Washakie County School District #2 School Board MinutesJune 8, 2009

The regular meeting of the Washakie County SD #2 Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. byChairman Jonna Abel. Present were board members Terril Mills, Laura Yaracz,and Holly Nash.Absent was Casey Johnstone. Also present were Superintendent Jerry Erdahl, Business Manager Jim Mayerand Administrative Assistant Neysha Lyman. Guests present were Carolyn Conner, Julie Music, Jan Kiefer and Pat Tucker.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Jonna Abel.

Adopt Agenda: Jonna Abel amended the agenda by adding to Reports and Recognition a presentation by Terril Mills for WSBA. Terril Mills made a motion to adopt the amended agenda. Seconded by Laura Yaracz. Motion carried 4-0.

Guests and Patron Comments:

Reports and Recognitions:
Northwest BOCES:Carolyn Conner presented.

Recreation Board:Laura Yaracz presented an update to the Board.

Student Recognitions:Mr Erdahl recognized the May students of the Month as Marin Stanger and Robert Van Mossevelde. May Teacher of the Month was Brian Titus. Ten Sleep Track Team took 8th at State.

Maintenance/Transportation and Technology:Mr. Erdahl answered questions on the technology and maintenance/transportation reports that were included in the board packets.

Principal:Mr. Erdahl added comments to the principal report that was included in the packet.

Superintendent:Mr. Erdahl added comments to the superintendent report that was included in the packet.

WSBA:Terril Mills presented a plaque of recognition to Laura Yaracz for her service on the School Board. He updated the board on the issues the WSBA has been working on.

Business (Consent Agenda Items): Minutes of the May 11, 2009 meeting were approved. Board members received copies of the statements and bills for review. Terril Mills made a motion to approve consent agenda. Seconded by Laura Yaracz. Motion carried 4-0. Authorization to the pay the following vouchers: General Fund warrants #13411-13463 in the amount of $356,742.99; Federal Fund warrants #2703-2713 the amount of $14,525.47; Major Maintenance Fund warrant #1110 in the amount $1,794.00Hot Lunch Fund warrants #929-932 in the amount of $17,572.61; Teacherage Fund warrant #1236in the amount $200.00; Activity Fund warrants #1772-1782in the amount of $3,376.02.

Approved prepaid bill: General Fund warrants #13407-13410 in the amount of $4,129.81. Federal Fun warrants # 2701-2702 in the amount of $357.13. Major Maintenance Fund warrant #1109 in the amount of $900.00.

Approve to advertise for propane bids.

Approve donations to the Library from the Preschool/Daycare inventory.

Approve Foreign Language contract with SVS for Spanish classes.

Set Hot Lunch Prices: Keep Hot Lunch prices at the State of Wyoming recommendations, Elementary $1.75; Middle School $1.95; High School $2.00.

Business (Discussion Agenda Items):

Health Insurance – Vision and Dental Discussion: Discussion followed.

Policy and Procedure Review:

  1. 2009-2010 Student Handbook: Holly Nash made a motion to approve the 2009-2010 Student Handbook with changes. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.


  1. County and District Assessed Value: Jim will bring to next board meeting.
  2. Approve Requisitions for One-time Monies: Discussion followed.

Set Date for June Special Meeting/Finalize Payments of Bills 2008-2009: Holly Nash made a motion to set date of June’s Special Budget Meeting for payment of final bills for school year 2008-2009 on June 29, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.

Approve Annual Budget Hearing Along with Regular Board Meeting on July 15, 2009: Terril Mills made a motion to have the Annual Budget Hearing at 8:00 p.m. along with Regular Board Meeting on July 15, 2009. Seconded by Laura Yaracz. Motion carried 4-0.

Approve 2009-2010 Class Schedule: Laura Yaracz made a motion to accept the 2009-2010 class schedule with the knowledge that minor adjustments may be made. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 4-0.

Executive Session:


  1. Accept Resignation of School Board Member:Laura Yaracz read her letter of resignation from the Board as of June 9, 2009. Terril Mills made a motion to accept with regrets the resignation of Laura Yaracz from the school board. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 3-0 with 1 abstention.
  2. Authorize Administration to advertise for School Board Opening:Terril Mills made a motion to authorize administration to advertise for School Board Opening. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 4-0.
  3. Approve Resignation of Doris Anderson – K-12 School Secretary: Terril Mills made a motion to accept with regret the resignation of Doris Anderson and recognize 45 years of service. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 4-0.
  4. Authorize Administration to Advertise for K-12 School Secretary: Terril Mills made a motion to authorize administration to advertise for a K-12 School Secretary. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 4-0.
  5. Approve Hiring Barb Lee, Title I Paraeducator with Reading Endorsement:Laura Yaracz made a motion to approve Barb Lee as the Title I Paraeducator with a Reading Endorsement at Step 11 on the Classified Staff salary schedule. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 4-0.
  6. Approve School Board Clerk: Laura Yaracz made a motion to approve Holly Nash as the School Board Clerk to replace Laura Yaracz. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.

JulyBoard Agenda Items:Approve Propane Bids. Annual Budget Hearing, 3rd Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Designate Depositories and Legal Rep. Designate Newspaper of Record. Set Board Retreat. Dave Egger with AD Handbook.

Meeting Was Adjournedat 8:30 p.m. byChairman Jonna Abel.



Jonna Abel, Chairman


Neysha Lyman, Board SecretaryLaura Yaracz, Clerk