Name ______Date ______Class 6-____

Chapter 7–Glory of Ancient Greece

Study Guide - Section 2, Persians Invade pgs. 210-213

This sheet should be used as an aid only. Remember that it is your responsibility to re-read the chapter and to know all of the ideas covered.

Identify the following:

  • The Persian Empire
  • Founded in 500s by Cyrus
  • The large empire on Asia Minor
  • At war with Greece
  • The opponent of Athens in the Battle of Marathon (Persia lost)
  • Battle of Marathon
  • Took place 490 BC
  • Took place at Marathon, about 25 miles from Athens
  • The Athenians were outnumbered
  • Athens believed the gods were on their side, realized they could win
  • Modern day marathon is named after this battle
  • The Delian League
  • After the Persian War, this league was formed to protect Greeks from a common enemy: Persians
  • Athens led the league
  • Consisted of Athens and the surrounding city-states (NOT Sparta)
  • City states gave Athens money (tribute) for protection
  • Athens used money to make Athens beautiful/ lots of building
  • Named after the island of Delos, where treasury was kept
  • Athens treated other city-states like subject, as if they were superior
  • The Peloponnesian League
  • League formed by Sparta and the city states who opposed Athens
  • Named after the Peloponnesus (the peninsula where Sparta is located
  • Peloponnesian War
  • War fought between Athens and its allies and Sparta and its allies (Peloponnesian league)
  • 27 years long
  • Sparta attacked over land, while Persia joined to form a sea blockade
  • Plague
  • 1/3 of Athens population
  • Widespread disease due to overcrowding
  • 5 years

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. How were the Greeks able to drive away the larger, more powerful Persian military?

Battle of Marathon: The Athenians used an unexpected attack, and they fought more fiercely because they were protecting home and families.

Persian War (Battle of Salamis): The Athenians brought them into a narrow strait, and had small, fast, maneuverable boats to defeat Persian navy. The Greeks united and worked together.

2. What effect did the victory over Persia have on the Greek people?

The victory gave the Greeks a sense of their own important; believed they were the best

3. Using inference, explain what a tribute is. (pg. 212)

- money paid to a more powerful city-state for protection (in particular – Athens.)

4. What did Sparta and its allies go to war against Athens?

-they didn’t like the power Athens was gaining

-other city-states thought they were being treated unfair and like subjects.

-Athens spent the tribute on Athens and its buildings, rather than building a navy for protection