AASHTO-Research Advisory Committee, Region 3
Meeting Minutes – 1/10/2010
/ January 10, 2010 /Time
/ 9:00 pm (Eastern)Facilitator
/ Mara Campbell / Scribe / Daniel YehSubject / RAC Region 3 meeting
Attendees / Member states attending:
Illinois – Amy Schutzbach (AS)
Indiana – Tommy Nantung (TN)
Iowa – Sandra Larson (SL)
Minnesota – Linda Taylor (MN), Alan Rindels (AR)
Missouri – Mara Campbell (MC)
Wisconsin – Daniel Yeh (DY)
Others attending:
Lisa Williams, FHWA (LW)
Pat Casey, CTC & Associates (PC)
MujeebBasha, Illinois Tollway (MB)
David Kuehn, FHWA (DK)
Joseph Conway, FHWA (JC)
Member states not attending:
Kansas, Michigan, Ohio
Initials will be used in the notes below.
Key Points Discussed
No. / Topic / Highlights1. /
Review of agenda / roll call
2. /Review of Nov 17 minutes
/ AS moved to approved, TN seconded. Motion carried.3. /
Update on TPF program
/ LW reported on TPF program activities. Positive aspects include the new program manual, monthly Webinars and closure of 75 projects. Concerns exist with the need to temporarily stop the program to close projects, issues with funding reconciliation and questions as to whether the Webinars meet the needs of the state DOTs.LW elaborated on the Webinars, noting that they were meant to highlight program successes and share information. Based on state interest, the next few Webinars will focus on financial processes in the TPF program.
FHWA will be focusing on reconciliation for pooled fund projects into 2010. The FHWA financial office will be contacting each state DOT in this regard. FHWA will post a tracking list of projects on its Website.
FHWA will also focus on closure of projects for which the objectives have been met.
LW also discussed the progress toward the new generation Web site for the TPF program. Phase 1 included collection of information and comments from users. The planning team has met with the contractor to approve Phase 1 and has approved the start of Phase 2 to develop the site. Key upcoming decisions will need to be made for hosting and maintenance of the new Web site.
4. /
State by state update
/ TN reported that the new commission has approved a new slate of research projects in Indiana and has asked for the program to tie the projects into department strategic goals. The agency will use a bottom approach to develop projects for FY2011. The state is still running a budget surplus.AS noted that Illinois DOT is closing out its FHWA process review. FHWA is satisfied with the project review process, oversight and regular meetings. One area of concern is implementation of findings, and IDOT is conducting a survey of RAC members to gather information on the topic. IDOT has one year remaining on its agreement with its UTC. IDOT is continuing discussions with the University of Illinois regarding use of SPR funds for travel. IDOT attended MnDOT’s recent peer exchange on the value of research and is putting some of the findings into action.
LT handed out MnDOT’s 2009 “At a Glance” report that summarizes the program and the department strategic research areas. She also distributed a short summary of other section highlights including a recent peer exchange, library initiatives, process and business flow, on-line summaries, marketing / communication strategies and an open house / technology fair.
MC provided an overview of research completed, ongoing projects and upcoming proposals. MoDOT will hold a forum in February to engage partners in providing research ideas. The prioritization / selection process would begin in April and wrap up around June. MC also noted that new product and process evaluation is now managed by her unit. MoDOT is facing continued budget constraints.
DY provided the group with WisDOT’s 2009 annual report, its 2010 TRB guide and a summary of upcoming initiatives. In 2010, WisDOT will host a research awareness workshop, a peer exchange on performance of researchers and a research ideas workshop, and will co-host the Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium.
SL noted that Iowa DOT is busy, although the research program had to take a $250,000 reduction due to budget constraints. SL reported that the chief engineer at Iowa DOT is retiring.
5. /
Task force updates
/ AS reported that the administrative task force has posted the guide for new members on the Web site.TN noted that Tim McDowell (Wyoming) is resigning as funding task force chair. The committee is awaiting action on reauthorization.
The group noted that the future needs task force has been disbanded and the peer exchange task force is finishing its work and will likely end after that point.
MC handed out the brochure created by the value of research task force that has been distributed to CEOs. She encouraged members to distribute it to management and staff colleagues in their respective departments. MC also asked members to distribute the compilation of the high value research projects that were highlighted at the 2009 RAC annual meeting.
6. /
2010 summer meeting update
/ MC provided the brief framework of the 2010 annual meeting agenda. SL noted that CUTC may also want a meeting in conjunction with AASHTO. MC & DY noted that the conference planning committee would soon be calling Region 3 members to ask to coordinate sessions. MC also noted that Region 3 members will be asked to help identify potential exhibitors.7. /
RAC3 business
/ MC noted that TN will become chair in 2011. She will ask Rod Montney (Kansas) if he would be willing to take on the role of Secretary. If he is unavailable, DY can continue in the role until the summer meeting.8. / Other business / SLreminded members that they should have received the copy of Neil Pederson’s testimony and the most recent SCOR update. She urged members to respond to the Federal Register request from RITA asking for public comments on strategic research direction.
Action Items
No. / Action Item /
/Target Date
4. / States that provided a written update for the meeting should submit an electronic copy to Daniel Yeh to include with the meeting minutes. / Daniel Yeh / January 22, 20105. / Mara Campbell will ask Rod Montney to serve as RAC3 Secretary for 2010. / Mara Campbell / January 22, 2010
6. / States should respond to the Federal Register request from RITA and copy Sandra Larson, RAC Chair on your states response. / RAC 3 Members / February 2010
AASHTO-RAC Region 3 Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2010
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