
Physical Education

Curriculum and Assessment Guide

Table of Contents

Mission Statement 1


Elementary School 2

Middle School 3

High School 4

Physical Education Outcomes

The Physically Educated Person 5

Exit Outcomes 6

Learning Standards 9

Standard 1 10

Standard 2 16

Standard 3 22

Curriculum Maps 27

Assessment 53

Assessment Types 45

Tips for Assessment 59

Examples of Assessment- Elementary 61

Examples of Assessment- Middle School 84

Examples of Assessment- High School 109

Technology Integration 120

Instructional Materials and Resources 121

Mission Statement

The mission of physical education in the Mahopac Central Schools is to provide a foundation of physical activities resulting in the appreciation of personal health and fitness. Our students will experience a sequence of activities presented in a caring and supportive environment as recommended by both the National Association for Sports and Physical Education and the New York State Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

Elementary Level Skills

The following skills are taught to the elementary students of Mahopac during physical education classes.

I. Health Related Fitness

Ø  Agility

Ø  Endurance

Ø  Strength

Ø  Flexibility

II.  Body Management and Manipulative Skills

Ø  Dynamic and Static Balances

Ø  Hand-Eye Coordination

Ø  Foot-eye Coordination

Ø  Striking Skills

Ø  Kinesthetic and Spatial Awareness

Ø  Laterality and Directionality

Ø  Gymnastics Stunts and Tumbling

Ø  Rhythmic Sequences

III.  Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Development

Ø  Game concepts and strategies

Ø  Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Cooperation

Ø  Cooperative Activities

Ø  Creating a Safe Environment

Ø  Interdisciplinary Activities

Ø  Self and Peer Assessment

Ø  Community Resource Management

Intermediate Level Skills

The following skills are taught to the middle school students of Mahopac during physical education classes.

I. Health Related Fitness

Ø  Aerobic Conditioning

Ø  Circuit Training

Ø  Jump Rope For Heart

Ø  Step Aerobics

Ø  Tae Bo

Ø  Presidential Fitness Testing

Ø  Track Work

Ø  Cross Country Skiing

II.  Adventure Programming

Ø  Full Value Contract

Ø  Cooperative Games

Ø  Trust Activities

Ø  Initiatives- Individual and Team Problem Solving Activities

Ø  Low Ropes Challenges

Ø  High Ropes Challenges

III.  Sports Related Games

Ø  Basketball

Ø  Base Games- Baseball, Softball, Wiffleball, Kickball, Punchball

Ø  Combatives

Ø  Field and Floor Hockey

Ø  Football

Ø  Frisbee

Ø  Golf

Ø  Juggling

Ø  La Crosse

Ø  Low Organized Games

Ø  Scooter Activities

Ø  Soccer

Ø  Speedball

Ø  Team Handball

Ø  Track and Field

Ø  Volleybal

Commencement Level Skills

The following skills are taught to the high school students of Mahopac during physical education classes.


Ø  Walking

Ø  Weight Training

Ø  Yoga/Stretching

Ø  Fitness portfolio


Ø  Basketball

Ø  Floor Hockey

Ø  Lacrosse

Ø  Soccer

Ø  Softball

Ø  Ultimate Frisbee

Ø  Volleyball

Ø  Flag Football

Ø  Walleyball


Ø  Badminton

Ø  Tennis

Ø  Golf

Ø  Raquetball

Ø  Pickleball

Ø  Lawn Games, Bocci, Horseshoes, Croquet


Ø  CPR and First aid


Ø  Cooperative games

Ø  Trust

Ø  Inititives

Ø  Low Elements

Ø  High Elements


Ø  Aerobics/ Step aerobics

Ø  Social


A Physically Educated Person…

HAS sufficient skill to perform a variety of physical activities;

DOES participate regularly in physical activity

IS physically fit

KNOWS the benefits, costs, risks and obligations of physical activity involvements

VALUES the role of regular physical activity in the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

Exit Outcomes: High School Level


Upon graduation, students will be competent in a variety of physical activities, proficient in a few and will perform all basic motor and manipulaitve skills.


