Clay County 4-H Chick Chain
- Twenty-five baby chicks (Black Sex-Links) will be given to 20 selected Clay County 4-H’ers along with 1 bag of starter, a feeder and 2 waterers. Chicken Coop, Brooder Lamp and Bulb are the responsibility of the 4-Her.
- Each 4-H Club member will agree to feed and care for his or her chicks and return six (6) choice pullets to the County Poultry Show and Sale that will be held in September. These pullets will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The money from the sale of the pullets will go to the 4-H Fund to continue this Chick Chain project. After this obligation is met, the other chickens are to be used as the 4-H’er desires.
- Should the 4-H’er not bring the required number of pullets to the show, he or she will be expected to refund $50.00 to Clay County 4-H and return all equipment provided, depending on their reason for not meeting their obligation.
- The show and sale will be held at the Hayesville Historic Square in conjunction with the Clay County Tractor Parade in September. At that time, ribbons will be awarded on the merit system: i.e., blue, red, white. Champion Pen will be awarded the Grand Champion Trophy.
- The member or parent agrees to pick-up the chicks on the arrival date.
- It is anticipated that the chicks will arriveJune 4th at the Extension Center. The project is to be directed by the County Extension Agents. Therefore, periodic visits can be made by the Agent to check on progress and correct any problems.
All youth must enroll as a 4-H member,which is free and is available through the North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Clay County Center.
Clay County 4-H Chick Chain Application
The North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Clay County Center is located at 36 Davis Loop, Suite 1, Hayesville, NC 28904. The phone number is 828-389-6305.
____ Yes, I agree to enter the Chick Chain Project, to care for and raise 25 baby chicks to the best of my ability, and return six (6) in the fall to help finance the project.
NAME OF 4H’ER______
PHONE NUMBERS (home & cell)______
Black Sex Link Chicken Breed Information
The Sex Link Hybrid is the result of crossing two purebred standardbreeds, the Rhode Island Red Chicken roosterand the Barred Rock Chicken hen. The baby Chicks are color sexed- males faded barred with light colored neck feathers, pullets are black with red mixed in their neck hackle feathers. This hybrid makes for very vigorous chicks, rugged brown egg laying hens and good cockerel fryers.
Chicken Facts: *Weights - Hen-----7 1/2 lbs Rooster------9 1/2 lbs
Pullet---6 lbs Cockerel----8 lbs *Purpose -Dual Purpose: egg laying and meat production *Egg Color -Brown *Egg Production -Very Good: 200 eggs per year