
Information Network Taskforce


August 25, 2008

10:00 a.m.

Community Visions and Networking (Quinte)

265 Charles Street

Belleville, Ontario

Present: Derek McGeachy, Pam Murphy, Jessica Michaels, Cathy McCallum, Joanne Goodfellow and Shelly Haggerty, and Carmela Ruberto and Sandie Sidsworth

Regrets: Michelle Ogden, Tom Johnston and Carole Dove

  1. Welcome

Pam welcomed those in attendance and introduced Sandie Sidsworth, Supervisor, Community Relations for Housing Programs Branch, Hastings County.

  1. Approval of the Notes


  1. Business Arising from the Notes
  2. AHAN Power Point Presentation-Brown Bag Lunches

Bancroft Brown Bag – contact Betty Coutu

2nd Tuesday of the Month – Sandie will contact

Madoc – September 16th - Jessica, Shelley to present

Deseronto – October 20th - Carmela/Sandie to present

We will ask to be put on the agenda for a 20 minute presentation

  1. National Housing Day
  2. Possible Panel Members
  3. Jessica had not yet received a confirmation from Campaign 2000 regarding a keynote speaker for the forum
  4. Pam suggested as a back up topic the Emergency Shelter and the supportive housing units in being established in Quinte West
  5. a decision on speakers will have to be made by September 15th
  1. Budget

The taskforce members agreed to ask their agencies to help sponsor the National Housing Day forum.

  1. Location

St. ThomasChurch – Community Advocacy & Legal Centre will cover the cost for the site - Jessica

  1. Brochure

The summer students were not able to finalize the brochure due to the keynote speaker not being decided upon. Sandie offered to prepare the brochures.

  1. Needs

Refreshments –

  • Muffins – coffee – 3 Oaks
  • Lunch - Community Advocacy & Legal Centre

IT –will depend on the needs of the speaker

Set Up – To be included in the cost of the room rental

Registration – Derek will receive the registrations (Joanne assist with the registration the day of the forum)

Advertising – Carmela and Pam (Hastings County Social Services and Housing Programs Branch) Carmela will look at last year’s advertising file

  1. Send keep the date email to AHAN members – Done
  1. Establish Agenda for the Forum
  • Panel Members / Guest Speaker – see item (a)
  • After Break – Green Initiatives – Scott Robertson, video presentation
  • Client – Shelley has established a contact
  • Patty Park has agreed to lead off Forum – review the AHAN History
  • Carmela confirmed that Gleaners will provide energy savings handout package
  • Carmela will call Veridian – same as above
  1. Other details
  • It was agreed to ask agencies to set up table top displays at the forum
  • Cathy McCallum will prepare a registration form for agencies wishing to display at the forum
  • Promote forum at the September 17th AHAN meeting
  • Promote on the website – brochure, registration etc.

Other Business

September 17th AHAN Meeting

  • Information/Network Taskforce – Chair
  • Speakers
  • Lori Cooper – VON SMILE Program
  • Pat Sutherland – Quinte Access Transportation Program (1:30 p.m.) on the agenda
  • Diane Poirier- update on recent funding for Our House 3
  • Refreshments

Joanne – water

Pam/Carmela – cookies/mini muffins

Jessica – fruit

Cathy – juice

Napkins – Shelley

  • Minutes – Carmela to check with Bob Cottrell
  • Registration/Name tags – same as above
  • Location – Committee Rooms 3A – 3B CountyAdministrationBuilding
  1. Next Meeting Date

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Community Visions and Networking (Quinte)

265 Charles Street

Belleville, Ontario