GEFHuaiRiver Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project in DongyingCity

Environmental Management Plan

Shandong Construction Development Research Institute

July , 2011


1 Summary

1.1 The purpose,outline and requirements of EMP

1.2 The main contents of EMP

1.3 Bases and standards

1.4 Project introduction

2 The main environmental impact and mitigation measures

2.1 Environmental analysis and mitigation measures of wetland

2.2 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures of rural and agricultural pollution prevention projects

2.3 EIA and mitigation measures of construction of training center

3. Environmental monitoring plan

3.1 The purpose of environmental monitoring

3.2 The implementation of environmental monitoring

4. Public consultation plan

4.1 Continuous public participation plan

4.2 Complaint channels

5. Responsibilities and rights to implement improvement measures and monitoring

5.1 Related sections and responsibilities

5.2 Agency arrangement and responsibilities

5.3 Institutional strengthening and training

6. Information exchange, record and report

6.1 Information exchange

6.2 Record

6.3 Report

7. Work plan

7.1 Institutional setup

7.2 Work plan

8. Costs...... 29

1 Summary

Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project in Dongying City Granted by GEF has social, economic and environmental benefit, while there are adverse impact such as dust, solid waste and noise produced during construction and operation phase. So measures and monitor plan are made to eliminate the impact. This Environmental management plan (EMP) is made according to the requirements of WB and EIA report during environmental impact assessment.

1.1 The purpose, outline and requirements of EMP

1.1.1 Purpose

The project environmental impact assessment shows that the major impact on the environment is generated during the construction period and operation period. The detailed environmental mitigation measures, environmental management, environmental supervision, environmental monitoring will be made in this EMP. And it is the guiding document with functions as follows:
(1) Make environmental mitigation measures for the affected target. Dongying Environmental Protection Agency, environmental impact assessment unit and design unit will verify and validate affected targets on site, and propose effective environmental mitigation measures. The measures will be incorporated into the project design.
(2) Provide environmental guidance document. This EMP will be provided to the supervision unit, environmental supervision unit and other related units after being reviewed by WB.

(3) Define the responsibilities and roles of relevant units. The responsibilities and roles of relevant departments and management agencies are defined, including communication channel.

(4) Propose environmental monitoring programs during construction and operation periods. The environmental monitoring programs are made to ensure the effective implementation of environmental mitigation measures and early treatment unforeseen or unexpected environmental problems.

1.1.2 Action outline and requirements

The overall goal of EMP is the maintenance of socially, economically and environmentally sustainable development of Dongying city, improvement of environmental quality of Dongying city, mitigation,compensation or minimization of the negative impact. Specific actions are as follows:

(1) Propose and implement environmental management and environmental monitoring plan.
(2) Propose and implement pollution control strategies.

Specific requirements are:

(1) Check the results of monitoring factors listed in environmental monitoring plan during construction and operation periods.
(2) Implement all proposed environmental mitigation measures provided in EIA.

1.2 The main contents of EMP

As an independent document, the EMP includes environmental protection actions during project design, construction and operation phases which make a framework for environmental management and monitoring. The EMP includes the following contents.

Project summary

Potential environmental impact

Measures to eliminate the impact

Environmental monitoring plan

Public consultation plan

Organs and responsibilities

Reports and supervision

Work plan

Environmental procurement plan

Cost estimation

Feedback and adjustment mechanism

1.3 Bases and standards

1.3.1 Bases

A. Environmental laws and regulations in China

(1) Environmental Protection Law of PRC

(2) Environmental Impact Assessment Law of PRC

(3) Water Pollution Prevention Law of PRC

(4) Air Pollution Prevention Law of PRC

(5) Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention Law of PRC

(6) Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law of PRC

(7) Water Pollution Prevention Regulations of PRC

(8) Construction Project Environmental Management Ordinance

(9) Water Law of PRC

(10) Soil and Water Conservation Law of PRC

(11) Notice on Strengthening Urban Water Saving and Water Pollution Control issued by State Council

