Chapter 4

What should I do if my files are displayed in a different order?

Press the F5 key to refresh the file list.

What should I do if a Dreamweaver warning box is displayed?

Click the OK button to display the Save As Template dialog box.

What should I do if an Update Links dialog box is displayed?

Click the Yes button to create the Templates folder in the parks local files folder.

How did the Templates folder get created?

Dreamweaver created the Templates folder automatically.

What does the extension .dwt indicate?

The .dwt extension indicates it is a template file.

What should I do if a Dreamweaver warning box is displayed?

Click the OK button to continue.

What should I do if an Image Tag Accessibility dialog box opens?

Close the dialog box without entering any information. This dialog box was disabled in Chapter 3. If necessary, repeat the steps in the “To Disable the Image Tag Accessibility Attributes Dialog Box” section to disable the dialog box again.

Why do dotted lines appear around the image?

The dotted lines indicate that this template is using a div tag to lay out the page elements. A div tag is an HTML tag that contains text, similar to a table cell in HTML layouts.

What will users do with this heading text when the page is displayed in a browser?

Users can select the [name of attraction] text and replace it with an attraction name, such as Yellowstone National Park.

What will users do with this paragraph text when the page is displayed in a browser?

Users can select the ‘Add short description of attraction’ text and replace it with text that describes the attraction, such as a fact or two about the attraction’s history.

What is the Summary text used for?

Screen readers can read the summary text, though it does not appear in the browser. The Summary text increases the accessibility of the Web page.

Why does the left cell expand to take up most of the table?

The cell expands to accommodate the placeholder text. When you add content to the right cell, the table will adjust accordingly. By default, Dreamweaver lets the browser determine the width or height of a table cell depending on the contents of the cell. You can avoid this expansion by setting the W value for the column in the Property inspector. To do so, select the column, and then enter the width in pixels or as a percentage. When you specify a percentage, follow the value with a percent symbol (%).

What is an image placeholder?

An image placeholder is a generic graphic you use until you are ready to add a specific image to the page. If necessary, you can set the size and color of the placeholder and include a text label to identify it.

Should I always use these width and height values for an image placeholder?

No. Usually, you specify the approximate width and height of the image you plan to insert later so you can see how the image will fit into the page.

The name in my New Editable Region dialog box has a different number at the end. Why is that?

Dreamweaver numbers the name of the editable region according to how many editable regions you already have created. You rename the editable region in the next step.

How can I tell which areas on the page are editable regions?

Editable regions appear with an outline around the text and a tab containing the region’s name.

What should I do if a warning dialog box appears?

If a warning dialog box is displayed, indicating you have placed an editable region inside a <p> tag, click Cancel, and then repeat Steps 5 and 6.

Why did I click the <h2> tag before clicking the New CSS Rule button?

You clicked the <h2> tag because you are setting the attributes for the Heading 2 style. After you complete these steps, all of the Heading 2 text in all of the documents attached to the spotlight style sheet will have these same attributes.

What is the effect of selecting Tag (redefines an HTML element)?

When you select the Tag option, you redefine the default formatting of the selected tag, which is <h2> in this case.

What should I do if a Code Navigator icon appears?

Continue with the steps. The Code Navigator icon appears to help you navigate to related code sources, including CSS style rules.

How will the CSS rule change the formatting of the current Web page?

The CSS rule being created is for the table style, so all the tables on the park_attractions page will share the same formatting: black Arial text, green background, and a grooved, thick black border.

How do I access a full view of the attributes in the CSS Styles panel second column?

Move the pointer over the vertical bar until it turns into a two-headed arrow and then drag to the left.

How can I remove a style?

To remove a style from an element on a Web page, select the element and then click the Delete CSS Rule button in the CSS Styles panel.

What should I do if a Dreamweaver dialog box appears and asks whether to save changes to spotlight.css?

Click Yes to save any changes.

Why does the Assets panel contain templates?

The Assets panel includes all of the assets for your site, including images, video, and other media. A template also is considered an asset.

How can I tell when a template is applied to a Dreamweaver document?

The document has a yellow border and a tab is displayed in the upper-right corner of the Document window with the name of the template.

What should I do if a Getting Started in Expanded Tables Mode dialog box is displayed?

Read the information and then click the OK button.

Where is the insertion point?

The insertion point is below the image. You may not see the insertion point until you begin typing.

How should I add the four other images and descriptions?

Scrolling as necessary, drag each image to the appropriate table cell, resize and name the image, refresh the page, click to the right of the image, insert a line break (hold down SHIFT and press the ENTER key), and then type the description. Press the TAB key to move from cell to cell.

Why does the Home link text appear in white?

You set the link color for unvisited links to white using the Links (CSS) category in the Page Properties dialog box.

What will happen when a user clicks the Yellowstone National Park link?

The linked page will open in a new window when the link is clicked.

How do I upload the Web site to a remote server?

Appendix C contains information on uploading to a remote server. A remote folder is required before you can upload to a remote server. Generally, the remote folder is defined by the Web server administrator or your instructor.