Students will:

Ø  demonstrate proficiency in selected physical activities

Ø  maintain a high level of skills that can contribute to living tasks and lifelong activity

Ø  recognize benefits of regular activity

Ø  know the components of personal wellness

Ø  follow a program that relates to wellness


This is evident when students:

Ø  demonstrate combinations of mature motor patterns as applied to games and sports

Ø  show basic competencies in a variety of activities selected from individual, team and dual sports

Ø  analyze their own performance

Ø  design a personal fitness program

Exit Outcomes: High School Level


Upon graduation students will show responsible and safe social behavior while being active and will understand that regular activity provides opportunity for enjoyment, challenge and self expression.


Students will:

Ø  Know the potential safety hazards of an activity

Ø  Accept activity as an important part of life

Ø  Understand physical, emotional and social benefits of activity


This is evident when students

Ø  Plan an activity to provide for safety of participants

Ø  Identify responsible action in the event of an injury

Ø  Model sportsmanlike behavior

Exit Outcomes: High School Level


Upon graduation students will be aware of and be able to utilize opportunities and facilities available to them in their community and will be aware of career opportunities in this field.


The Student will

Ø  Identify a variety of career opportunities in sport and fitness

Ø  Recognize their role as concerned consumers in the community regarding facilities

Ø  Realize the benefits of regular physical activity and engaging in them with others


This is evident when students:

Ø  Examine fitness clubs for quality

Ø  Look into a career in fitness

Ø  Develop strategies to improve or maintain personal and community physical activity

Learning Standards

The following pages contain material taken in whole or in part from a document, titled Learning Standards For Health, Physical Education, and Home Economics, published by the New York State Education Department in 1996.

Standard 1- Personal Health and Fitness

"Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health."

Standard 1- Personal Health and Fitness- ELEMENTARY LEVEL

"Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. They will attain competency in a variety of physical activities and proficiency in a few select complex motor and sports activities. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition."

The Students Knows…

Ø  And understands the fundamental principles of movement

Ø  The effects of activity on the body, the risks associated with inactivity, and the basic components of health-related physical fitness

Ø  And understands the relationship between physical activity and individual well-being

The Student Does…

Ø  Participate in physical activities (games, sports, and exercises) that provide conditioning for each fitness area

Ø  Develop physical fitness skills through regular practice, effort, and perseverance

Ø  Demonstrate mastery of fundamental motor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills

Ø  Demonstrate and assess his/her fitness by performing exercises or activities related to each health-related fitness component and establishes personal goals to improve his/her fitness

The Student Values

Ø  The benefits of participating in physical activity

Standard 1- Personal Health and Fitness- Middle School Level

"Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. They will attain competency in a variety of physical activities and proficiency in a few select complex motor and sports activities. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition."

The Students Knows…

Ø  How to design and perform aerobic team routines that combine traveling, balancing, and weight transfer into smooth, flowing sequences with intentional changes in direction, speed, and flow

Ø  How to design and refine a routine, combining various jump-rope movements to music, so that it can be repeated without error

Ø  How to design and play small-group games that involve cooperating with others to keep an object away from opponents (basic offensive and defensive strategy, throwing, kicking, and/or dribbling)

Ø  How to detect and correct errors in one’s personal movement patterns

Ø  How to monitor heart rate before, during, and after an activity

The Student Does…

Ø  Throw a variety of objects demonstrating both accuracy and distance (e.g., Frisbees, footballs, softballs, etc

Ø  Strike a ball, using a golf club, bat, or hockey stick, so that it travels in the intended direction at the correct height

Ø  Hand dribble and foot dribble while preventing an opponent from stealing the ball

Ø  Keep an object continuously in the air in a small group without catching it

Ø  Throw and catch a ball while guarded by opponents

Ø  Participate in vigorous activity for a sustained period of time while maintaining a target heart rate

Ø  Correctly demonstrate activities designed to improve and maintain muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and cardio-respiratory functioning.

