Country Acres Goldens

Sandy Boucher

123 Cooney Road

Pomfret Center, CT 06259

Telephone: (860) 928-1466


Date:______Best Contact Phone:______




State:______Zip Code:______

Please take a moment to provide us with some information. Because the well being of our dogs and the satisfaction of our prospective families are very important to us, please share as much information as possible to help us know more about your home and your desire for a puppy companion. We strive to make sure that any adoption is a perfect fit for both you and your puppy.


Would you prefer: male_____ female_____ either_____

How did you hear about us and our dogs?

Referred By______

Does everyone in your family want this puppy?

Who will be the primary care giver for your new puppy?

Are you willing to crate train your new puppy?

How many hours a day are you away from your home?

If your new puppy would be by itself for long periods, would you agree to arrange for someone to come and care for it?

Are there children in the home? If so, what are their ages?

Do you own or rent your home?

What size is your yard?

Is your yard fenced?

Will you be able to provide daily exercise for your dog?

Where will your new dog sleep at night?

Where will your dog stay when you are not a home?

Are there other pets in the home? If so, what kind and how many?

Have you owned a golden before?

If yes, please tell us about your experience?

Will you ensure that your puppy will see a veterinarian within 3 days of his or her arrival in your home?

Will you be willing to provide proof that your puppy is spayed or neutered (unless she/he is sold specifically for breeding purposes and a contract with Country Acres Goldens is in place?

Please provide your veterinarians name and contact information including website.