New London County Fire Chiefs Association

Old Lyme Fire Department

February 1, 2017

Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers

President Chaffee called the meeting to order at 1900.

Invocation was offered by Chaplain Bill Herrmann followed by the Pledge to the Flag.

President Chaffee presented Life Member Cards and Perfect Attendance Certificates.

President Chaffee thanked all the officers and members for their support during his tenure as president.

The incoming officers for the 2017 year were sworn in by Past President Tony Manfredi.

President Chaffee passed the gavel to incoming President Rozanski.

President Rozanski thanked now Past President Chaffee for his year as president and presented him the Past President’s Pin and engraved clock as a remembrance of his time in office.

President Rozanski gave his opening remarks.

President Rozanski introduce Chief Tom Risom who welcomed everyone to Old Lyme.

Meeting adjourned at 1920 for dinner.

Guest Speaker was Leon Collins, Legislative Representative, who spoke on the Cancer Bill and various legislative matters.

Meeting reconvened at 1946.

Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes of the January 4, 2017 meeting, voice vote passed.

Treasurer reported $10,350.90 in the regular checking account, $2,019.20 in the special checking account, $7,309.93 in the scholarship account, for total assets of $19,680.03. Report received for audit.

Financial Secretary reported $170.00 donations from January 4, 2017 meeting, $23.00 members’ dues, $80.00 convention t-shirts, for total receipts of $2730.00. For 2016 - 64 of 64 Departments paid (100%) adjusted for 1 Department dropped, 263 of 277 Members paid (95% adjusted for 12 members dropped). Report received for audit.


  • VFIS - $1093.00 for insurance
  • Ed Waido - $203.00 for Sympathy and Get Well cards
  • Bill Herrmann - $238.88 for Past President Plaque and office supplies.

Motion made and seconded to pay the bills if found correct, voice vote passed.


  • Letter of resignation from Linda Nelson, Chesterfield Fire Company as Assistant Recording Secretary.

Applications for Membership

Kevin A. Roe / Ass’t Chief / Baltic
Melissa Kamishlian / Social Member / Chesterfield

Motion made and seconded to have the application take its usual course, voice vote passed.

Report of Committees

Program / March meeting Gardner Lake, November and December meeting still open.
Lapsation / Bills for members and departments to go out shortly
Legislative / Leon Collins spoke on various legislative items
Scholarship/Awards / No scholarships were awarded last year, discussion ensued with ideas of improving scholarship program
CT Fire Chiefs / New England show June 31 – 24, Memorial Service at CT Fire Academy September 24
State Firefighters / CSFA Hall of Fame Dinner April 6, 2017, Ed Amatrudo to be inducted posthumously.
By Laws / To meet one hour before March meeting
CT Honor Guard / Meeting to be arranges between NLCFCA and CTHG
CPFC/Academy / Part Time Instructor positions open, Full Time Fire Serviced Analysis position open, March 29 Fire Service Day on the Hill. Caution on private entities giving Training Certificates, only the Academy can provide these.
Strike Team Task Force (Tankers) / Proposal to have QV dispatch
Sick / Sympathy and Get Well cards on order.
BACKDRAFT / Looking for more members
2017 Convention / Commemorative T-Shirts available $20.00
50 Year Members / Thomas Dembek of Goshen

Election of New Members

  • Motion made and seconded to accept Keith Milton, Chief, East Great Plains FD, voice vote passed.

No old business was discussed.

New Business

  • Motion made and seconded to purchase a second microphone to be used by members during the meetings, voice vote passed.
  • On October 7th, Groton Airport will host a “Fly In”. Expect hundreds of planes to participate. County Departments and members will be asked for support.
  • Treasurer presented the 2017 Budget, motion made and seconded to accept the 2017 Budget, voice vote passed.
  • Letter of resignation from Linda Nelson as Assistant Recording Secretary was read. Motion made and seconded to accept her resignation with regrets, voice vote passed.
  • Motion made and seconded to appropriate up to $1000.00 for a laptop computer and software for NLCFCA business, voice vote passed.

Good and Welfare

  • February 24th Gathering to celebrate George Fargo retirement North Stonington Fire Department.

No New Equipment

Roll Call had 27 Departments, 53 Members, and 34 Guests present.

Raffle was held.

Benediction given by Chaplain Bill Herrmann

Meeting adjourned 2101

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Herrmann

Recording Secretary