Friends of Fricke Baseball Boosters
2018 Summer Legion Baseball
The Summer Legion Baseball program is supported through the Friends of Fricke Baseball Boosters. We offer Baseball for 3 Legion Teams. 1 senior team and 2 junior teams. The player fee is $600.00 per player. These Fees are DUE no Later than June 1st. We do Offer a alternative to cutting the cost down by getting a sponsor for your player. With a $100.00 - $400.00 sponsor they will get their Name on our banner and a sponsor of $400 and above will get the company’s Logo in the Banner. All of these Sponsors need to be turned in on June 1sth. This Banner will be on display at all home games and tournaments throughout the season. The amount of sponsor will come off the paler fee.
Player Fees due:June 1st
Sponsor’s due:June 1st
Golf Fund Raiser
Each Year we host a Friends of Fricke Baseball Golf Fund raising event that is held in May on the 3rd weekend. This golf outing is one of our major Fund raising events. Each team are responsible for getting 12 foursomes and 12 hole sponsors. A total of 36 teams and 36 Hole sponsors. We make a minimal amount on each golfer but we make most of our money on hole sponsors and raffle prizes so any flag prizes you can get would be appreciated. These need to be turned in the week before our tournament.
Concessions and Gate
At each game in the Summer All Parents from each team are required to help out in the concessions stand. We have to have 5 parents (NO Kids) for each game. This is mandatory NO EXCEPTIONS we all must support this. Our concession stand and gate is what allows us to keep the summer fees down. We have to have 1 announcer, 1 Scoreboard, 2 Concession workers and 1 for the Gate. Don’t upset others by not doing your share all parents must do their part here. (NO KIDS- ADULTS ONLY)
We do not have a lot of time between High school and legion baseball and we know that some of you won’t know if your son will playing during the summer but. You need to be aware of deadline if you have a son that will be playing. Any questions you might have please feel free to contact John McCord or Deb Yost. You can also find this information on our website
John McCord(President)Deb Yost (Secretary)
1110 Fulkerson Rd.822 Wilshire Lane
Papillion, Ne. 68046Papillion NE. 68046
Please submit ALL Fees to Deb Yost