THE Investment For Those That Want More In 2018

Want more this year?

Desire more financial surplus, satisfaction from what you are doing, ability to help those you love, and confidence and consistency in you bank account, business, and portfolio?

What type of investment can deliver on all that in 2018?

New Year, New Approach

For those that want more this year, it is all about trying something new. If you want different results, you’ve got to do something different. Many will finally take the leap into real estate investing this year. The question is where, what type and why?

Existing real estate investors who want better results, or even to retain their gains and momentum of success will need to look for tweaks and new approaches too. Many are realizing that flipping houses and wholesaling ultimately means being unemployed as you are always needing to find a new home to flip. Many income property investors are also finding their profit margins are getting squeezed and are having to do a ton of work and deals to get their cash flow up towards where they’d really like it to be. It can take a lot of “doors” to retire if you’re only netting $200 a month.

Well, Gene Guarino seems to be onto something, with a real estate investment niche that offers supersized rents, and access to plenty of deals that work.

Where is the World Going?

Via Inc., Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos says the one thing that separated people who achieve lasting success from those that don’t is actually not those consumed with what new technology is coming out tomorrow, but ask “what’s not going to change in the next 10 years?”

Investing in senior housing is something Gene Guarino discovered when he himself was asking the question, “Where is the world going and what’s not going to change for the next 10 years or more?” At the time Gene was already a successful real estate investor, with experience in flipping, wholesaling, and commercial real estate. Yet, wanting to expand his knowledge, and in the search for something more himself, and something with a purpose, he stumbled on something unique and powerful that he is now called upon to teach others as “The” expert worldwide.

Gene says “There is a Silver Tsunami of Seniors retiring and downsizing that is here now, and is continuing to grow for the next 20 years.” In some communities this means the percentage of seniors will grow from just 15% to over 25% in the next few years.” This isn’t a trend that is going away anytime soon, and with Gene’s approach investors are making 4x or more the rents than owners of similar properties. He describes it as a sweet spot in the industry where, “unlike other strategies, inventory is not the issue and great cash flow is plentiful.”

Interest in Senior Housing is Trending

This may easily be the biggest and fastest growing niche in real estate. Last year Gene was a featured guest on dozens of radio shows, podcasts and TV shows around the world. In addition Gene spoke in 5 countries and over 50 cities in 2017 alone.

According to Google Trends in January 2018, online searches for ‘assisted living facilities near me’ were up 3,900%, and searches for ‘assisted living homes near me’ were up 2,250%.

Last year the first Residential Assisted Living National Convention (RAL NAT CON) launched, and sold out. As were Gene Guarino’s Residential Assisted Living Academy classes for investors.

New for 2018

Most analysts and global investors appear to have high hopes for the continuing boom in senior housing and assisted living in 2018. Gene’s team has also been ramping up its opportunities for those who want to learn more about this niche. This includes an expanded number of classes, online training, the Assisted Living Business Accelerator, releasing 2 new books, and new podcasts. That’s all in addition to the creation of Family Legacy Homes, for those who simply want to invest their capital into senior housing.

We’re All Going to Need This

The Golden Girls model may be an especially attractive approach for both new and veteran real estate investors. It’s a great way to really help our seniors, and make really good money, but without getting involved in the assisted living needs of seniors. More and more of our parents are retiring and downsizing. Sooner or later they virtually all will. As they age they need spaces with less maintenance, less hassle, that are more manageable, but which don’t leave them on their own either. With housing prices up, and many markets more unaffordable than ever, many may find living in shared housing, with 4 or so seniors in 1 single family home is the ideal option. It solves financial, logistical, and social needs at the same time, and is simultaneously allowing investors to help and make more money than ever.

As this form of senior housing is not regulated like ALFs, and tenants are likely to stay for the long term, and be less damaging to your property, it can offer easier entry and simplification for those who have already been considering it, but haven’t made the leap yet.

For Gene, all of this solved a variety of problems at once, and has “been a blessing,” in aiding his own mother, and now his in-laws. Not to mention becoming an invaluable tool for empowering thousands of others to help their family members and enhance their own finances, and ensure financial security and comfortable housing during their retirement years.

Find Out More…

This year you can catch Gene speaking throughout the US, online at and as one of the key speakers at RAL NAT CON 2018 in October in Arizona.