AIS Conference room Marrara 28th July 2013
Meeting opened by President, Chris Kirwin at 3.35pm
Present – Chris Kirwin, Lea Renner, Janine Matheson, Robin Sands, Yvette Thompson, Mandy Kirkland, Andrew Krink, Robert Fulton, Lenny Cooper, Peter Lichtenberg, Ute Lichtenberg, Debra Maynard
Apologies from June Voukolos, Andrew McArthur, Jenny Tiernan
All AGM papers were sent to the Committee via email so reports could be read prior to the meeting.
Minutes from the last AGM
These had been read by all committee members.
Moved by Lea Kirwin and seconded by Janine Matheson that the Minutes be accepted.Carried.
Business arising from the Minutes
The Presidents Report, Executive Officer’s Report and Financial Statements had all been read and there were no questions. Janine presented her report verbally, a hard copy to come.
Moved by Chris Kirwin and seconded by Robin Sands that allreports be accepted as read.Carried
Election of Office Bearers
All positions declared vacant.
Only one nomination received for president-Janine Matheson-elected unopposed
Janine accepted and thanked Chris for all his hard work over the last few years.
No Nominations received for VP so Chris Kirwin nominated Lenny Cooper from floor as Alice VP, seconded Janine Matheson. Accepted
Andrew Krink volunteered from floor as VP for Darwin, 2nd by Chris Kirwin. Accepted
Position of EA (financial controller) Lea Kirwin proposed converting new role back to previous duties and splitting role with new person to be responsible for grants and youth. Moved Janine Matheson, 2nd Mandy Kirkland, carried. Further discussions at next NTTBA meeting
Committee – Alice Springs: TBA
Committee- Darwin: Mandy Kirkland, Robin Sands, Chris Kirwin
Vice Presidents– Darwin: Andrew Krink (Darwin) and Lenny Cooper(Alice Springs)
Financial Controller – Lea Renner
President – Janine Matheson
Disabilities Advisory – Jenny Tiernan
MPIO officer: Chris Kirwin (who will have to stand down from vote if disciplinary action is required against a member)
Carried and congratulations on new roles from Janine Matherson
Sub – Committee Reports and State Team Reports
All reports had been read prior to the meeting and no questions came forward. It was noted that some roles of sub committees now fall under EA roles
Moved Janine Matheson and Seconded by mandy Kirkland that all Sub- Committee and State Team reports be accepted as read.Carried
General Business
Suggested by Lea Kirwin
- New signatories must be added, these are Mandy Kirkland, Andrew Krink and Robin Sands. June Voukolos and Chris Kirwin to be removed. Lea will get the necessary paperwork to them.
Discussion raised by Mandy Kirkland as to talking about current oiling patterns being used at Planet tenpin. Now the initial settling in period has elapsed, it was suggested by Chris that the pattern needs to be flattened so as to not be too easy for bowlers , thus inflating their averages to unrealistic heights. Robin sands will discuss this with Sandy and report at next meeting
We were also reminded that we must conduct a minimum of 4 meetings per year.
Notices of Motion
None were received
Next Meeting:
To be at 6.30pm 2nd September 2013 at Chris Kirwin’s home:39 Tambling Tce Wanguri.
The Chairperson thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 4.15pm.