NEEDLER of HULL .80 Caliber SAR & DAR

.80 SAR / 4 / 3 / 2-nil / 2 / 5i / 4 / 12
.80 DAR* / 4 / 3 / 2-nil / 2 / 5i / 4 / 12
.50 SAR / 4 / 2 / - / 1 / 5i / 2 / 12
.50 DAR / 4 / 2 / - / 1 / 5i / 2 / 12
.38 SAR / 4 / 1 / - / 1 / 5i / 1 / 10
.38 DAR / 4 / 1 / - / 1 / 5i / 1 / 10
ROUND .80 cap n ball
MAG 5 i
WEIGHT 1.5 kg , 1,1 kg , 0,9 kg
PRICE GMs discretion

Very large caliber British percussion revolver of the mid 19th century .It was made in single action mode , but could be converted or remade in double action mode as well. It is also heavy and could be used to club a man to death .This type of revolver was popular as a “howdah” –meaning elephant rider,or the seating platform on the elephants back in Indo-Arabic languages.British colonialists would often carry a large caliber pistol or revolver in their howdah as a means of self defense against tigers and bandits

Or to keep the locals oppressed when out hunting or traveling .

Needler of Hull was a well known gun maker ,making many models of hand guns and other firearms .A patent would be licensed and reproduced with variations or as an exact copy of the model and then offered for sale to the government, military or private individuals such as settlers in the colonies ,army officers and others in need of quality firearms for protection .

Quite a few such pistols were made and sold with or without company markings to various warring factions abroad –such as the Union army and Confederate army during the civil war .