Montclair Public Schools
Glenfield Middle School
25 Maple Avenue ~ Montclair, New Jersey 07042
Alex Anemone, Ed.D.
Parent Newsletter 28 – 4/1
· Glenfield students will be dismissed early (12:38) on Thursday (4/7) for Staff Professional Development activities.
· Thank you to Colleen Connell, Eileen Painter, Karen Wagner and all the parents who volunteered to make the 2011 Club Glenfield a success. We set a new record for attendance – 380!
· Marking Period III ends on Tuesday, April 5th with report cards going home on Friday, April 8th. Please be on the lookout.
· The Glenfield PTA will meet at 7:00 in the Glenfield library on Tuesday night. Immediately after, Glenfield’s School Action Team will sponsor a viewing of the new documentary Inside Montclair High School. Parents and students are invited to attend, though there will be an in-school viewing for our 8th grade students later this spring.
· Thursday, April 7 will be the annual Glenfield Spring Dance Show. Tickets ($5/7 children/adults) are available from the main office. Please make checks payable to Glenfield Middle School and hurry, this event is usually a sell out!
· Parents are encouraged to log on to (search: Glenfield Prime Time) for daily episodes. On Monday, we begin a semi-recurring series called “In The Classrooms” where we feature a teacher and their lesson highlights. First up: a brief, 2 minute version of Mr. P’s famous World Domination. Then, on Wednesday, we begin our World Language Prime Time. First up: Sr. Ochoa’s Advanced Spanish II students.
· Two 7th grade students (Amya Dumay-House Belmonte and Brezaja Hutchinson-House Lofrano) and Mrs. Kozma will be starting an Environmental Club at Glenfield and they would like the Glenfield community to help them – via text message - select a name for their club. Participants will send a code to 37607. To select GEAR (Glenfield Environmental Action Resource club), please text 272532 to 37607. To select GET (Glenfield’s Eco Team), please text 272533 to 37607. Standard text rates apply.
· Friday, April 15 is the Fourth Annual glenFIELD Day. Our Coordinated School Health (formerly Health/Wellness) Team, along with the Montclair YMCA and Glenfield PTA will sponsor the days’ events. We are looking for parent volunteers to work two hour shifts (Grade 6 - 8:00-10:00; Grade 7 - 9:45-11:45 or Grade 8 - 11:45-1:45) If you are interested, please contact Mr. Papa
· Representatives from the Montclair High School Guidance Department are coming back to Glenfield to register our current 8th graders for classes for the 2011-12 school year. Students will select their courses with the assistance of counselors from MHS. If you have any questions, please contact the Freshmen Academy @ MHS 973-509-4136
· Tryouts for the Glenfield Cougar Baseball Team will be held rain (in the gym) or shine (outside) from 2:15-4:00 on the following days: 7th grade only – Monday, April 4; 8th grade only – Tuesday, April 5; and 7th/8th grade combined –Wednesday, April 6th. Please come dressed in baseball gear…in other words, no iPods
· A word from the desk of Christina Jordan, Student Council President: The Glenfield Student Council is sponsoring a fundraiser to help Japan recover after the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Student Council officers will be selling origami paper in the cafeteria next week for $1. Students who make a purchase will have the opportunity to write a message on an origami crane, which will then be sent to the city of Sendai. All money raised will be sent to the American Red Cross – Japan Fund. Special thanks to the Kaneda family for their charitable donation of the origami paper.
· A second word from the desk of Christina Jordan, Student Council President: Thank you to all students who wore pink and donated their spare change last week. The Glenfield Student Council will be sending a check for $110.00 to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
· Two Glenfield alumni, Skylar DellaFave (’10) and Evan Janifer (’08) have teamed up to start the Montclair High School chapter of Helmet 4 Life. Attached to this email is a Helmet 4 Life Pledge for parents and students to sign. Once it is signed and returned, students will receive an official Montclair Bikery Helmet 4 Life Bracelet.
From the desk of Mrs. Bilal: Just a gentle reminder… “School Attire”
Students should not be wearing short shorts or mini-skirts/dresses, spaghetti straptops, exposed undergarments (i.e., racer back attire, etc.), midriffs, revealing tops, etc. Boys are exposing undergarments by “sagging” their pants. Parents, please ask your middle school son/daughter to be more mindful of his/her attire daily. Staff and the administration are working together to ensure students are following school expectations. In addition, we have received reports of inappropriate behavior on social networks (i.e., Facebook, cell phones) happening after school hours. Please continue to closely monitor and stress the importance of respectful emailing/texting. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
Kids Corner: Congratulations to Mrs. Washington and her 6th Grade C Day Math K’Nexions Class! They won the 2011 K’Nexpert Classroom Challenge. Each student won a $20 K’Nex prize package and Glenfield won a $350 K’Nex prize package.
Kids Corner II: Congratulations to Glenfield’s Varsity and Junior Varsity 24 Challenge Team. Led by their coach, Mrs. Washington, last week they participated in the Essex County 24 Challenge: Team members are as follows: *Devin Alonzo, *Sam Dorow, *Ben Hocky, Sebi Rodriquez-Vars, *Aidan Stoddard, *Asif Uddin and Daniel Washington.
*Advanced to semi-finals.
Kids Corner III: Liam Kaplan (House Lofrano) was selected to perform in the Leschetizky Association's Annual Awards Concert held at the Tenri Cultural Institute in New York City on March 13th. He played Liszt's Liebestraum. Liam will perform a full piano program in an honors recital at A.C. Pianocraft in Long Island City, N.Y. on April 3rd at 3:00 p.m.
Follow us on twitter @glenfieldschool
Telephone: 973.509.4171 ~ Fax: 973.509.4179 ~ Email: