How to add or remove multiple subscribers using bulk operations

To use the bulk operations functionality, you must first create a file on your computer containing the email addresses that you want to add or remove from your listserv. The contents of this file will vary depending on which of the four options you select for your bulk operations. There is a description of each of these options below.

Important note:

Regardless of which of the four bulk operations options that you choose, your file must be saved as “plain text” (file extension .txt) and contain one address per line in one of the following three formats:

Henry Brown


Henry Brown


1. Go to:

2. Next, click on "List Management".

3. Login with your University of Toronto email address and utorlist password.

You will now see a list all of the listservs that you own in alphabetical order.

4. Click on "Configure" underneath the list that you want to modify.

5. Next, select "Subscriber Management" from the "List Management" drop-down menu.

6. Click on the “Bulk Operations” tab.

You will now see four radio buttons to select from. Please make your selection carefully as choosing the wrong option could result in all users being removed from your list.

Option 1

Add the imported addresses to NAME-OF-LIST-OISE-L; do not remove any subscribers.

The file that you create for this option should contain only the addresses that you want to add to your listserv. Use this option to add multiple new members to your list without removing any existing members.

Option 2

Remove all subscribers from NAME-OF-LIST-OISE-L, and add the imported addresses (to remove all subscribers, select this option and omit the input file).

This option will remove all current subscribers from your list and add all of the users from your file. This option should only be used if you have a master file containing everyone who should be subscribed to your list and you want to use this file to overwrite the existing subscriber list.

Option 3

Remove the imported addresses from NAME-OF-LIST-OISE-L; do not add any subscribers.

Use this option to delete multiple users. Every address listed in your file will be removed.

Option 4

Remove the imported addresses from all lists.

Use this option if you own multiple lists and would like to remove multiple addresses from all of your lists (for example, if a user leaves the university and is no longer associated with any of the lists)