Preparation of the meeting in Linz


Short pilot description – objectives

Specification of the target group (No of individuals, qualification, grade)

Duration of the course (lessons per week, quantity in total)

Specification of Learning Outcomes

Materials used for the course

Involved teachers

Scheduled internships

Criteria for the evaluation

Short description of the running pilot – objectives

  • The pilot project “I Fuoriclasse: storiedisuccesso” ("The Star Player: success stories")intends to help the young people, who are about to leave or have already left school (NEET), to re-enter the educational cycle or start working, so reducing the school dropout rate, by. This will be done by;
  • adopting non traditional educational models, based on learning by experience instead of theoretical learning;
  • enhancing the importance of empowerment,motivating youngsters to continue training or apprenticeship in order to achieve a professional qualification;
  • developing transversal and basic skills for choosing further training: Italian, mathematics, English, design, engineering, creation and production;
  • fostering a better relationship of young people with their family and launching a cooperation action between families and schools, through appropriate forms of support;
  • creatingnew services within the selectedtraining centres, to consolidate the educational process with innovative educational tools, acting on both key competencies and technical and professional skills necessary for their employability.
  • Switch on the path of learning in young people,:
  • The general goal is to create a motivational reinforcement, with the aim of achieving a professional qualification supporting the youngsters to live an active citizenship through a stable employment experience.
  • The project plansthe students be involved in a challenge, concerning the design and creation of new furniture for "relax and refreshment" areas identified by the partner organizations. These areas are expected to "witness" the success of the youngsters’ effort. They are expected to be a place where success stories are narrated by the objects created by the students themselves. Participants will both plan and implement the relax and refreshment areas, taking care of choosing materials, design and graphical presentation, and integrating different skills and knowledge (mechanical, electrical, graphic, design and fashion). This will be achieved through the successful integration of theoretical activities and practical experience.

Specification of the target group (No of individuals, qualification, grade)

  • The actors of the pilot are 10 young people of different ages, between 15 and 19 years old, Italian and not, boys and girls, who left school (three-year or five-year vocational education and training courses), without a qualification, and are NEETs (Not in Education Employment or Training):
  • some of them dropped out from the first cycle of studies (lower secondary school), i.e. have not completed their compulsory education,are not enrolled in any professional training and are not looking for a job;
  • other have completed their compulsory education, but are not enrolled in any training course and are not looking for a job, or withdrew from the original course. They are between 15 and 19 years old, and are in a social or behavioural conditions that expose them to a high risk of social and working exclusion.
  • The pilot is divided in two groups: the "Group A" consists of 4 students attending the CFP G. Veronesi and "Group B" consists of 6 students attending the IstitutoArtigianelli and the Centro Moda Canossa, so allowing a good coherence of the pilot actionwith the different curricular contents of the different schools.

Duration of the pilot activities (lessons per week, quantity in total)

  • The project time span is from late November 2016 to April 2017, when the internship will start. The total number of training hours is 150.
  • Module 1 - Engagement and training agreement: the group of 10 participants fully understand the objectives and create the group, defining the training agreement and the common code of values (40 hours in classroom and laboratory).
  • Module 2 –Basic principles of safety: the module presents the evaluation of risk conditions for their own and others' safety at work. It also analyses situations of risk for health and safety in the working environment (8 hours classroom and laboratory).
  • Module 3 - Needs analysis and design. The training starts with a meeting with industry experts, who will help participants to focus on the typical requirement of a "relax and refreshment” area, as well as health and hygiene standards. They will proceed with the design and creative phase, followed by architects and designers, who will work closely with the students (90 hours classroom and laboratory).
  • Module 4 - Specific safety elements. The participants will be presented the evaluation of risk conditions for their own and others' safety at work. They will analyse situations of risk for safety and health in the workplace, with specific reference to situations of risk in the various laboratories of mechanical, electrical, electronics, mechatronics, wood, printing, cutting and woven garments production (12 hours classroom and laboratory).
  • The second period, from the secondhalfof January to April 2017, has a duration of 410 training hours.
  • Module 5-Creative workshop,prototyping andproduction: it is thecorephase of the project, whenthe project idea,conceivedin the previous phases,is shaped. The participants will acquirethe typical competences of the twoyearscourse ofindustrial training. Theywill be also motivated to continue the courseorganisedbythedifferent training centres or start the dualapprenticeship scheme for obtaining the qualification.Duringthe laboratory activities, the CLILmethodology will be used, to improve the knowledge of the English language.
  • The third period (April 2017) includes:
  • Module 6 – Internship. Participants will experience a real working environment, and will be guided in the choice of different branches of this industrial sector. The key points of business processes will be explained, as well as how to build good relationships with the employers, and understand the principles that govern the labour market (60 hours)
  • The outcomes of the overall process, well beyond the 60 hours of internships, consist of a relevant help for students to look for potential companies where they can continue the apprenticeship training.

Specification of Learning Outcomes

  • Acquire math skills, technical drawing, applied sciences, graphic design, Italian language and communication skills. This will be achieved thanks to activities in the classroom and laboratory, students will run the training programme.
  • Enter a full-time training or apprenticeship scheme for their qualification, through study visits, activities in external laboratories, meetings with experts from different sectors.
  • Strengthen the self-esteem: direct support measures are planned to strengthen the self-esteem, including actions that involve their family.
  • Become aware of their education progress through an autobiography and the assessment of their training
  • Become able to choose the field of employment they prefer and enter in contact with companies that might hire them.

Materials used for the course

  • The materials are taken from: Competence balance sheet NRW. Know your strengths – use your strengths for Adolescents, by G.I.B. - Gesellschaftfür innovative BeschäftigungsförderungmbH - Land Nordrhein-Westfalen; “Lernpass”, a tool used in Germania to monitor the dual experience of young people in a company.

Involved teachers/tutors/others

  • Centro di formazioneVeronesi
  • IstitutoPavonianoArtigianelli
  • Centro Moda Canossa
  • Sixteen companies are involved in the pilot project. They are active in the fields of typography, lithography, graphics and video (3), technical sportswear (1), social cooperatives (3), flower and garden growers (2), consumer cooperatives (2), electric plants (2), selling of electric material (1), structural works (1), pizza and take away (1). They all have already identified the company's contact person for the pilot.

Scheduled internships

  • Istituto PavonianoArtigianelli (4 Technician Multimedia/Graphics)
  • CFP Veronesi (2 Mechanics/Mechatronics)
  • ENAIP (2 Hospitality Service Specialist)
  • IFP alberghiero Rovereto (2 Hospitality Service Specialist)
  • Fondazione E. Mach (2 Flower and garden grower - Technician)

Criteria for the evaluation(Internal tools for monitoring)

  • Monitoring, assessment and evaluation of classroom, laboratory and practical training. This activity will be developed all over the pilot and will allow students to reflect on the activities performed with a self-evaluation exercise.
  • Autobiography, as well as analysis of training, guidance and laboratory activities.
  • Storytelling, to encourage the participants to develop autobiographical stories, presentingtheir experience. With the help of expert designers, the stories will find a visible location in the "relax and refreshment" rooms, supporting the development of emotional skills.
  • Individual learning support to participants in the acquisition of curricular skills and other additional needs that will arise during the implementation of the various activities. It will be done:
  • during the school hours; before choosing the company for the internship; when the student must decide how to continue the apprenticeship for achieving the qualification.
  • Group orientation support with company visits and meetings before the internship, to meet the need of the company with the personal and professional characteristics of the trainee
  • Families support, through 3-hour weekly meetings to help parents define a new image of the relationship child/parent, overcoming the sense of failure which often accompanies the failure of their children.