(12) Notice on Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment of International Finance Construction Projects

(13) Interim Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment

B. Requirements of WB

(1) Mitigation measures

(2) Monitoring

(3) Capacity development and training

(4) Progress and cost estimate

(5) Combine EMP with the project

C. Technical guidelines

(1) General Guideline of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T2.1-93)

(2) Atmospheric Environment of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T2.2-93)
(3) Surface Water Environment of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T2.3-93)
(4) Sound environment of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T2.4-93)
(5) Non-pollution Ecological Impact of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T9-1997)
(6) Technical Methods of Making Local Air Pollutant Emission Standards (GB / T 13201-91)

1.3.2 Standards

A. Environmental quality standards

(1) Class Ⅱ of Ambient air quality standard(GB3095-1996).
(2) Class ⅤofSurfacewater quality standard(GB3838-2002).
(3)ClassⅢ of Groundwater quality standard (GB/T14848-93).

(4) Class Ⅱ of Environmental quality standard for noise(GB3096-2008).

B. Pollutant emission standards

(1) ClassⅤofSurface water quality standard(GB3838-2002).

(2) Noise limits for construction site(GB12523-90).

(3) Standard for pollution control on the storage and disposal site for general industrial solid wastes(GB18599-2001).

1.4 Project introduction

Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project in Dongying City Granted by GEF is along Guanli river in Dongying District and Kenli County of Dongying city. DongyingCity project onGuangliRiver Basinwill control pollution, reduce land-based nutrients and pollutants emissions to reduce the negative impact on the BoSea. Then create a model project with a sense of innovation and high yield.

The project includes construction of the wetland system, agricultural and rural non-point source pollution control, capacity building and policy development, project management and implementation support. The details are listed in table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Project contents

The composition of project / Sub-project / Contents
The main project / Wetland system beside Dongba road / The project includes eco-retention pond, the surface flow constructed wetland, sluice and pumping station, and supporting plant facilities. Treatment scale is Q1 = 7.0 × 104m3/d (March -November), Q2 = 2.5 × 104m3/d (December - February next year). The treated effluent meets classⅤfor reuse of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard (GB3838-2002).
Agricultural and rural non-point source pollution control / 1.Agricultural pollution treatment in 4 pilot villages
2. Agricultural tail water treatment in 4 pilot villages
3.Rural living waste water treatment in 8 pilot villages
4. Rural solid waste treatment of 2 pilot village
Broadcasting and education project / Capacity building and policy development / Through the training to enhance the capacities of the staffs for project implementation and with the relative developed policies to solve the issues occurred during the project implementation process, and then achieve the proposed objectives of the project. And construct a training center.
Project management / Through the project management to increase the capacity of the project management staffs when developing the management policies and project promotion models

The completion of the projectcan effectively reduce point source and non-point source pollutantsof GuangliRiver and water resources are effectively protected.The pollutants that flow into Bo Sea will be reduced. After its completion, the amount of CODCrand NH3-N can be reduced by 430t/a and 129t/a respectively. This project will enhance pollution treatment ofGuangliRiver and promote water pollution control of Yellow River Water Pollution Treatment Project. After the investment is implemented, the quality of the environment will be improved and the pollution to the surrounding environment is mitigated.

2 The main environmental impact and mitigation measures

According to the EIA reportwe can see that the main project construction contentsare artificial wetlands and water gate optimization project, rural and agricultural pollution control project. The construction and operation process will impact the environment. Sothefocus is the environmental impacts and mitigation measures on these two parts.

2.1 Environmental analysis and mitigation measures of wetland

The environmental analysis and mitigation measures of wetland and water gate optimization are listed in table 2-1.


