Annual General Meeting May 2, 2015
For the reporting period Jan-Dec 2014
Venue: Buddhist Society of Victoria
2nd May 2015
Time: 2pm
Temples: Quang Minh Buddhist Temple, Siddhartha’s Intent, Theinngu Vipassana Meditation Centre, Yun Yang Temple, Australian Buddhist Kalyana Mitta, Nalandra Australia ( Australian International Vajrayana Buddhist Institute), Melbourne Thai Buddhist Temple, Buddhist Society of Victoria, Dharma Drum Mountain Melbourne Chapter, E-Vam, Infinite Wisdom International, Kisenji, Lingyen Mountain Temple, Melbourne Buddhist Centre, Atisha Centre
Individuals: Myly Nguyen, , Maung Maung Myo Min, Soe San Win, Albert Chang, Prue Lamont, Boonsom Uttan, Michael Wells, Laura Chan, Lisa Blaze, Rita Kryshkovski, Hojun Futen, Bee Ho, Venerable Ziu Wei, Harvey Tuck, Brian Ashen, Dan Dantanarayana, Edwin Ng, Daniel Blaze, Carey Rohrlach, Bhante Darma, James Page, Freeman Trebilcock, Rita Kryshkouski, Bianca Paliaga, Diana Cousens
Proxies Received:
Lal Samarasekera of Dhamma Sarana Temple Keysborough appointed Peggy Page,
Nga Dam of Hoa Nghiem Temple appointed Peggy Page,
Min Li Chong of Lotus Speech Australia appointed Peggy Page,
Venerable Than Nguyen Khai of An Lac Hanh Temple appointed Bianca Paliaga,
Staff and minute taker: Bianca Paliaga
The meeting opened at 2.05pm
1. / Welcome and apologies
Peggy Page, the MC of the meeting welcomed everyone and asked Venerable Boomson Uttan to give the blessings.
Peggy welcomed and invited Dr. Edwin Ng and Freeman Trebilcock to give their presentation on Buddhism in Victoria project. Dr Edwin Ng alsos gave a brief summary of the findings for the Buddhist Prison Chaplaincy report. Edwin emphasised that these two studies are the start to more studies in the future.
The meeting proper began with the reporting of apologises.
The following members sent their apologies: Pauline Gallagher, HE Zimwock Rinpoche, Ranjith Soysa, Jeff Chan, Kosala Jayasinghe, Christine Thompson, Eileen Thompson, Lal Samarasekera, Nga Dam, Phuok Ean Chich
2 / Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on November 22nd 2014
Peggy Page proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Diana Cousens mentioned that her policy on sexual abuse in temples Does not state that it has been adopted. Myly Nguyen stated that the minutes of the previous AGM state that Di Cousens put forward the proposal for her policy on sexual abuse to be passed. Harvey Tuck supported the statement of MyLy.. Harvey suggested that the proposal be discussed at the next committee meeting.
Peggy Page said that Diana Cousens will be invited to a committee meeting to present her policy to the committee and to have a discussion. Gerald added that the committee had not signed off on the policy.
Prue Lamont stated that Diana Cousens’ had mentioned at the SGM in early 2014 that she would like to create such a policy.
Carey Rohrlach said that the policy was important, and that the BCV should implement it as soon as possible after review by committee.
Diana Cousens stated that she emailed the administrator a revised version of the policy after the last AGM.
Michael Wells suggested that with provisions, committee can review and make changes required, and then it can become BCV policy.
Michael suggested the issue could be dealt with at a later time.
Diana Cousens requested Michael Well’s suggestion be minuted. Bianca Paliaga noted this.
Diana Cousens stated that she abstained from accepting the minutes.
Harvey Tuck proposed that the minutes be accepted with revisions required to Diana Cousens Policy on Sexual Abuse in Temples.
Seconded by: Michael Wells
Motion carried unanimously
3 / Chair’s Report for period January 2014 to November 2014.
Achievements of the BCV during 2014 include:
·  Establishing a physical office space (thank you to Laura Chan)
·  Employing a part time Office Administrator
·  Develop, document and implement organisational procedures and systems
·  Expand and maintain a database system
·  Enhance and update BCV website
·  Develop and distribute publicity material about the BCV’s programs and projects
·  Recruiting volunteers to support the delivery of the BCVs projects and activities
·  Maintaining strong collaborative relationships with other faith communities and the wider Victorian community
·  Buddhism in Victoria project.
There are many challenges that BCV has from 2015 onwards.
