Eosinophil Liquid Cultures from LDBM Cells
Low Density Bone Marrow Harvest
- Remove hind legs of mouse at hip bone?), scrap away muscle, and place in PBS
- Crush bones in a mortar and pestle under hood
- Filter through a 70um cell strainer Into a conical tube
- Wash bones one more time by adding 10 mls of 1X PBS, filter , and add to previously filtered cells.
- Spin at 1200 rpm for 5minutes
- Remove super, add 10 ml RBC lysis buffer
- Incubate two minutes at 37C with swirling
- Add 20 ml of 1X PBS, or 1X HBSS buffer
- Spin at 1200 rpm for 5minutes
- Remove Super
- Add 3 ml of 1X HBSS buffer to cells/per two mice with which you started
(so, if you started with 4 mice, add 6 ml)
- Add 3 ml of histopaque 1083 to a 15 ml conical tube
- Layer 3 ml of cell in HBSS over the histopaque, very slowly, so that you have two clean layers
- Spin tubes at 1700rpm for 30 min
- LDBM cells will remain at interface
- Aspirate off the top layer with vaccum in tissue culture hood , down to cells
- Pipette off the cells into new tube
- Add 2X the volume of cells with IMDM media and mix
- Spin the cells at 1200 rpm for 5 minutes
- Remove super, resuspend cells in media, count
Generally a 4-week old mouse will give approximately 10 X 106 LDBM cells
7-week old mouse will give approximately 5 X 106 LDBM cells
Eosinophil Culture
- Plate LDBM cells at 1 X 106cells/ml
2.Change media every two days by carefully removing the media without disturbing the cells
3.To day 0, and day 2 media add SCF, FLT3 at 100 ng/ml each
4.All media changes from Day 4 onward should contain 10 ng/ml IL5
Eos Culture Media
IMDM + Glutamax (GIBCO 31980)
Pen/Strep 5-ml (Gibco 15140)
FBS 10% (use Hyclone one, which is better for this purpose)
L-Glutamine 5-ml of a 200mM (Gibco 25030)
B-ME final concentration 55um or 1X (Gibco 21985-023)