Table 2-1 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures of wetland

Serial number / Impact categories / Analysis of the main environmental impacts / Mainmitigationmeasures
One / Construction period
1 / Atmosphericenvironment / Air pollution during the construction period comes mainly from dust and emissions from vehicles and construction machinery. / At transport lines and materials processing site use water spray to control dust,such as the construction site near sensitive targets and windy weather; increased watering to 2-3 times a day;UsingCentralconcretemixingstation; transport vehicles taken closed measures.
2 / Water environment / Construction waste water comes form sewage of construction personnel and washing waste water of construction machinery and mud waste water of pile foundation in construction stage. / The amount of washing waste water from construction machinery is small, the main pollutants are cement grit, sand and the washing water;
sewage is collected andreused.
3 / Acoustic environment / Constructionmachineryandtransportvehiclenoise / Constructionactivitiesmustbe consultedwith the surroundingresidents,developdetailedplans,and reducing the environmentalimpact of construction;
prohibited in the vicinity of residential area use noisy machinery such as wrench and concrete mixer during 22:00-6:00 and 12:00-2:00;
transport routs must be planned in advance,
prohibit vehicles near the villages and sensitive points to transport at night.
4 / Solid waste / Solid waste and construction waste of construction person / As per 2005,139th “urban construction waste management regulations”, properly dispose of spoil at designated sites;
Domestic waste will be collected by local sanitation department and disposed of at designated sites..
5 / Soil environment / Constructionwill bewithinacertainarea of excavation andbackfill,effectsonsoilenvironmentproblems: destruction of soilstructure, changingsoiltexture; destruction of soilaggregatestructure; soilnutrientloss; the effectofsoilcompaction / Because of the area has no rare soil organisms and excavation area is small, the impactof soil is temporary, so the balance of soil organisms will resume soon.
6 / Covers / Project area covers is mainly slope and pond, no basic farmland / After the completion of construction, re-vegetation timely.
7 / Soil erosion / Excavation will undermine the relative stability surface inevitabe, have a certain area of bare ground, causing a degree of soil erosion. / Soil erosion during the construction will be basically eliminated after the end of construction;
install temporary drainage system preventing soil erosion..
8 / Lossby runoff of soil / The wetland construction may make the soil and rocks split, vegetation damage, soil erodibility strengthened, and even impact the water storage and flood control, making the local water and soil loss. / (1)Vegetation measures: After the completion of the proposed works, the original vegetationshould be resumed as soon as possible. Green on the bare ground and around the wetland, plant shrubs and bushes on the pipeline work, at the same time it can purify air and beautify environment, low shrubs can be planted around the management.
⑵Around the temporary abandoned dreg construct slag wall, drains around the dreg should be linked with the natural drains in the project area, avoid rainwater erosion to the surroundings.
⑶According to the slope stability to take measures, and focus on drainage engineering.
⑷Avoid the rainy season or before the rainy season, reducing soil erosion construction period.
9 / Landscape impact / After the completion of the project, the landscapestructure willsignificantlychange,most of the originallandscapewillno longerexist,the originalreservoir,saline soil,consisting farmlandlandscapewill changes to wetlandlandscape. / Increaselandscapeheterogeneity of the ROI,formingastrongheterogeneitylandscape,themajority of the landscapegivesastrong sense of beauty,conducive to the promotion of environmentalimprovement in theregion,alsogreatlyimproved the localecologicalenvironmentconstruction.
10 / Invasion of alien species / Maybebringalienorganisms,causingalienspeciesinvasion. / The plantingin the wetlandshould consult ecologists, the method should be fully demonstrated andensure the effectivenessof the methods,andavoidcausing a greater degree ofecologicaldamage; Onceharmfulalienorganisms is found, takeeffectivemeasuresimmediately, as soon as possible to takeclear, suppressorcontrolmeasurestoreduce the negativeimpact.
11 / Disturbance to animals / Constructionnoisedistractiontoanimals;assome of the vegetationwasdamaged, resulting in somebirdslose theirHabitat; constructionareawillcut offmobilechannel for certainanimals,therebyaffectingflowofspecies. / Due to shorter construction time and a smaller area, impact on animals is relatively small, therefore construction process using low - noise machinery as far as possible, reduce the impact on animal.
12 / Disturbance to locals / Projectconstructionmay cause trafficinconvenience by excavatingroad, constructionmachinerynoiseandexcavationeffectofduston the surroundingpopulation, constructionsightvisualimpacton the people. / The wall should be constructed, bothreduce dust, blocknoise, andreduce the impactofconstructionscene.
13 / Road damage / Heavytrucktransportmakesroadsseverelydisruptedparticularly whenrainyand the surface is wet. / Rainy seasonconstructioncontractsmust beintermsofreducingroaddamage,parties people have an obligation,recoverytransportroaddamagecausedby the project.
Two / Operating period
1 / Water environment / Domesticsewage of Wetlandmanagers. / Lifedrainsetseptic,washsewageandexcreta sewage should be centralizedtreated, sewageviaseptictank for precipitationand the sanitationDepartmentvehiclesremove regularly.
2 / Solid waste / Mainlyforsolidwasteand the winterharvest plant. / Garbage iscleanedregularly by SanitationDepartment;inwetlandplantsis used byvillagerslivingaround.
3 / Landscape environment / After the completion of the project, increasing the newlandscapeofconstructedwetland, bychoosing an appropriateorganicgreencombinewith the surroundingenvironment.Increasing the areaofurbangreen space, serving as a foilandstrengthenurbanstyle,bothexpandingthegreenareas,andimproving the gradeofthesurroundingcommunity,andmakes the guangliriverwater qualitygreatlyimproved. / --
4 / Ecological environment / After the completion of the project, it is good for the ecologicalenvironment. / --
5 / Risks / When the guangliriverwateris too highcanimpacton the processingcapabilityofwetlands; depthof wetlandwater isdeep,so wetlandmanagementpersonneland the surroundingcrowdhaspotentialsecurityimplications. / The Environmental ProtectionDepartmentmonitored guangli river on a regular basistopreventexcessivewater for thewetland, affectingitsefficiency, and wetlandarea is larger and hasstrongshocks;
aroundwetlandbuilt a certain degreeofsafetybarriersandwarningsigns, and being provided withspecialcaretopreventadverseconsequencesonceaman overboard.
Provide Personal Protection Equipment (goggles, gloves, masks, hard hats, etc.,) for staff


