Name:Mid-Term Review Packet

We will go through this packet over the course of the next couple of weeks. We will take down notes, work on worksheets, and go over them to make sure we understand all of the concepts needed for the mid-term.

Notes Section

Scientific Inquiry:

  • ______variable- the variable that _____ change, also called the ______variable
  • How hard I bounce a ball, how much water I add to a plant
  • ______variable- the variable that changes on its ______in ______to the independent variable, also called the ______variable
  • How high the ball bounces, how tall the plant grows
  • ______variable- all other variables that you keep ______
  • You should only change ______thing at a time so you know what ______the change to the ______variable
  • Who throws the ball, type of ball, type of plant, kind of water
  • ______- a possible ______that can be tested
  • Shows a relationship between ______and ______variables
  • Written in ______statements
  • If- the ______variable
  • Then- the ______variable
  • Must be specific
  • If I bounce the ball harder, then the ball will bounce higher
  • ______- gathering information using ______of our ______(sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch)
  • ______- dealing with ______(3 apples, 2 elephants)
  • ______- dealing with ______(blue fish, fresh bread)
  • ______- your ______about what happened based on ______

Earth Science

  • ______- the total or partial ______of the sun or moon by the Moon or Earth’s ______
  • ______eclipse- when the ______passes between the ______and ______
  • The moon is in the ______phase
  • ______eclipse- when ______passes between the ______and ______
  • The moon is in the ______phase
  • ______eclipse- when the ______blocks all of the sun’s light or the ______passes into the darkest part of Earth’s ______
  • ______eclipse- when the moon blocks only ______of the sun’s light or the moon passes into the ______part of Earth’s shawdow
  • ______eclipse- when the ______is closer to the sun and too far from earth to block out all of the sun
  • Looks like a ______of fire
  • ______- ______part of earth’s shadow
  • ______- partial ______part of earth’s shadow
  • ______- the ______force between any ____ or more objects
  • ______and ______determines the ______of gravity
  • The ______the mass the ______the gravitational pull
  • The greater the distance the gravitational will be ______
  • Causes moon and satellites to orbit planets, planets to orbit ______, and star systems to orbit the Milky way
  • The closer the object the faster it rotates and smaller the orbit
  • ______cycle- the ______in appearance of the ______as it makes one full ______(orbit) around the ______. (Every 29 days)
  • ______moon- first phase, appears ______
  • ______- lighted part of moon is ______on ______side
  • ______Quarter- moon is ______lit on ______side
  • ______- lighted part of moon is still ______three ______lit on the right side
  • ______moon- moon is ______lit
  • ______- lighted part of the moon is ______and is three quarters lit on the ______
  • ______or Last Quarter- moon is half lit on the ______
  • ______- lighted part of moon is on left and only a quarter lit
  • Rotation- when something ______in place (Earth does it every 24 hours)
  • Revolution- when something makes a ______(orbit) around another object (Moon around earth every 29 days, Earth around sun every 365 days)
  • ______- and imaginary line going through an object, Earth rotates on its axis
  • Seasons are caused by this
  • ______energy travels in a straight line and hits earth at different angles
  • During ______earth receives more ______sunlight and during ______earth is receiving ______direct sunlight
  • Summer occurs when one of the ______is pointing ______the sun and winter occurs when one of the hemispheres is pointing ______from the sun

Worksheets Section

Part 1 Read the following sentences carefully. Determine if the sentence is an observation or an inference.

  1. If I touch the hot pot handle I will burn my hand.
  2. When I rang the doorbell, no one answered.
  3. Jamal must be popular.
  4. The sun set at 7:18.
  5. That sounded like a mean dog.

Part 2 Read the following and determine what the independent and depdendent variables are

1)Students watched a cartoon either alone or with others and then rated how funny they found the cartoon to be.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

2)A comprehension test was given to students after they had studied textbook material either in silence or with the television turned on.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

3)Some elementary school teachers were told that a child’s parents were college graduates, and other teachers were told that the child’s parents had not finished high school; they then rated the child’s academic potential.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

4)Workers at a company were assigned to one of two conditions: One group completed a stress management training program; another group of workers did not participate in the training. The number of sick days taken by these workers was examined for the two subsequent months.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

5)Students at a University were split into two groups and each received a different text for a philosophy course. Once group received a traditional text book, while the other received an interactive textbook on a tablet computer. After the course, the final exam marks between the two groups of students was compared.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

6)Students added different amounts of water to 5 same plants. The plants were planted in the same pots, given the same soil, and exposed to sunlight for the same amount of time each day. Everyday at the same time, the students measured how high the plant grew.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

Control Variable:

Write a hypothesis for each of the following research problems. Identify the dependent and independent variable for each.

  1. What effect does high temperature have on the growth of Apples?

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:


  1. What effect does studying with music have on student test scores?

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:


  1. What effect does food color have on the amount of food fish eat?

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:


  1. What effect does light have on plant growth?

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:


  1. What effect does smiling have on teacher giving homework?

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:


1.Draw a diagram of a solar eclipse. Include how the sun, earth, and moon would be oriented

2. Draw a diagram of a lunar eclipse. Include how the sun, earth, and moon would be oriented

3. Shade in and label each of the moon phases below

4. If you are looking at a new moon, which moon phase will you see 7 days from now?

5. If you are looking at a 1st Quarter moon, which phase will you see in 14 days?

6. If you are looking at a waxing gibbous, which phase did you see 7 days ago?

7. If you are looking at a full moon, which phase did you see 29 days ago?

8. Explain why a solar eclipse always occurs during new moon.

9. Explain why a lunar eclipse always occurs during a full moon

Explain why even though the circles are different sizes they still have different gravitational force between them.

Would gravity be greater or weaker?

Explain how gravitational forces, mass, and distance affects planets orbits around earth.

Explain what season each hemisphere is in at each of the 4 points

Point A:

Point B:

Point C:

Point D: