Microsoft Word
Pre-Course Questionnaire /

Please complete this form so that we can assess your training needs. Please note that the answers you give to this pre-course questionnaire will be held in complete confidence. It is important that you answer the questions as accurately as you can, to help us to select the course that would be most beneficial to you.

Type your name, then use the Tab key to move sequentially through the first page and then on to the second. If you can confidently do the following or answer yes to a statement, press the space bar to check the box, if you check a box by mistake you can press the space bar again to uncheck it.

Please email the completed questionnaire to as soon as you can after receiving it.

Full name: / Company:
Email address: / Date:
Your Word Skills: / Have never used it / Basic / Average / Average + / Good
Have you attended any of these Word training courses with us or another company? / Introduction
Or Level 1 / Intermediate or Level 2 / Advanced or Level 3
Understand and know how to change the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) / Create and save a document
Save a document with a different name / Insert a date to show the current date within a document
Apply Spelling and Grammar checks / Preview and print a document
Navigate through a document / Select blocks of text, eg a word, a paragraph, the whole document
Inserting symbols and special characters / Use Find and Replace
Cut, copy and paste blocks of text / Change font type and size, eg change from Arial to Times New Roman, and from 10 to 12
Change font styles and underlines, eg bold, italic, double underline, strike through / Apply special effects to Fonts, eg highlights, cases, colour, text effects, shadow
Use Format Painter / Alter line and paragraph spacing
Change paragraph alignment, eg left, right, centre, justified / Change paragraph indents, eg left and right indents
Change page options, eg margin settings , orientation, paper size, page breaks, page numbers / Apply borders and shading to a document
Use Headings – View, Edit, Add / Work with multiple documents
Apply special indents, eg first line indents, hanging paragraphs / Understand keeping lines and paragraphs together
Use hard and soft returns and hyphenation / Set and remove custom tabs
Insert bullets and numbers to paragraphs / Use multilevel numbering, eg 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc
Create and modify tables / Use Building Blocks, eg blocks of text, images, logos etc that can be inserted into documents
Use Styles, eg for consistency in long document / Use and modify Themes – combination of theme colour, fonts and effects for consistency
Create and modify Templates / Create section breaks and understand the different types
Create headers and footers / Create a simple mail merge for letters
Insert and manipulate pictures, eg replace, remove background, change colouring / Create drawings and illustrations using Clip Art, Shapes, SmartArt and Screenshot
Insert a cover page and watermark, / Apply page colours and page borders and lines
Save a document as a PDF / In Mail Merge, exclude, filter and sort recipients
In Mail Merge, apply an If..Then..Else rule and a Fill-In rule / Create and modify Text Boxes
Insert SmartArt, eg organization chart / Create and navigate with Bookmarks
Insert and format a Table of Contents / Index a long document
Insert Fields, including Document Information, Formula, Date and Time fields / Use interactive fields, eg FillIn fields, Ask fields, Ref fields
Create a Master document and SubDocuments / Apply and remove Track Changes
Understand the different ways to protect a document, eg read-only, password protect, restrict formatting and editing / Create electronic forms with fields that force users to move to specific areas, eg this form
Record macros to optimise performance / Import data from Excel into a word document

Are there any specific aims you would like to achieve on the course, or problems that you are currently having?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

© ashbee Computer Services MS Word Questionnaire Tel: 01483 810500

