OKC Jan. 2017 article – Renewed Skin499 words

Renewed Skinfor a New Year

The Revitalizing and Wellness Benefits of Kansa

by Kimberley Mertens

When life is in overdrive, or we get caught in the fight-or-flight mode, we may not realize that stress is also held deep within our facial tissues. It’s time to slow down; take a deep, cleansing breath; and rejoice in our natural beauty. Our skin needs to release and let go, too, and this is where the rejuvenating and soothing kansawand comes in handy.

What is the kansawand?

Kansa, a sacred metal alloy, is made from high-quality pure copper, tin and zinc. This ancient blend of metals is known in ayurveda, India’s traditional holistic healing system, as a healing metal. This special blend of metals has a powerful effect on the body’s subtle energies, as well as on the mind and spirit. It is believed to have extraordinary beauty and healing benefits.

Inhabitants of the Indus Valley, a place that many consider the cradle of all ayurvedichealing techniques, first made kansa tools in the Bronze Age, approximately 5,000 years ago. Tools like this have long been used in India to enhance health, increase energy, support general well-being, promote longevity and relieve stress.

The kansawand is used on the face with simple, repetitive, long strokes and circles, pulling acidity from the tissues. Kansa wands can be used with organic jojoba oil, which is not really oil but a wax ester—the closest thing to the sebum in our skin and balances out the oil. Jojoba does not block pores, and is non-congestive and nonirritating to the skin. Before use of the kansawand, the face should be cleansed well. Several pumps of organic face oil, like jojoba,arethen applied to the face for use with the wand.

Benefitsof the kansawand:

This fascinating tool, which has been used for thousands of years,was carefully designed to help benefit us in so many ways:

-It revitalizestired faces, stressed shoulders and aching necks.

-It restores a youthful quality to the complexion.

-It provides a gentle lift and brings life back to the face.

-It feels gentle and soothing and stimulates the subtle energy

grids, known in the ayurvedic and Chinese traditions.

- It eases pain, tension, congestion and inflammation.

- It balances body, mind and spirit.

- It detoxifies the skin tissues.

- It provides a relaxing experience thatrelieves stress.

Aesthetician clients report amazing results with regard to appearance of facial skin.Kansa is truly a treasure in this busy world.

Kimberley Mertens is a licensed, certified aesthetician located at Nantucket Landing, 3140 W. Britton Rd., Ste. D, Oklahoma City. She has studied kansa extensively, and thekansawand is one of many tools Mertens employs with her clients. For more information, call 405-517-0967 or visit KimMertensSpa.com. See ad on page xx.