Ø  Recover from vigorous physical activity in an appropriate length of time

Ø  Demonstrate competency in a variety of basic foundation skills such as running, jumping, leaping, hopping and throwing

Ø  Participate in a wide variety of activities

The Student Values

Ø  Participating in games, sports, dance, and outdoor pursuits, both in and outside of school, based on individual interests

Ø  Participating in physical activity as an enjoyable activity

Standard 1- Personal Health and Fitness- High School Level

“Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain fitness, participation in physical activity and maintain personal health.”

The Students Knows…

Ø  The implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities

Ø  The problems and risks when working in the heat

Ø  How to analyze someone’s performance when lifting, jumping, climbing

Ø  Appropriate warm up routines for specific sport skills

Ø  How to analyze ways to maintain and improve balance

Ø  How to set reasonable goals and reach for them

Ø  How to prepare a personal fitness program

Ø  That accomplishing physical activity goals may enhance ones self-esteem

Ø  How to analyze offensive and defensive strategies

Ø  The skills necessary for life saving situations

The Student Does…

Ø  Demonstrate competence in many different forms of physical activity

Ø  Demonstrate mature motor patterns catching and throwing a variety of objects

Ø  Demonstrates mature motor patterns when volleying, dribbling, or striking with a racket

Ø  Learn new skills and activities as a result of the development of a positive self image

Ø  Explore risk taking activities

Ø  Participate in an activity that is new to them

Ø  Demonstrate basic competency in physical activities, individual, dual and team activities

The Student Values…

Ø  Learning and participating in new skills and activities

Ø  The importance of continued activity throughout life


Physical Education

Standard 2- A Safe and Healthy Environment

"Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment."


Physical Education

Standard 2- A Safe and Healthy Environment- ELEMENTARY LEVEL

"Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment."

The Students Knows…

Ø  Appropriate participant/spectator behavior to produce a safe and healthy environment

Ø  How injuries from physical activity can be prevented or treated

The Student Does…

Ø  Contribute to a safe and healthy environment by observing safe conditions for games, recreation, and outdoor activities

Ø  Practice appropriate participant/spectator behavior

Ø  Work constructively with others to accomplish a variety of goals and tasks

Ø  Demonstrate care, consideration, and respect of self and others during physical activity

The Student Values

Ø  Individual differences to ensure safe conditions for activity

Ø  A safe, productive learning environment

Standard 2- A Safe and Health Environment- Middle School Level

“Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity. They will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and communication. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.”

The Students Knows…

Ø  How to recognize the role of games, sports, and dance in getting to know and understand others of like and different cultures

Ø  How to identify proper warm-up, conditioning, and cool-down techniques and the reasons for using them

Ø  How to identify principles of training and conditioning for physical activity

Ø  How to identify benefits resulting from participation in different forms of physical activity

Ø  How to detect, analyze, and correct errors in personal movement patterns

Ø  How to recognize the role activity plays in weight control, energy and fatigue, cardiovascular fitness, and muscular fitness

Ø  How to recognize that improvement in fitness requires time and effort

Ø  How to recognize the risks associated with being physically active in the extreme heat or cold and what preventative measures to take

The Student Does…

Ø  Describe ways to use the body and movement activities to communicate ideas and feelings

Ø  Accept and respect the decisions made by game officials, whether they are students, teachers, or officials from outside the school

Ø  Seek out, participate with, and show respect for persons of like and different skill levels

Ø  Take various roles in turn, when participating in group challenge activities

The Student Values…

Ø  Exercising at home for personal enjoyment and benefit

Ø  The safety of all others, including opponents, when engaged in competitive activities

Ø  All players regardless of ability, acknowledging the accomplishments of the other players

Standard 2- A Safe and Healthy Environment- High School Level

"Students will acquire the knowledge necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment."

The Students Knows…

Ø  The risk and safety factors associated with participation on physical activity

Ø  Knows the role that activity plays on weight control and body composition

Ø  That accomplishing physical activity goals may enhance one's self esteem

Ø  The importance of an active lifestyle filled with enjoyment, self-expression and reflection

Ø  Knows the intrinsic rewards of competition outweigh the extrinsic

Ø  Appropriate sportsman like behavior by group, self, fan

Ø  The value in competition is the process in competing rather than the outcome of the game

Ø  Knows the potential safety hazards associated with physical activities and are able to prevent and respond to injuries