The BCV would like to say Thank You to the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship for its funding. The 2 year funding from OMAC ended in 2014. Gerald and Peggy had discussions with OMAC with regards for funding for 20152017. The agreement had been signed by us and we are waiting for OMAC acceptance of the agreement. The amount of funding is the same as 20132014. ( Appendix A Powerpoint of Chair’s presentation.
Myly Nguyen suggested that for the next AGM, clarification is required regarding the timeline that the recent AGMs represent. Some people have been confused by this. (Clarification added to minutes: Due to the delay in holding the 2014 AGM Peggy held the office of chair till November 2014. As a consequence Peggy is reporting instead of the President for 2014 that was elected in November 2014.)
Prue Lamont suggested that the minutes of the previous meeting communicate that they were for Jan – Dec 2013.
Albert Chan proposed that the Chair’s report be accepted.
Seconder: Gerald Lim
Motion carried
4 / Treasurer’s Report
Income for 2014 was $88,345.
Expenses for 2014 were $115,039
Expenses increased due to administrator payment for the full year, revision to BSRI manuals and retraining instructors.
There is a need to do more fundraising, specifically for the BSRI program.
BCV in 2014 was supported financially through grants from OMAC and VMC, contracted funding from Spiritual Health Victoria (SHV) for hospital chaplaincy and the Department of Corrections and various correctional centres for the prison chaplaincy services and through the generous donations of the public for the Religious Instruction in primary schools program.
2014 represents the end of the funding period for the OMAC grant that started in late 2012 and moving forward, the BCV will have to secure new funding to be able to sustain administration services.
Revenues from fundraising activities were lower compared to the previous reporting period and a more concerted effort to build this capability for the BCV will allow the BCV to continue their programs more effectively.
Despite the reduced income in 2014, the BCV continues to be financially secure with a healthy surplus.
Mover: Brian Ashen Seconder: M.Y. Leung.
Motion carried unanimously
BSRI Report
M.Y. Leung
M.Y. reported that 2014 was the hardest year since the BSRI program begun. Changes required by Government legislation were very drastic.
All volunteers in the program were required to be reaccredited and re-registered this year (unable to attend the schools if they had not been). The BCV can train our volunteers, but we can’t register them. Volunteers can only be registered by the chair of Religions for Peace.
Teachers are now called instructors. They are not delivering education, it is now Buddhist special instruction. The curriculum must now be called materials. Due to transparency, the manual must now be posted on the Religions For Peace website for all to see. All instructors must follow the manual exactly. You cannot bring in even a newspaper clipping. Every classroom must have a qualified teacher in the classroom when the BSRI classes are running.
M.Y. Leung thanked Carey Rochrlach for his assistance in making the changes to the manuals efficiently.
M.Y. stated that the program is funded by the very kind hearted volunteers and donors of the program, and for this, M.Y. is very thankful.
Hojun Spiritual Care Convenor
Hojun Acting Prison Chaplain Convenor
We have chaplains in all major prisons in Victoria. As volunteers are required to be available 9-5 Monday to Friday, it makes it difficult to increase our number of chaplains. They are often University students, housewives and retirees.
Diana Cousens questioned whether the BCV were considering extending out chaplaincy to the Victorian detention centres. Hojun stated that they would also like to be able to support returned servicemen, but there are not enough resources to do either at this stage.
Interfaith program – Laura Chan
Laura apologised for being unable to attend many interfaith events for the year. Diana Cousens attended some which are detailed in the Interfaith report.
Other Business
As per mentioned in the Chairs Report, Diana Cousens’ policy on sexual abuse in temples with inclusions will be discussed by committee and sent to all member temples for consideration. Once reviewed and changes made (if required), it may be approved at the next committee meeting.
6 / Elections of office bearers
Bianca Paliaga was nominated as the Returning Officer for the election of office bearers. She announced the committee positions to be open for nomination. As there were no contested positions, all nominees were elected to the Board
Returning Officer then presented the new committee members for 2015 being:
Executive Committee
Gerald Lim (Chair) -Australian Buddhist Kalyana Mitta
Myly Nguyen (Vice Chair) -Quang Minh Temple
Peggy Page (Secretary) -Wat Thai Nakorn
Kosala Jayasinghe (Treasurer) -Buddhist Vihara of Victoria ( Kosala was approached after the meeting and accepted the position of Treasurer)
Ordinary Committee Members
Laura Chan -Dharma Drum MountainMelbourne Chapter
Harvey Tuck - Melbourne Buddhist Centre
Siri Elleperumaarachchi - Dhamma Sarana Keysborough Temple
Gerald thanked everyone for attending the meeting and invited them to afternoon tea.
7 / Meeting closed at 4:30pm

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