City of Trenton
Planning Board
Conference and Public Hearing
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Trenton City Hall
Members in Attendance:
Joe Cooley, Chairperson
Jeff Halpern
Charles Hill
Dennis Keenan
Sasa Montano
Staff in Attendance:
Andrew Carten, Director Division of Planning
Robert Leventhal, Planning Board Attorney
Cherry Oakley, Planning Board Secretary
A quorum was verified and Chairperson Cooley called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Ms. Montano motioned to adopt the minutes from the last meeting. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Mr. Carten made a correction to the minutes of 7/27/2006 specific to a name change of the attorney listed for one of the applicants. He will make said change in the resolution.
Mr. Keenan moved that the Board memorialize the Resolution #42666 approving final site plan application and three bulk variances for Scarpatti Inc. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Mr. Carten stated that the applicant has responded to all of the comments. Mr. Carten summarized the responses and confirmed that they agreed to comply with all staff recommendations.
Mr. Keenan made a motion to memorialize the Resolution #42738. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Mr. Carten stated that the first matter tonight has been adjourned until September. Mr. Carten noted that with very small cases like Leewood Avenue, it does not require a public hearing because it can be handled administratively. There is no requirement that they notice the public about the project because of the small nature of the project. What they are building is legal and conforms to regulations that are standard for that area so there is no exception that would warrant a public hearing or the delaying of the preliminary and final site plan approval for separate sessions. There was discussion about the thinking about granting approval of preliminary and final site plan approval of projects by the same developer and/or on the same street in closed conference session rather than hearing the matter, even if it the Board has no grounds for NOT granting approval, in a public forum so that the public has an opportunity to make comment on the project, even when it will inevitably go forward.
Ms. Montano made the following motion:
The City of Trenton Planning Board deny the request to waive public hearing of the Leewood Avenue matter.
Member / Aye / Nay / Ab-stain / Motioned / SecondedJoe Cooley, Chairperson /
Jeff Halpern / XCharles Hill / X / X
Dennis Keenan / X
Sasa Montano / X / X
Mr. Halpern made a motion that the public hearing of this matter shall include the review of both preliminary and final site plan approval of this matter. A friendly amendment was accepted to the motion from Ms. Montano that it be stated during the public hearing that the Board does not typically grant preliminary and final site plan approval in the same hearing, in an effort to avoid setting a precedent. Mr. Hill seconded the motion. All were in favor by Roll Call Vote.
Mr. Carten described the seconded matter that which has many concerns and its very design does not conform to any requirements of the area. If the applicant is seeking a height variance that exceed 10%, the Board does not have the jurisdiction to hear the matter and grant the variance; the Zoning Board is the appropriate Board to hear the matter. Mr. Leventhal will make the announcement if necessary as determined by the testimony of the applicant.
Mr. Carten described the third matter.
Next Meeting: The August 24th meeting is cancelled.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm. Chairperson Cooley opened the meeting. A quorum was verified.
Mr. Leventhal made an announcement that in the matter reviewing a Review of a Capital Project for the Arena Improvements District. The return date would be announced at a later time for this matter.
Item #1- RESCHEDULED- Review of a Capital Project. Proposed streetscape improvements as part of the Arena Improvements District; Location: Centre and Second Streets, between Bridge and Cass Streets; Applicant: The Mercer County Improvement Authority.
Item #2- 42676- Preliminary Major Subdivision, Preliminary Site Plan Application, bulk variance for front and rear yard setbacks, height variance: The applicant intends to consolidate existing lots and re-subdivide to create 9 conforming lots and construct 9 townhomes in two separate buildings: Location of Development: 501 S. Logan Avenue; City Tax Map: Block 29102, Lots 1-8. Applicant: Michael Hojnaski, 2 Tartan Court, Lawrence, NJ 08648.
Mr. Robert Rogers the attorney for the applicant introduced the project and the applicant presenting tonight. Mr. Leventhal asked if the applicant is still seeking the height variance for an additional 4.66 feet, which is greater than the 10% allowable building height, which
Mr. Rogers indicated that the plans have been amended to 36ft. which is well within the height requirements.
