Spring 2006

Instructor: Leslie Preston

Telephone: 775-5245


Address: Great BasinCollege

1500 College Parkway

Elko, Nevada89801


Course Description:

Provides a practical, informational approach to this subject. Surveys the biological, cultural, and ethical aspects of human sexuality.


Dimensions of Human Sexuality, Fifth Edition, by Byer, Shainberg, and Galliano – McGraw Hill Publishing Company

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Identify and discuss the sexual dimensions.

2. Identify current and major issues in the field of human sexuality today.

3. Identify and explain the concepts of physical and developmental sexuality.

4. Identify and explain reproductive sexuality.

5. Identify the major concepts related to sexual response and pleasuring.

Course Requirements:

Each student is responsible for all reading material and classroom information. All information, printed materials, and tests will be distributed only once. There will be no make-up exams, so you are responsible to be there to take the test or, in extreme emergencies, contact the instructor to discuss your situation. Class participation in the class will be a factor in your final grade.


Tests given during the semester will be true/false, completion, multiple choice, and short answer essay questions.

The following system will be used:

A=100 – 90

B=89 – 80

C=79 – 70

D=69 – 60

F=59 – below

The final grade is a compilation of all test scores, class participation/attendance points, outside assignments, journal points, plus the research paper.

A “W” (withdrawal) will be given to students only when the following conditions are met:

1. the student must notify the instructor regarding their intent to withdraw,

2. the student must notify the Student Services and OFFICIALLY withdraw from the class, and

3. this must be done no later than the end of the 13th week of semester; otherwise, and “F” may be given if these conditions are not met.

Incomplete (“I”) grades will be assigned sparingly, when, in the judgment of the instructor, the student has completed the major portion of his/her work for the course, is passing the course, but cannot finish the course by semester’s end for a compelling reason such as injury, illness, etc. If the incomplete has not been removed by the middle of the ensuing semester (October 15th or March 15th), the “I” on the student’s record will revert to a letter grade (which could be an “F”).

Make-up Policy

If it is absolutely unavoidable that you miss an exam, you must make the arrangements with me. I will not remind you. If the make-up is not completed before I hand the other tests back, you will not be allowed to make-up the exam.

Class Expectations / Important Dates

PSY 130 Spring 2006

Tests: three exams worth 100 points each. Each test will consist of true/false, multiple choice, completion, and short essay answers.

Chapter Topic response papers: One page papers worth 10 points each. (9 total chapters) See handout for additional information.

Weekly class journal – each entry worth five points. See handout for additional information.

Class attendance and participation – regular class attendance and active class participation in discussions, small groups, and presentations, is worth up to 30 points.

Out of class assignments – two or three occasions – brief responses worth 10-15 points each.

No late assignments will be accepted.

There will not be any extra credit offered.

Exams 3 @ 100 = 300 total points possible

Chapter papers 9 @ 10 = 90 total points possible

Attendance/ part 30 possible points

Extra assignments 2-3@ 15 = 30 -45 possible points

Weekly journal 12 @ 5 = 60 possible points

Important Dates:

January 23 First day of class

February 20No school – President’s holiday

February 273 - Chapter topic papers due (from chapters 1-6)

March 6Exam #1

March 203 Chapter topic papers due (from chapters 7-13)

March 27 No class – spring break

April 10 Exam #2

May 13 Chapter topic papers due (from chapters 14-18)

May 8Exam #3 Last class

Class Outline – Spring 2006 – Psy 130

January 23Intro, sexual knowledge test, outline of class / class expections

Media assignment

Start weekly journal

January 30Media assignment due

What is human sexuality

Terms /vocab

Sexual beliefs, values and traditions, hx

weekly journal

February 6Sexology and sex research



Weekly journal

February 13 Love and attraction

Marriage and long term relationships

Weekly journal

First Chapter topic paper due

February 20 No school

February 27Sexual anatomy

Sexual response cycle

Review for exam #1

Weekly journal

March 6Exam #1

March 13Sexual pleasuring

Sexual dysfunctions

Sex therapy

Weekly journal

March 20Pregnancy, Abortion, Adoption

Weekly journal

Second chapter topic paper due

March 27Spring Break

April 3Child and Adolescent Sexuality

Weekly journal

April 10Sex Education

Adult Sexuality / older adult sexuality

Review for exam #2

Weekly journal

April 17Exam #2

April 24Commercialization of sex


Variations in sexual behavior

Weekly journal

May 1Child sexual abuse

Juvenile offenders/adult offenders

Date rape

Sexual homicide

Weekly journal due

Last Chapter topic paper due

May 8Review of class

Review for exam #3

Last weekly journal entry – turn in

May 15Final exam