ES3 Imagery of the Environment

Spring 2018 De Anza Community College

Instructor:Lynn Thorensen


Tuesdays and Thursdays12:30 - 2:20 pm in KC239

office hoursTuesdays @ 11:00 in KC 221

Course Description:

Imagery of the Environment takes a unique approach to Environmental Studies---what can world art teach us about environmental change and about our past and present relationships with nature? We’ll explore different cultures and times, investigating themes such as climate change, species extinction and distribution, conservation efforts, and our practical, spiritual and ethical ties to other species and to the Earth---using art (all 30,000 + years of it!) as a tool and inspiration. I’m very excited about this GE course! Welcome to the class!


After completing lecture and summary assignments you will be able to:

  • Discover how depictions of nature can serve as important historical indicators of environmental change.
  • Explore what nature-based imagery can teach us about the distribution, composition and/or extinctions of species worldwide.
  • Assess human impacts on the environment as evidenced in visual imagery.
  • Explore the themes and styles used in environmental imagery, both culturally and through time.
  • Analyze techniques of creation, including petroglyphs, rock paintings and sculpture.
  • Examine changing cultural and world -views of nature as evidenced in environmental imagery.
  • Discover how environmental imagery has been used as advertisement, turning nature into commodity.
  • Explore the themes of the artist as naturalist/scientist and conservationist, in the past and today.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Assess and apply the criteria and objectives necessary to be successful in the Imagery of the Environment class.
  • Synthesize and evaluate the results/effects of historic art/environmental traditions (for example--biologists and the Renaissance; art of the Indian tiger; Chinese landscape art; Ansel Adams and landscape photography; Alexander Hogue and the Dust Bowl; species loss and Paleolithic cave art etc.).
  • Analyze and communicate the relationships between our health and the health of the environment in order to apply this information in a civic and community setting.

Recommended text:

Johnson,Cathy 1997 "The Sierra Club Guide to Sketching in Nature",Available via etc. or 3 copies will be on reserve at the Stewardship Resource Center (SRC) at the Kirsch Center (with limited checkout time). The book is out of print but both new and used are still available and either edition is fine.


  • Artist’s drawing tablet with good quality paper (9”x12” a drawing paper not too rough and not too smooth) available in the school bookstore, Aaron Brothers etc.
  • Artist’s drawing pencils- I recommend 3B, HB and charcoal pencils or colored pencils.
  • eraser- pink pearl or plastic and kneaded erasers
  • sharpener with reservoir to catch shavings
  • An inquiring mind and eye!
  • A willingness to be still & quiet, to sit and observe.

This is not an art class and no prior art experience is required !!!

ES3 class website:

our class webpage is found on the De Anza website under the link;

this is where most of the handouts will be posted as well as the lecture power points that will be posted a few days after each class session. Please familiarize yourself with this important resource. We will be talking about this on the first day of class

The Course:

This course will cover a large amount of material in a short amount of time. Therefore, it is imperative that you attend all lectures and take good notes.

initial questionnaire: This assignment isa questionnaire based on the information in this course syllabus. The purpose of this assessment is to ensure that students understand and have read the syllabus. The assessment will be handed out at the first class meeting and due Thurs. April 12th.

Assignment Folders: All the class and group assignments, video notes, SRC research notes, write ups and summaries etc. will be kept in a ES 3 assignment folder which will be provided. They will be collected twice,see class calendar on pages 4-7. Your notes and assignments will also be a valuable reference to be used during both midterm and final.

Sketch Portfolio:You will complete a portfolio which will include 3art assignments,most completed during class time duringthe art sessions. Additional sketches on your own time and choosing (as long as the subject is from nature and relevant to the course) will be given extra credit points based on effort and time put in. Additional work outside of class will be necessary. Please see class calendar for dates and times of the sessions and due date for the drawing assignments.

