Step 2A: Surveys


  1. What are the major concerns regarding salary?
  2. Is the employee recognition failing here?
  3. What could be the main reason behind decrease in quality output at organizational level?


  1. How would you reckon the working of Roanoke Branch?
  2. Would you like to continue working with us here?
  3. Ho will you recommend us to other clients whom you know?

Letter to CEO

Davis Thomson,

20th Street, Park Avenue, Kelley Road

California, (West), 101

Gregory S. Forrest, MD

Phoenix Advertising,

The 6th Venue, Park Street,

Charlotte, North Carolina

Sub- Regarding the Downfall at Roanoke Branch,

Dear Sir,

I would bring to your kind notice my last visit to the Roanoke branch where I could find grave inconsistencies affecting the overall quality in production. The following abrupt factors are dominant in the branch which is not a good sign for future business ventures:

Facts and Causes

At first, as I could observe through the interviews of the Michael Hood, the art director and the examination number 68, the lack of proper planning is dominating the scene; the top management barely organizes the orientation meetings regarding the branch objectives and about dealing with the issues like increasing the production. The production issues are correlated with this concern of the art director and the examinee because both of them are directly responsible for designing and conducting an effective ad campaign. Both of them are, in a nutshell, dissatisfied with their non affiliation to the recommendation or advising program of the branch.

Impact and Effects

Secondly, the vertical order of management from top to bottom is absent in the channel of communication with one another. Everyone is aware that the branch is vital in producing business through insurance, finance and banking sector based advertisements; however, the branch is suffering from overload of work. In spite of knowing the deadlines, the top authorities do not inform the concerned people about the new works which they assign without any prior notice to the branch. As a result, the employees have to work days and nights, even at weekends to meet out the requirements of the clients which appears as the violation of working at professional level. Moreover, there is no revision of salary structure of the quality work producers; no incentives are paid for additional working in the branch which is affecting the morale of people in general.


To resolve the issue, I would recommend that there should be a proper discussion board inside the branch which initiates the communication between the branch employees openly at first regarding the finishing of pre-assigned ad campaigns on time. Secondly, it is the responsibility of the top management to take full and grave advice of the art director in order to have a successful design of the new ad campaigns in future. The top management should remain in contact with all the employees because this is the only way to maintain a good and healthy environment of working. At the same time, the employees must get incentives when they are involved in additional working shifts as it would bridge the gaps between the stress level taken and the morale of the individuals.

Thus, I forward this report for your kind consideration and I expect to have some positive moves from your behalf.

Thanking You Sir