Mr. Rogers indicated that they have not been able to submit the plans to the Planning Department yet for review because the plans were not received until this week and the reviewer has been on vacation. Mr. Hill asked if it would be appropriate to amend this matter until the Planning staff has an opportunity to review them. Mr. Carten approached and stated that the applicant should have an opportunity to describe the amended plans and then he would be able to see if that would appropriate because there are other significant concerns regarding this project. Mr. Hill and Mr. Halpern stated that they are not comfortable with hearing a matter that they have not been able to review the plans or have the Board’s professionals review the amended plans.
Mr. Rogers asked if they could be heard if having nine units on this lot is plausible versus the recommended eight, so that they can know whether to continue in the direction that they are currently going or do they need to change their direction. Mr. Leventhal suggested that they consult with the Planning Department staff regarding those details and that if they adjourn the matter to another date then they won’t need to re-notice the matter.
The following vote was set forth:
To carry this matter to the Public Hearing of 9/14 and no further notice will be given.
Member / Aye / Nay / Ab-stain / Motioned / SecondedJoe Cooley, Chairperson /
Jeff Halpern / X / XCharles Hill / X / X
Dennis Keenan / X
Sasa Montano / X
Item #3- 30203AA-Amended Final Site Plan Application, design waiver. The applicant intends to construct a new paved parking lot. Location of Development: Chadwick Street & Princeton Avenue: Block 24602, Lots 3,4,20,56,57; Block 24905,Lots 42,61: Applicant Capital Health Systems c/o Greg D’Adamo, Vice President, 750 Brunswick Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618
Mr. Thomas Brown, counselor at law of Lenox, Socey, Wilgus, Formidoni, Brown, Giordano, & Casey, LLC of Lawrenceville, NJ introduced the matter tonight. He noted that tonight he is present because of the acquisition of 2 parcels of land that stood in the center of the parking lot, would increase the first number of spaces approved by the Board by 16. Exhibit A-1 was entered into the record.
Mr. Eric Rupnarain, P.E. of Goldenbaum Balill Associates, Inc. of Lambertville, NJ introduced himself and was sworn in and demonstrated where the additional parking spaces would be located and how the lot they will be located in will be accessed. Mr. Rupnarain discussed the lighting and the landscaping planned. All of the spaces that were approved previously were approved for 9 ft. The current lighting proposed does show spillage across the property line which they are trying to correct with either changing or moving the fixtures or changing the wattage of the lamps.
Board Questions:
Ms. Montano: Will this parking lot have access to the other lots?
Mr. Rupnarain: No
Mr. Halpern: What will it be used for?
Mr. Lake: The parking will be used for physician parking.
Mr. Halpern: What’s the flow of the pedestrian traffic?
Mr. Lake: By linked raised crosswalks
Mr. Hill: What’s your long term vision of this surface parking lot?
Mr. Lake: This will serve the facility. Our Vice President has stated that structured parking will be looked at as the need arose. This project is a physician satisfier.
Mr. Hill: While this would be for physician use currently, given the plans of Capital Health Systems in other places in the City it is anticipated that there will be increasing demand on this facility, so at present this expanded surface parking will be used for physician parking however I would like to go on record as saying that in the future if you are going to present a request for expanded surface parking you should consider a parking structure. Any plans for increased surface parking that you would make will be scrutinized more closely by me.
Mr. Brown indicated that they will comply with the Taylor Groups recommendations.
Chairperson Cooley asked if there was anyone from the audience that wanted to speak for or against this project. With no answer from the Gallery the following votes were set forth:
Approval of the Amended Final Site Plan Application
Member / Aye / Nay / Ab-stain / Motioned / SecondedJoe Cooley, Chairperson /
Jeff Halpern / X / XCharles Hill / X / X
Dennis Keenan / X
Sasa Montano / X
Approval of the Design Waiver
Member / Aye / Nay / Ab-stain / Motioned / SecondedJoe Cooley, Chairperson /
Jeff Halpern / X / XCharles Hill / X / X
Dennis Keenan / X
Sasa Montano / X
With no other business before the Mr. Hill made a motion to adjourn the public hearing. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Cherry Oakley