(2) ArtPresentation Projects:We will have (2) group art/research projects, one at the beginning of the quarter and one at the end of the quarter. You will be working in groups to create artwork that is based on Unit 1: Art of the Paleolithic and Unit 6: Artist as Activist. Both of these projects will be presented to the class and discussed. More information will be presented throughout the quarter to prepare for these projects.

Midterm & Final: There will be a take home, open note midterm and an open note in-class Final worth 75 pt. each. Mostly short essay and short answer. See calendar for dates and times.

Field Trip:There will be 1 required field trip worth 35pts. It will be an art session field trip to a local park, where we will focus on drawing the natural landscape. This field trip will be held on Saturday, May 19th. I will offer alternative options for this activity if it conflicts with your work or school schedule only or with a medical reason.

Class Participation: There will be various group and class discussions as well as board work activities we will be conducting throughout the quarter. Points will be given for participation in these activities. Showing up on time and on a regular basis is important to be successful in this class and will influence this participation score as well.

Extra Credit Articles: On our class website, I will post articles that are related to that week's unit which I encourage If you to read and write a brief summary for extra credit or just for your own interest. I will only accept the write ups as extra credit up to the beginning of the next week.


Assignment folders (2 checks, 30 pt. each) 60 pts.

Presentation projects (2 @ 30 points each) 60 pts.

Art Portfolio (3 assign. @ 25pts each) 75 pts

Take-home midterm 75 pts.

In-class final 75 pts.

Field Trip35 pts

Initial Questionnaire10pts.

Participation30 pts.

Total420 possible points

late work will receive point deductions

Grading scale for your final course grade:

A= 90% - 100%

B= 80% - 89%

C= 70% - 79%

D= 60% - 69%

F = under 60%

Environmental Studies 3: Calendar of AssignmentsSpring ' 18

Announcements and website postings for the Week: / Topics Covered / Activities / Recommended
Week 1: April 10th & 12th
  • Add codes handed out
  • questions answered
  • Overview of quarter
  • Initial questionnaire due Thursday
  • bring art materials for group art project #1 next week
Buy art materials for next week!! / Tuesday:
Introduction to class:
  • Overview of class--adds
  • Questions answered
  • Materials covered
  • overview of ES3 group work
  • Unit #1 Art of the Paleolithic:
Hominid expansion
Cave paintings of Southern Europe
  • Video: Ice Age Bay Area
  • sign up for Art Project groups
  • Initial questionnaire due
  • Unit #1 notes
  • Video write up
  • Connections concept map- Prehistoric Era
  • view prehistoric art ppt.

Week 2: April 17th & 19th
  • Paleolithic cave panel project info & Image review power point
  • bring art materials
/ Tuesday
  • Unit #1- lecture-
Prehistoric Art
Rarities in cave art
  • Video: Virtual tour of Lascaux
  • Unit #1 lecturewrap up
Cave crisis
  • Intro. to Paleolithic animal project
  • animal groups SRC research
  • Unit #1 notes cont.
  • video write up
  • Unit #1 notes
  • memory drawings
  • research notes
  • earth map update

Week 3: April 24th & 26th
  • Art on Campus assignment posted to be included in assignment folder check #1
  • Bring art materials
/ Tuesday:
  • Group Art Project #1
Prehistoric art panel
Prehistoric animal SRC research
  • Paleolithic animal presentations
  • Intro. to Unit #2: Neolithic Era
End of the Ice Age Environment
Conditions for Agriculture / Bring art materials !!
  • research notes
  • prehistoric art panel
  • Unit 2 notes
  • connections concept map- Neolithic Era
  • sign up for lifeways group - research

Week 4: May 1st & May 3rd
  • assignment folder update posted
  • field trip forms filled out
/ Tuesday:
  • Unit #2 Neolithic Era wrap up
  • SRC research lifeways groups
  • Group board work/class discussion
  • Unit #3 Artist as Scientist
Classic period
Chinese Landscape Painting
Middle Ages /
  • life ways concept map notes
  • earth map update
  • Unit 3 notes
  • video notes
  • connections concept map- classic era and middle ages

