Your location can be found on Volunteer Map #1. You are volunteer T2.

If assistance is needed, you may contact one of the event chairpersons via walkie-talkie or cell phone:

Cheryl Bryant (410 608-4672) or Elizabeth Lewis (215 906-4853)

Essential duties:You will be responsible for ticket sales. The only discounts offered are noted below.


  • Adults $10
  • Seniors (65+)/ Students $8 (high school or younger)

Use the tally sheet to keep track of the number of admissions sold. There is a different tally sheet for adult admissions and one for students / seniors.

Each spectator purchasing a ticket should receive a hand stamp:

(it’s preferable to stamp under the wrist so that it won’t be washed off when they wash their hands.)

Some VIP’s (school Board members, etc) have been invited. They will have an envelope (in your supply box) and it will include a blue wristband. There are a few extra blue wristbands in your suppy box. If someone acompanies them (for ex- a spouse), feel free to offer a wrstband for that person also.

Some people may have green complimentary tickets. These are to be accepted, and a hand stamp is received in exchange. Do not mark these on the tally sheet. Place the actual tickets in your supply box, and return it to the band room before you leave.


  • Cash may not be removed from the cash box under any circumstances to purchase items that you need or have run out of.
  • Cash boxes should never be left unattended.


  • If the cash box is very full and needs to be emptied, contact Janice Maddrenat 215 630-5571.
  • Bus drivers have been given a pass to enter the building and access the concessions area. This pass will not admit them to the gym. Bus drivers who wish to watch the performances must purchase an admission at full price unless they already have a wristband (which was given to them by the team’s Director).
  • The ticket booth will close around 7:30 pm, however, you can close earlier if it seems that no one else is coming. Please contact one of the event chairpersons when you wish to close.
  • If you wish to watch any of the performances before or after your volunteer shift, you will need your volunteer badge or t-shirt to access the gym. Please leave these items and all supplies in the band room before you leave.

Thank you for volunteering your time and energy!