Please specify your postal address if different from where you live
Details About Where You Live
How long have you lived at your current address? *
How many times have you moved in the last 5 years? *
How many adults live in the house with you? *
Are there children living with you? *
If you answered 'Yes' above, how many?
Do you or anyone living with you have any allergies? *
If you answered 'Yes' above, please give details What are they allergic to?
Do you or anyone living with you have asthma? *
What kind of neighborhood do you live in? * Please select only one
- City
- Suburban
- Rural
- Other:
Please select the type of home you live in * Please select only one
- Apartment
- House
- Condo
- Mobil Home
- Other:
Do you own or rent? * Please select only one
- Own
- Rent
- Other:
If you rent, will your landlord give you written permission to have a cat?
If you rent, will your share (with the shelter) the written permission from your landlord to have a cat?
If you move and your new landlord does not allow pets, what will you do with your cat? *
Does everyone in your household want a cat? *
Employment Details
Are you employed? *
If you answered 'Yes' above, what is your schedule each week? How many days a week, and how many hours a day?
If you answered 'Yes' above, please provide details of your employment. * What work you do, who you are employed with, where you work etc.
Pet Ownership Detais
What pets have you had in the past? * Please select all that apply
- Dog(s)
- Cat(s)
- Other
- I have never owned a pet before
If you selected 'Other' above, please explain
If you selected 'Cat(s)' above, how long has it been since you last owned a cat?
If you have owned pets in the past, how long have they lived? Please provide details against each pet you've owned. For example: Snooky - dog - 11 years.
If you have owned pets in the past, please give details regarding their temperament/personality Please provide details against each pet you've owned. For example: Snooky - dog - sweet-tempered, loving, hyperactive.
If you have owned pets in the past and they are no longer with you, please explain why
Do you currently own a pet? *
If you currently own a pet, please provide details about your pet(s) Against each pet, please provide details such as type, breed, age, temperament, etc. For example: Snooky - dog - husky mix - 11 years - sweet-tempered, good with other dogs and cats etc.
If you currently own a pet, are they spayed or neutered?
If you currently own a pet, are they good with cats?
How do you feel about letting your cat outside? *
If you are an existing cat-owner, what do you feed your cat(s)? Wet/dry food, how many times a day, which brand of food etc
Where will the cat be during the day or when you are away from home? * Please explain whether your cat will be outside, caged, fenced in, indoors etc.
How long will your cat be left unattended? * Hours each day
Is this cat a surprise gift for someone else? * Please select one
Vet Information
Please list your veterinarians * Please give details: Name, Phone, Address
May we contact your vet for reference? * Please select one
Other References And Signature
Please list your other references * Please give details: Name, Phone, Address
You agree and understand that the references you've provided above, will be contacted to verify all information given. * To sign, please put your name and date in the text box below.
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