Guidelines for Athletes

2016 - 2017

XavierHigh School, by its very philosophy, exists to form the whole individual: spirit, mind, and body. All of its programs, be they academic, athletic, or extracurricular, exist to meet this objective. First and foremost, Xavier is a Catholic secondary school. Academics always take priority over any extracurricular activity. Athletics, however, are an integral part of the education which many students receive at Xavier. Seen in their proper place they can be rewarding and educational. The discipline policies in the Student Handbook/Calendar always take priority in regards to athletics and/or extracurricular activities. The handbook/calendar as well as these "Guidelines for Athletes" are meant to state Xavier's expectations for its athletes. All athletes are expected to follow the handbook and guidelines. Athletes are required to sign a statement which says that they have read these "Guidelines" and that they will adhere to them. These guidelines do not replace CIAC guidelines; instead, they are supplemental and reflect Xavier's philosophy regarding athletics. No athlete will be allowed to participate in a practice or athletic competition unless this statement is signed and returned to his coach.

Academics and Eligibility

Underclassmen who fail two or more subjects at the end of a marking period may not participate in their particular sport for the entire next marking period.

Parents and administrators reserve the right to declare an athlete ineligible at any time throughout the school year because of poor attitude toward studies or because of other circumstances.

A game, match or meet the night before is not a reason to miss homework, nor is it an excuse to be absent from school. The athlete is responsible to obtain and complete assignments on time.


As stated on Pages22 and 23 in the Student Handbook/Calendar under the section “Controlled Substances”the following apply:

(a) the possession or use of controlled substances of any type or the possession of drug paraphernalia on school property or at any school-related activity will be considered a serious breach of school discipline and may result in suspension or expulsion. In addition, a drug/alcohol dependency testing may, in certain cases, be required before re-admittance to classes/athletic teams is allowed.

(b) students involved with controlled substances of any type or the possession of drug paraphernalia off school grounds or at a non-school function may be subject to disciplinary action.

(c) students who are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action.

(d) the distribution of controlled substances of any type will normally result in expulsion.

Athletes must not attend any student parties/get togethers where alcohol and/or drugs are being used. If the in-season athlete unknowingly attends such an event and does not leave immediately, he will be subject to disciplinary action from the team for that season. If the in-season athlete is in possession of alcohol and/or drugs, he will be subject to disciplinary action from that team for that season. If an athlete is in possession of alcohol/drugs when out-of-season, he will be subject to disciplinary action. All disciplinary action taken will be at the discretion of the administration in consultation with the athletic director, assistant athletic director and head coach.

The use of performance enhancing drugs/supplementsis prohibited.


Xavier strongly discourages smoking. Therefore, the use or possession of any tobacco product is prohibited on school buses, on school grounds, in the school building or in the vicinity of the school. This prohibition also applies to school sponsored events. Student-athletes who violate this policy will be appropriately disciplined and may be a candidate for suspension and probation.


Guidelines found in the (Student Calendar/Handbook pages 17 and 18) should be followed with regard to appearance in school and at athletic contests. Athletes must avoid faddish or extreme haircuts. Shirt and tie are recommended for athletes traveling to an away competition.


An unexcused absence from practice will result in suspension from competition in the next game, match or meet. (Student Calendar/Handbook Page 16). Two unexcused absences result in dismissal from the team. To be excused from practice, sufficient reason must be given to the coach at the earliest possible time. On days when school is cancelled due to inclement weather or other reasons, coaches and athletes should communicate.

Each athlete is responsible for attending all practices and games, including those held during vacation periods and all post-season competition. If vacations are planned during the sport season, the athlete will suffer the consequences set by each individual head coach.

Absence from school normally means the athlete is ineligible to play in an athletic contest scheduled that day and is not allowed to report to practice. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by Mr. Cerreta in consultation with Mr. Jaskot.

If an athlete is unable to participate due to injury or illness, he is expected to attend team functions (games, matches, meets) unless conditions prevent it.

Behavior and Sportsmanship

Administrators reserve the right to declare an athlete ineligible at any time due to behavioral problems. Athletes are responsible for their actions and impressions inside or outside of Xavier and in the greater community.

Any display of poor sportsmanship will be dealt with in a harsh manner. Suspension or expulsion from the team may be a consequence of an athlete's improper actions. The administrationand the athletic director, in consultation with the head coach,will decide the appropriate disciplinary action for each individual case of poor sportsmanship.

Frequent detention could result in suspension or expulsion from a team. The administrationandthe athletic director, in consultation with the head coach,will decide the consequences.

Suspension from school means suspension from the team. In addition, team consequences may be imposed by the head coach.


Coaches are to see that there is absolutely no hazing. Any hazing incident must be immediately reported by any member of the coaching staff to the athletic director and principal. The athlete(s) involved in the hazing incident will be considered ineligible to practice or play until the incident is reviewed by the athletic director and administration.

Frequent Lateness to Practice

Each individual coach will decide the disciplinary action. Extra help is never a problem.

Equipment and Uniforms

Each athlete is responsible for the care and security of his uniform and any equipment. Equipment and uniforms must be turned in on the day(s) designated by each head coach. Failure to do so means the athlete must pay the price for replacement of missing equipment or uniforms.


Participation on any other organized athletic team outside of Xavier while in season is strongly discouraged because of the academic and physical demands placed on the athlete during the season. Participation in organized non-school sports competition, practice and tryouts during the authorized contest season, including CIAC tournament series, IN THE SAME BRANCH OF ATHLETICS shall mean that the student is SUSPENDED FROM ALL INTERSCHOLASIC ATHLETICS until he has been reinstated by the CIAC Board of Control. A student-athlete shall not participate in or represent his school in more than one sport after the date of the first contest for that school in that sport season.

Team Awards

Guidelines for earning numerals, J.V. and Varsity letters or any special awards are set by each individual head coach. All seniors completing the season as a team member or in any other capacity with the team will receive varsity letter and pin/patch and will be eligible for special awards or recognition.