2.2 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures for rural and agricultural pollution prevention Component

All the rural and agricultural pollution prevention projects are pilot projects and is dispersed in different villages, but the environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures are mostly same. The details are listed in table 2-2.


Table 2-2 Agricultureandruralpollutioncontrolprojectslist of environmentalimpactanalysisandmitigationmeasures

Issues / Potential Negative Environmental Impacts / Mitigation Measures
1.Agricultural Non-PointSource Pollution Management
Small scale of construction activities / The content is to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Only very small scale of construction is involved, and impacts on the surrounding environment are site specific, and minimal. / 1.Refer to Annex Criteria for Environmental Management of Construction Activities,
2\Implement the Pest Management Plan.
2.Sewage treatment in pilot villages
Construction Phase / Nuisance associated with small scale of construction /
  • Refer to Annex Criteria for Environmental Management of Construction Activities.

Operation Phase
Wastewater / Effluent discharge/reuse. /
  • Effluent discharge/reuse(e.g. irrigation) should be in compliance with relevant standards.
  • Facilities should have adequate capacity for wastewater storage/treatment before land application.

Sludge / Small amount of sludge removed from the wastewater treatment facility /
  • Sludge will be removed regularly from the treatment facilities and be reused or collected by sanitary stations.

Risks / Groundwater may be contaminated by leakage from the wastewater facilities, including potential risks of equipment damage and pipe rupture leading to contamination. /
  • Establishing reliable monitoring system; monitor water quality regularly;
  • Select high quality equipment(e.g. pumps, pipes);
  • Provide sufficient spare parts in place for key equipment;
  • Strengthen inspection, maintenance of the facilities.
  • Once a problem is found, staff should take immediate actions to prevent leakage and report local management timely.

