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Thanks to a stunning performance by Jack Kidd – brother of supermodel and Maserati racing driver, Jodie Kidd – and team mates Jonathan Ingram and Andrew Foreman, Team Maserati has won the first International Polo on Snow Challenge which took place in Klosters, Switzerland last weekend, beating Team Prodigal 7 to 5 in the final.

First runner up Team Prodigal featured the Hon. Rhodri Phillips (patron of the team, based at Cowdray Park), John Bunn and Andreas Vianini, one of Argentina’s leading polo players with his 7 Goal handicap. Second runner up was Team Parmigiani, with Swiss Reto Gaudenzi as patron, Frederik Bachman and Piero Dillier.

Supermodel, racing driver and Maserati fan Jodie Kidd was on hand to support her brother and was delighted to present him and the Maserati Team with the Winners’ Trophy.

Daniel Waechter, Director of Kloster Tourism, who together with Jack Kidd organised the event said: "The village of Klosters uniquely combines sports, natural charm and style. Polo shares these same values, which is why we wanted to make the first International Polo on Snow Challenge an event for everybody, opening the door of this "sport of kings" to all our guests."


For further information, please contact

Edward Butler
/ Tel: +61 2 9701 8000
General Manager / Fax: +61 2 9701 3555
Maserati Australia and New Zealand / E:
Edward Rowe
/ Tel: +61 2 9701 8000
Public Relations Manager / Fax: +61 2 9701 3555
Ferrari Australia and New Zealand / Mob: +61 407 913 244
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Postal Address: Ateco Automotive Pty Ltd, Locked Bag 260, Silverwater, NSW 1811, Australia
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Release Number: Maserati_40

Date of Issue: 11 January 2006. Time of Issue: 07:37:08