


Elements of a Story

Define the following terms.

1)  Setting: ______and ______a story takes place

2)  Mood: the ______or ______in a story

3)  Characterization: how authors create characters and give them ______. This can be done by describing characters’ ______, having them ______a certain way, by telling the ______other characters have of the character, by revealing the character’s ______, and by the ______of the character.

4)  Plot: the ______of events in a story

1)  Enticing incident: where the story ______; usually there is a ______of some sort to get the reader hooked on the story.

2)  Turning point: the emotional high point of the story, this is where the story’s conflict takes a turn and starts to ______up, and the reader will be asking, “What will happen next? Will the conflict be resolved?” After the turning point, the story’s ______decreases.

3)  Resolution: the ______of the conflict; the story starts to untangle itself.

5)  Conflict: a ______in the story between opposing forces

1)  Person vs. Person – a struggle between ______or more individuals

2)  Person vs. Self – a struggle between a person and ______

3)  Person vs. Nature – a struggle between a person and an ______of nature (e.g. a person can’t make it home to their family because of a blizzard)

4)  Person vs. Society – a struggle between a person and the ideas, practices, or customs of ______

6)  Point of View: the ______or ______from which the story is told

1)  First Person: the story is told by the main character and uses pronouns like _____, ______, ______, etc.

2)  Third Person: the story is told by the author and uses pronouns like ______, ______, ______, ______, etc.

7)  Theme: the ______the author is trying to make about society. It is the main point of the story.

Elements of a Story

Define the following terms.

1)  Setting: where and when a story takes place

2)  Mood: the emotion or feeling in a story

3)  Characterization: how authors create characters and give them personality. This can be done by describing characters’ appearance, having them speak a certain way (e.g. with an accent), by telling the opinions other characters have of the character, by revealing the character’s thoughts, and by the actions of the character.

4)  Plot: the sequence of events in a story

1)  Enticing incident: where the story begins; usually there is a conflict of some sort to get the reader hooked on the story.

2)  Turning point: the emotional high point of the story, this is where the story’s conflict takes a turn and starts to wrap up, and the reader will be asking, “What will happen next? Will the conflict be resolved?” After the turning point, the story’s ACTION decreases.

3)  Resolution: the outcome of the conflict; the story starts to untangle itself.

5)  Conflict: a STRUGGLE in the story between opposing forces

1)  Person vs. Person – a struggle between TWO or more individuals

2)  Person vs. Self – a struggle between a person and THEMSELF

3)  Person vs. Nature – a struggle between a person and an ELEMENT of nature (e.g. a person can’t make it home to their family because of a blizzard)

4)  Person vs. Society – a struggle between a person and the ideas, practices, or customs of OTHER PEOPLE

6)  Point of View: the ANGLE or PERSPECTIVE from which the story is told

1)  First Person: the story is told by the main character and uses pronouns like I, ME, MY, etc.

2)  Third Person: the story is told by the author and uses pronouns like THEY, HE, SHE, IT, etc.

7)  Theme: the STATEMENT the author is trying to make about society. It is the main point of the story.