3. Rural Waste Management Facilities in pilot villages
Construction Phase / Nuisance associated with the small scale of construction /
  • Refer to Annex Criteria for Environmental Management of Construction Activities.

Operation Phase
Odor / Odor from waste. /
  • Timely collect waste and dispose it in designated facilities to prevent odor;
  • Vehicles for waste transportation should be enclosed to mitigate odor.

Waste collection and storage / Waste/wastewater may spill over storage facilities. /
  • Design adequate capacity for storage/treatment and provide adequate shelter/roof, and foundation to prevent rain/snow flowing into the storage facilities.
  • Regularly maintain the facilities for proper operation.

Waste discharged from facilities / liquid and residue from waste tanks /
  • Waste should be stored in designated facilities and used for designated purpose, e.g. land application as fertilizer where appropriate.

Safety /
  • Strengthen routine inspection and check the site regularly
  • Implement Environmental Monitoring Plan strictly;
  • Provide Personal Protection Equipment (goggles, gloves, masks, hard hats, etc.,) for staff for waste collection and treatment.


2.3 EIA and mitigation measures of construction of training center

The training center is located in DongyingTechnicianCollege, the main environmental impact and mitigation measures are listed in table 2-3.

In addition project components including policy and institutional guidance in Component C will integrate relevant safeguards policies.


Table 2-3 EIA and mitigation measures of construction of training center

Phase / Classification / Environment impact / Controlmeasures
Construction period / Waste gas / Venueconstructiondust,materialyarddust,vehicledust / Strengtheningconstructionmanagement,clearing and sprinkler at time; strictly according topractices of the transport, loading and unloading to preventdust;open-air storage of raw materials should becovered; mainandsupportingaftercompletionimmediately greenandappropriatehardening.
Waste water / Construction of domesticsewage / Workerlivingsewagepretreated bysepticdischargedinto the municipalsewernetwork; afterprecipitation, the construction of waste water used toroaddust.
Noise / Constructionmachinerynoise / Selectlow-noiseconstructionmachineryandadvancedtechnology, reasonableconstructiontime, side the protecttargetsetsoundbarrier, vehicleaccess to the constructionsiteshould beslowand Ming.
Solid waste / Buildingrubbish,constructionsolidwaste / Constructionwaste shouldlandfillin placeas far as possible and make fulluse,notlandfill and the waste of wokers should be transported by environmental sanitationdepartmentto remove.
Ecology / Excavation,materialyardoccupies of land / Againstdamagetovegetation;constructiondiggingsoil should excavatetieredand layeredbackfill; temporarydumpsetwalls, reducingsoil erosion; building should together withgreen.
Operating period / Waste gas / Winterheatingfuelemissions / Urbancentralizedheat - supplysystem
Training Centrecanteenfuelemissions / Using a clean-fuelpipingnatural gas
Trainingstaffcanteencooking fume / Cookingoil fume userange hood purification
Parkingcarexhaust / Undergroundparkingcarexhaustemission should away from the residentialbuilding,the height discharge should above the groundnotless than2.5m.
Waste water / Domesticsewage of trainingandserviceperson / Projectwaste water ismainlydomesticsewage, afterpretreated by septicdirectlydischargedinto the municipalsewernetwork.
Noise / Heat exchange stations,pump stations,windmachinesnoiseequipment / Noiseequipmentsusevibration,sealedenclosures,acousticandsoundinsulationmeasures; pumpingstations, waterinheat exchange stationbuiltunderground; constructing noiseisolation beltprohibitingcarwhistle.
Take measures such as noisebarriers,acoustic windows, seismicmaterial, doubleglazing,plantinggreenbelt; mitigating the impactofroad to training center.
Solid waste / Domestic garbage / After the completion of the training center, solidwastecollectedby the citysanitationDepartment to remove.
Ecology / -- / Take measures for greencompensation, around the projectareabuildinggreenbelts, green spaceandgardens,street treeswithin the projectarea.