Whickham School & Sports College
Parent Governor

The governing body of Whickham School have four vacancies for parent governors. If you wish to stand for election as a parent governor, please complete the application form overleaf. If more nominations are received than there are vacancies, a ballot will be held in which parents/carers will be asked to vote. The information supplied on your nomination form will be used for any ballot.

Parent governors are elected by and from the parents/carers of registered pupils at the school for a period of four years. The position of school governor is vital to the effective development of the school and is a means of giving worthwhile service to the community.

An effective school governor is someone who:

  • cares about improving children’s educational achievement;
  • wants to work as part of a team and can value the contribution made by different people;
  • is willing to listen, learn, be supportive and ask questions;
  • has a feel for what is important to people and as a parent yourself be understanding of other parents’ concerns;
  • has an awareness of parents’ needs;
  • has enthusiasmcan commit their time and energy to the governing body and attend relevant training.

Across the whole governing body there are a number of essential skills required to ensure the governing body is effective. No one governor would be expected to have all of these skills but it would be useful if you could indicate in your nomination any of the areas where you feel you have skills, knowledge and experience, particularly related to:

  • Experience of governance (including in other sectors)
  • Experience of evaluation, interpretation and analysis of information given
  • Communication skills, including listening
  • Problem solving and creativity
  • Knowledge of this school and others
  • A parent’s perspective of teaching and learning.
  • Knowledge of the local community
  • Knowledge or experience of finance
  • Knowledge or experience of premises/health and safety/safeguarding
  • Knowledge or experience of working with staff
  • Ability to offer appropriate challenge and support to the school

For further information please contact Nicola Graham on 0191 4965402 or visit the Governor Support website at

This form is available electronically in the Parent’s Section of the School website.


3.05 pm on Wednesday 30.9.2015. Please return to Nicola Graham, preferably by email to

Please Note:

(i)there are some circumstances that disqualify an individual from serving as a school governor (eligibility information is available from Governor Support Service);

(ii)free training is available to support you in your new role.

Parent Governor Nomination Form

In the event of a ballot the information on this form will be used for a ballot

Candidate’s Full Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ......

NameYear/Class Child Attends

1.………………………………………. …………………………

2.………………………………………. …………………………

Why do you want to become a School Governor?

What knowledge, skills and experience do you have that you feel you could contribute?

Please provide details about yourself – include interests, work experience, specific work related skills, membership of voluntary organisations/community groups:

Are you committed to undertake further training related to the role of the

school governor? Yes/No


i) For legal reasons Whickham School cannot publish any statements of a political or libellous nature.

ii) You are not eligible to stand as a Parent governor if you are an elected member of the LA or if you work in the school for

more than 500 hours in a school year.

iii) For information regarding disqualification from being a governor, contact Governor Support Services on (0191) 4338628.


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Contact Number
