Coleman High School - Application

1600 E. Golf Course, Midland, TX 79701

Please call to set up an interview appointment – Please bring this form, completed, to the interview.

(432) 689-5000 -- Or stop by and visit with our staff.

Student Name: ______MISD Student ID#: ______

Student Address: ______Zip:______

Student Home Phone #: ______Student Cell #: ______

Does Student Work? ____Yes ____ No If Yes - Where: ______

Student Birth Date: ______Age: _____

Last School Attended: ______Year: ______Grade: ______

City and State of school: ______Zip: ______

Special Programs the student has been a part of: ESL_____Migrant_____504_____Special Ed____ GT _____

Other ______

Parent/Guardian 1 Name: ______Cell Phone #:______

Parent/Guardian 1 Place of work: ______Work Phone #: ______

Parent/Guardian 2 Name: ______Cell Phone #:______

Parent/Guardian 2 Place of work: ______Work Phone #: ______

Parent/Guardian Address: ______Zip: ______

Parent/Guardian Home Phone#: ______

Please check the reason(s) you are requesting to attend Coleman High School:


______School Age Parent

______Attendance Problems

______Pregnant (verification of pregnancy must accompany this application)

______Dropped out of high school When? ______

______Discipline Problems*

______Failed courses the previous semester*

______Previously reclassified*

______Previously retained (Grade(s):______)

______Need to work*

______Coming from an alternative school*

______In high school more than 4 years

______Coming from a treatment center*




End Of Course Testing-EOC

Alg I Pass (____Yes)(____No)(____Not Tested Yet) Bio Pass (____Yes)(____No)(____Not Tested Yet)

US History Pass (____Yes)(____No)(____Not Tested Yet)

Eng I Pass (____Yes)(____No)(____Not Tested Yet) Eng II Pass (____Yes)(____No)(____Not Tested Yet)

Parent/Guardian - Why do you feel Coleman High School is your child’s school of choice? Why do you feel your student will be best served at this high school?


Student - What areas are you committed to improve while at Coleman if accepted? ______

Student - What are your most positive attributes or strengths?


Student - What are your goals after high school?


Coleman High School Student Contract

·  I understand that Coleman High School is committed to academic excellence in a non-traditional setting to ensure that students graduate, enroll in post-secondary education, become productive citizens and lifelong learners, and accelerate their graduation in a three year period.

·  I understand that Coleman High School is by selection only and is intended for students who are “at risk” of dropping out or are behind in earning credits, or have already dropped out of school. I understand that this school is a school of choice for those students that have a strong desire to complete their graduation requirements.

·  I understand that once I am selected to Coleman High School, I will not be eligible to return to my home campus until the following year.

·  I agree to maintain good attendance and be punctual every day.

·  I agree to perform my academic tasks with a positive attitude and be respectful to the teachers.

·  I agree to take TAKS/EOC classes if necessary to fulfill the graduation requirement for testing.

·  I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the MISD Code of Conduct.

·  I understand that Texas Law requires 90% attendance regardless of circumstance and agree that makeup hours are required to keep credits once the 90% limit is broken or I start the classes over.

·  I understand that the administration will review my attendance, discipline, and academic progress. My failure to show academic progress and good discipline and attendance are due course to revoke the privilege of a half day program or continue in the program for the following year.

·  Courses at Coleman High School are self-paced, however, if adequate progress is not made in a class the class will be reset. The student will restart the course from the beginning and will be required to maintain adequate progress. Adequate progress is based on completion of, on average, three to four lessons a week and course completion within one semester.

I have carefully reviewed and understand the school’s application form and contract and I want to be considered for enrollment at Coleman High School.


Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Interview Date ______Interviewed by Administrator ______Counselor ______