RFP #R660088

KATV Preservation Project

Please note the following revisions/clarifications to the original RFP document:

1.  The Proposal Response Due Date has been extended to January 11, 2018 at 2:30 pm CST.

2.  Questions will be accepted until 4:30 pm CST, January 3, 2018. (Please note that the University is closed beginning December 22, 2017 until January 2, 2018.)

3.  Add the following requirements to Section 14. Specifications / Goals and Deliverables:

·  Provide full description of the scanner(s) to be used in completion of the project.

·  Describe quality control measures in full.

4.  Add the following text to No. 3 of Section 1. Description and Overview of RFP:

The original or sub-reels are to be built into one 1600 foot reel. The 1600 foot reels will be shipped to KATV, the ABC affiliate in Little Rock Arkansas, by the vendor after Pryor Center approval of the digital file.

5.  Add the following bullet point to No. 4 of Section 1. Description and Overview of RFP:

·  Pro-Res 2K HQ 2058X1536; 24fps

6.  Make the following change to the first bullet point of No. 5 of Section 1. Description and Overview of RFP:

·  Document scanning of original film boxes and handwritten log sheets


·  Document scanning of handwritten log sheets

7.  Add No. 8 to Section 1. Description and Overview of RFP:
#8 Provide cost estimates for scene-to-scene color correction as well as for best light
color correction per reel.

8.  Changes to issues discussed during the Pre-Proposal Tele-Conference call:

·  During the Pre-Proposal Tele-Conference call the Pryor Center committee members and vendors discussed adding/assigning markers to the digital files at the beginning of each clip. Subsequent to the call, the committee members decided instead of adding/assigning markers in the digital files, the linear time code or real running time on the digital file at the beginning of each clip is to be noted and inserted into a separate column on the Excel spreadsheet. Note: Each 1600 foot reel begins at 00:00:00, which is the point on the reel after the leader and where the film starts.

·  The Pryor Center will provide the hard drives for transfer of digital files from vendor to the Pryor Center.