Week 5: May 8th & 10th
  • Bring your assignment folders and your questions for the midterm review
  • Take-home midterm handed out
covers units #1-3 / Tuesday:
  • Unit #3 Artist as Scientist
Leonardo da Vinci
  • Unit #3 wrap up
Maria Sybilla Merian
  • Review game/note share
  • Unit 3 notes
  • connections concept map- Renaissance
  • video notes
  • Unit 3 notes
  • earth map update

Week 6: May 15th & 17th
  • Bring art materials and drawings for this Tuesday.
  • field trip information and details discussed
  • Midterm and assignment folders due on Thursday May 17th
Class field trip Saturday, May 19th
Art session #2: Drawing Landscapes / Tuesday:
  • Art Session 1
Science Illustration
Review of accuracy techniques
  • Art session 2 Lecture : Landscape
Atmospheric Perspective & Composition
  • SRC Composition Exercise
  • group art assignment #1 self-evaluation
  • warm up exercise drawings
  • Art Session #2 notes
  • composition assign.
/ CH. 1 pg.
CH 2 pg. 37-44
CH 3 pg. 47-53
CH 4 pg 69-82
CH. 2 pg. 31 -37
CH. 3 pg.54 - 66
CH. 10: 179-189
CH. 8 : 147 -160
Week 7: May 22nd & 24th
  • assignment folders handed backTuesday
  • Grade update
/ Tuesday:
  • Unit 4: Extinction
The thylacine
  • sign up for endangered species groups
  • SRC research
  • Unit # 4 wrap up
Walton Ford
John Audubon
  • Board work presentations & Class Discussion
Endangered speciessolutions /
  • Unit # 4 notes
  • SRC research notes
  • Group work notes
  • Unit #4 notes
  • earth map update
  • Solution write up

Week 8: May 29th & May 31st / Tuesday :
  • Art Session #3 - Plants and Animals
  • Intro. to group Art Project #2
  • Unit #5 - Selling of the American West
Age of exploration
Indigenous cultures
Thomas Moran
  • Video - Moran and Yellowstone
  • Art assignment #3
  • sign up for envir. issue for group project #2
  • Unit 5 notes
  • video worksheet
  • earth map update

Week 9: June 5th & 7th
  • assignment folder update and review questions posted.
  • introduce final art project
  • Bring art materials for Thursday
  • Decide on medium for Group Art Project #2
/ Tuesday:
  • Unit #6: Artist as Activist
The Industrial revolution and the environmental movement
  • View art assignment #3
  • Video: A Fierce Green Fire
  • wrap up Unit # 6
climate change
artist as activists
  • Environmental Art
  • Group Art Project #2-
Planning phase /
  • Unit 6 notes
  • video notes
  • art assign. #3 self evaluation
  • video worksheet
  • Unit 6 notes
  • earth map updated
  • come up with media to be used for group art project #2

Week 10: June 12th & 14th
  • Tuesdaybring art materials
  • Assignment folders due Tuesday, June 12th
  • sign up for next week's presentations
/ Tuesday:
  • Group Art Project #2work day
  • Group Art Project #2 work day
  • Assignment folders handed back
  • work in groups
  • work in groups

Week 11: June 19th & 21st
  • assignment folders handed back
  • sketchbooks and any extra credit due ThursdayJune 21st
Last day I will accept any work!! / Tuesday:
  • Group Art Project #2 work day
  • Presentations ??
  • Group Art Project #2 Presentations
Review for final
June 21st is the absolute last day any work will be accepted !!! /
  • work in groups
  • have final review questions answered
  • hand in art assignments
  • presentation write up due
  • hand in sketchbooks

In Class Final = Week 12 Thursday, June 28th @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm KC239


Division of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences ES 3–Spring '18(Thorensen)

Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies