JANUARY 5, 2016

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Sandquist with Turner, Beck and Beckman present. Beth Ritter, Julesburg Advocate, joined the meeting.

Turner moved to approve the agenda with the addition of Sheriff new hire and Personnel Policy under New Business. Beck second, carried.

The minutes of the December 30, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the minutes as presented. Turner second, carried.

Commissioner Chair Sandquist turned the meeting over to new Chair, Mark Turner. Pro-Tem will be Jim Beck.

Sandquist moved to accept the Board Appointments for 2016. Beck second, carried.

Discussion was held on adding the new motions made in past meetings into the personnel policy and sending it to the Attorney for review. Beckman will present the policy manual at the next meeting.

Discussion was held on a letter received from the Sheriff on a new hire. This discussion will be tabled until next meeting when Sheriff Hanna can attend.

Beck moved to approve the changes to the tax incentive in regards that you must be in business the entire year in order to receive these benefits. Sandquist second, carried.

Jimie Ridnour, Communication Center, joined the meeting. Ridnour updated the Board on current projects. Ridnour left the meeting.

Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting. Beck moved to approve the $100 raise for Annie Lovenburg after receiving her CDL. Sandquist second, carried. Discussion was held on salaries for employees. Renquist told the Board he will put the ad in the newspaper for the road supervisor job next week. Renquist told the Board that the sugar plant will be torn down and that they want to use the landfill which will be a large profit for the county. Renquist left the meeting.

Wanda Trennepohl, Treasurer, joined the meeting to discuss the Treasurer’s Financial Report. Beck moved to transfer $5,000 from County General into the Ambulance Fund. Sandquist second, carried. Trennepohl left the meeting.

Alan Harris, Building Maintenance, has an excused absence.

Tracy Kizer, Weed & Pest, joined the meeting. Kizer updated the Board on the electrical project at the fairgrounds. Kizer left the meeting.

Larry Neugebauer, Civil Defense, joined the meeting. Neugebauer told the Board the generator is not working on the VHS tower out south. Discussion was held. Neugebauer presented the Board with the Emergency Management Program Grant for signatures. Discussion was held on relinquishing the Emergency Management job after beginning the deputy position with the county. Neugebauer left the meeting.

The Treasurer’s December 2015 Financial report was reviewed. Ritter left the meeting.

Beck moved to recess at 9:48 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:30 a.m. Victor Legarretta and Jose Fraire joined the meeting to discuss the possibility of using the horse race track and encouraging new activity to come into our county. Discussion was held. The Board told Legarretta and Fraire that if they agree to the use of the race track, a contract must be signed with Tracy Kizer. They agreed. The guests left the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.


Mark Turner, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board