Elk River Lutheran ELCA March 17, 2015 Council Meeting Minutes

Present: Jim Klein, Diane Harding (Treasure), Greg Pouliot, Diana Schansberg, Jim Klein, Laura Babneau, Joe Livingston, Darren Swenson, Pastor Heidi Zimdars, Kim Hauger via phone (President), and Brad Tesdahl (Secretary). Absent-Betty Zehringer (Vice President) and Adam Horner

Kim Hauger called the meeting to order. Joe Livingston led devotion


§  Brad Tesdahl led review of ERLC Council Meeting from Feb 17th, 2014. 2 corrections.

o  Motion Laura Babneau to approve Feb 17th, 2015 ERLC Council Meeting minutes with 2 stated corrections seconded by Diane Harding. All approved.

§  Finance Report by Diane Harding focused on the Income Comparison report and Committee budget (expense) report.

o  Motion Joe Livingston to approve Finance Report, seconded by Brad Tesdahl. All approved.

§  Pastor Report by Pastor Heidi- See Pastor’s March report document. Of interest, Finance Committee decided to move forward with MIF and Thrivent for ERLC Mortgage, Executive Committee approved in-house led Capital Campaign during April and May.

Team Reports:

§  Adult Ed: activities occurring 2-3 Sundays per month.

§  Caring Faith: report by Diana Schansberg, nothing to report as no meeting this month. Team meets quarterly.

§  Communications/IT report by Darren Swenson: Team revised spec for Tech/AV RFP. Sent out revised document sent out and waiting for bids to be returned. PC obtained for Taylor. Drum shield being built.

§  CYF report by Laura Babneau: Guiding question of this team-“How do we get out of our building?” planning activities for CYF involvement at ER Summer Concert Series (handout our seed packets, fans and other ideas). Team and Youth are appreciative of the donations from the soup supper for summer mission trips. BIG celebration and activities on May 17th to commemorate last day of Sunday School. VBS Planning-2 sessions one during the day and adding night sessions on Sunday nights in August. Youth Breakfast on Palm Sunday. Youth Musical during both services on May 10.

§  Facilities report by Jim Klein: Organ will be moved out of sanctuary and a new space/platform for soundboard will be built. On-going discussions on stained glass window and keeping up with the To-Do list. Also, please do not put miscellaneous items in the “man cave” as the space is getting clogged with random stuff that is being put in this location without talking to this Team.

§  Fellowship report by Joe Livingston: Skiing event at Powder Ridge on Sat. March 21st is canceled due to lack of snow. Next activities a scrapbooking & cribbage tournament on April 18 and Root Beer Floats on May 17. Planning CAER Golf tournament participation (hole sponsorship and organizing a team(s)).

§  Hospitality by Greg Pouliot: need 2 more servers for 10:30 service. Team will frost the lower portion of the main floor café’s windows.

§  New Member Outreach-no report.

§  Worship report: sending out survey to ERLC membership to gauge interest in Sunday night service—a service could occur if more than 50 member commit to attending. Pam Black leading and creating new system for ERLC Members to participate as Worship volunteers.

§  President Update by Kim Hauger: ALL ERLC staff currently filling out time cards daily to help gain understanding of the number of hours needed to perform these positions. Bookkeeping position is being eliminated. Nursery position will be eliminated on May 17th. Ron Sass has ended his volunteering duties as the 10:30 Service Music Leader (playing keyboard, selecting music and leading rehearsals)—Thank you to Ron for all he has done the past 5 years!!—Taylor will take over these duties on a short-term basis (ERLC considering extending Taylors hours and will work with Taylor for a long term solution). Taylor is developing job description for sound board and visual technology operators.

Old Business

Call Committee update: Larry Cook updated the Council: he committee just received 5 candidate names from Synod on March 17. Group has done an initial review and have positive initial reactions about the candidates. List of questions to ask during interview developed. Interviews will start after Easter. We support the work for the Call Committee and the guidance of the Spirit.

PayPal is fully functional on ERLC website. Members can make donations and offerings via this feature.

New Business

Flowers for Easter can be purchased via ERLC website. Synod Conference occurs May 16-17 in Ramsey. Diana Schansberg and Laura Babneau volunteered to attend.

Restructuring of the ERLC Business and Finance calendar to Jan1-Dec 31 will be presented at Church Congregational meeting June. All current Council Members have agreed to extend their term an extra 6 months.

Organization of a Capital Campaign (which will occur in April and May): searching for ELRC member(s) to lead this campaign. Discussion occurred about procuring promotional collateral and what will happen if a member does not set-up to lead this campaign

o  Motion by Laura Babneau to allow Executive Council and Captial Campaign Leadership permission to use $10,000 toward in-house campaign management seconded by Joe Livingston, approved by all.

o  Motion by Laura Babneau to approve Executive Committee to research and hire using outside company to run Capital Campaign if ERLC member does not volunteer seconded by Joe Livingston, approved by all.

o  Motion by Joe Livingston to adjourn meeting seconded by Greg Pouliot, approved by all.

Kim Hauger adjourned meeting.

Next Council Meeting—Wednesday, May 6th 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Brad Tesdahl