Add Funds and expand the Statement of Work for an Amendment to the existing SCA 06/17/2009
·  ARIS/AIMS Specific Cooperative Agreement (SCA) Template for an Amendment only
§  See page 2 for instructions on each Block Number for the required information and format
Required Information / Enter the response/description in this column and return the completed template and separate REE-454 budget to the ARIS data entry person
1 / Project Title / NO CHANGE
2 / Start Date / NO CHANGE
3 / Term Date / Applicable only if time extension is necessary
4 / Department / NO CHANGE
5 / Institute / NO CHANGE
6 / Remarks: REQUIRED
7 / Objective
AVOID CHANGING UNLESS NECESSARY / If the Objective is revised the review/approval process could take longer. ONP streamlined the review/approval process for add of funds actions based upon limited changes to the ARIS/AIMS data entry; revise only if necessary.
8 / Approach
AVOID CHANGING UNLESS NECESSARY / If the Approach is revised the review/approval process could take longer. ONP streamlined the review/approval process for add of funds actions based upon limited changes to the ARIS/AIMS data entry; revise only if necessary.
9 / Keywords / NO CHANGE
10 / Investigator(s)
ARS & Cooperator / Usually no change, but update/revise when applicable (retirements, resignations, adding new Cat. 1 or 4 SY’s)
11 / Reason research cannot
be performed by the ARS scientist / NO CHANGE
12 / Relevance to Parent
Project Block: / NO CHANGE
13 / ARS Contact Financial Dealings: (Conflict of Interest question) / NO CHANGE
14 / Cooperator’s Principal Investigator / Usually no change, but revise when applicable.
15 / Statement of Mutual
Interest narrative: / NO CHANGE
16 / Mutual Agreements narrative: / NO CHANGE
17 / The Cooperator Agrees
To narrative:
18 / The ARS Agrees To narrative: / OPTIONAL. Usually no change, but the ARS PI can submit an expanded statement for this section when applicable.
19 / Attach the REE-454
budget page (3 columns)

Instructions for completing each Block Number for the template on page 1

Add Funds and expand the Statement of Work for an Amendment to the existing SCA 06/17/2009
§  ARIS part of the entry: Items 3, 6, 10 are in the 416/417 portion of the entry
§  AIMS part of the entry: Items 14, 17, 18, 19 will create the AIMS amendment document
§  Yellow highlighted sections are required
Description, format, limitations, and/or examples for each item
3 / Term Date: Example: Revise from 06/30/2009 to 06/30/2013
·  NOTE: Do not revise unless requesting a time extension action.
6 / Remarks: Adding FY-xxxx funds of $50,000; extending the Term Date from 06/30/2009 to 06/30/2013 for the full five years; Request Type = Extension of Time with Added Funds.
10 / Investigator (ARS & Cooperator). No revision necessary on an amendment except when there is a change to either the ARS and/or Cooperator’s scientists:
·  List each ARS SY participating in the research project; SY time always = 0.00
·  The Cooperator’s PI can also be listed, but do not show the name of the University.
14 / Cooperator’s Principal Investigator. No revision necessary on an amendment except when there is a change to the Cooperator’s Principal Investigator (please provide the following):
§  Full Name (Last, First, MI)
§  Mailing Address, including City, ST/Country, Zip or Postal Code
17 / The Cooperator Agrees To narrative. Required. Please describe the additional work the Cooperator will perform related to the Add of Funds action being processed for the amendment.
Example #1:
Conduct at University facilities and elsewhere as appropriate, research directed towards livestock performance, dry matter production, and preference and plant response to grazing. Activities include:
a. Using improved plant materials to evaluate livestock performance and carrying capacity on improved irrigated pastures;
b. Provide livestock of required size and type for evaluation of animal preference when grazing different grass species and genotypes of the same species;
c. Provide rumen innoculum and other assays needed for forage digestion and quality analysis.
Example #2:
We will plant 80-100 entries from the 2009/2010 USDA-ARS-coordinated Southern and Northern Regional Performance Nurseries and 250-350 entries from the 2009/2010 Regional Germplasm Observation Nursery at three locations in Texas: Bushland, Castroville, and McGregor. The material will be evaluated for resistance to natural infestations of leaf rust, stripe rust, stem rust and powdery mildew. Vernalization requirements will be recorded as appropriate. Information will be transferred to participating U.S. wheat breeding programs via USDA web-based reports. Marker assisted selection will be used to incorporate stem rust resistance into Texas wheat cultivars. Great Plains wheat breeding programs will be invited to submit additional lines for evaluation.
18 / The ARS Agrees To narrative. Optional. Enter the additional info ARS will be doing per this amendment action.
Example: ARS will comprehensively characterize and quantify the physical and chemical properties of byproduct/coproduct streams, as well as novel feed, food, and industrial materials developed from these streams, so that subsequent value-added applications may effectively be pursued for these materials. Physical properties to be studied include moisture content, solids content, water activity, mass density, rheological and flow properties, including viscosity, yield stress, and surface tension, thermal properties, including thermal conductivity, diffusivity, and heat capacity, pH, color, and drying behavior, depending on the specific nature of the coproducts. Chemical and nutritional properties to be studied include protein, amino acid, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, and mineral compositions. Characterization will be accomplished following appropriate methods and procedures.
19 / Attach the REE-454 budget page (3 columns)
§  All three columns of the REE-454 budget must be completed prior to entering the ARIS/AIMS
§  The Cooperator’s PI should work with their university department and/or Office of Sponsored Programs to ensure accuracy of the Cooperator’s 20% in-house contribution to the SCA amendment
§  Applicable to all Add of Funds amendments (not just when establishing a new SCA)