Jefferson County Commissioner Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2011

Meeting called to order at 9:00 am. Those present are Chairman Karren, Commissioner Raymond, Commissioner Hegsted, Robin Dunn, Nathan Bronson,and Naysha Foster. Emily Kramer is clerk of the board. Nathan Bronson gave the Pledge of Allegiance and Emily Kramergave the prayer.

Planning & Zoning – Naysha Foster

  • Hiring Consultant for City Impact Agreements

Naysha explains that cities are interested in revising the city impact agreements and impact ordinance. Naysha has been in touch with the cities of Menan, Lewisville, and Rigby. The City of Menan has hired Kurt Hibbert as a consultant on their codes. Naysha explains that they have starting talking about forming a committee and hiring Kurt as a consultant. The goal is to create a collaborative effort. Naysha mentions that with the economy it is the perfect time to get started on this. Robin explains that the City of Rigby updated their code in 2003. Naysha wants to know if Commissioners support forming a committee and hiring Kurt. Nathan mentions that the City of Menanhas been working with Kurt and they have found him to be veryefficient. Robin mentions that the City of Rigby has already hired a consultant. Naysha asks how far along they are. Naysha mentions that this will cost money and she has a professional service line. Nathan mentions that they will also need resources such as meeting rooms. Chairman Karren, Commissioner Raymond, and Commissioner Hegsted support the hiring of a consultant to work on the city impact agreements and impact ordinance.

  • New P & Z Board Member

Naysha talked to Dwayne Ball and he would be interestedin serving on the board. However, the P & Z Commission would like to find someone that lives closer to Roberts and Byron is going to get some names. Naysha checked references on the last person recommended and no onewanted to comment. The Commissioners are okay to wait until they get more names for consideration. Commissioner Raymond mentions Dennis Snaar might be someone to consider.

Planning & Zoning – Naysha Foster

  • Extensions for Recording Subdivisions

Extensions for recording subdivisions of Rolling Hills #3, Ridge Point, Ridge View Estates, Teton Heights #2 – 5, Teton Peaks was granted a year ago. Naysha explains that the Commissioners asked to reassess in one year when they granted the extensions in 2010. So that is why this matter is before them today. Naysha explains that the developers are still farming the land because of the economy and would like another extension. Naysha explains that without an extension they have to record them and the surveyor has to pin them, record the plat, and then the farmers would have to take the pins out to farm. Kevin explains when you record a plat, the pins are set, and as a surveyor you certify the information so he cannot record a plat without setting the pins as some have asked of him.

Commissioner Hegsted asks how many lots are in these subdivisions. Kevin states between 500 and 600 lots. Naysha explains that Rolling Hills and Teton Heights already have divisions recorded and lots sold. The other subdivisions have not been developed. Commissioner Hegsted mentions that our comprehensive plan was to convert 1,000 acres over fifteen years and instead we converted 4,000 acres in less than three years. Commissioner Hegsted wants to understand the developers’ intentions before granting an extension on each subdivision. Commissioner Hegsted asks Robin if we can selectively pick who is granted an extension. Robin mentions that over the years he has learned not toselect one over another. Robin would ask the developers to apply for extensions. Naysha explains that they sent a letter stating that their extensions were expiring and all of the subdivisions before the Commissioners today requested another extension. Kevin mentions that he thinks it is a good idea to evaluate each subdivision and Naysha mentions that conformity of surrounding areas and the zoning should be considered. Robin mentions they should be conservative in extending subdivisions and have reasons to support the denial. Discussion is held on the subdivisions.

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to grant an extension till December 31, 2011 on the filing of the plats for Rolling Hills #3, Ridge Point, Ridge View Estates, Teton Heights #2 – 5, and Teton Peaks or they will be considered null and void. Second by Commissioner Raymond. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer – Kristine Lund

  • Warrants of Distraint Ordinance

Kristine mentions that there was a change in Idaho statute that requires a county ordinance to allow fees to be charged for a warrant of distraint. Current fees are $20 for the Sheriff’s Office and $10 for the Treasurer.

Commissioners ask Robin to work with Kristine in drafting the ordinance and publishing it. Commissioners would like to ask the Sheriff if a $20 fee is an adequate amount for processing a warrant of distraint. The Treasurer feels the $10 is sufficient for administrative fees for her office.

Kristine is in the middle of her second set of warrants of distraint for this year. Kristine mentions that she got a call from Nathan Olsen attorney for Jeff Ireland in reference to a mobile home owned by Teresa Pelton who abandoned it. The taxes that are currently owed for 2010 are in question. Mr. Ireland would like to dismantle the mobile home and take it off of his property. He would not be interested in purchasing the mobile home at a Sheriff’s sale. Kristine mentions that if we hold a Sheriff’s sale and there are no buyers, the County takes ownership of the mobile home and that might not be in the county’s best interests. Kristine is asking to cancel the 2010 taxes and to revisit the 2011 taxes at the end of the year so that the mobile home can be dismantled. The 2010 taxes are in the amount of $133.04.

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to cancel the taxes on said property in the amount of $133.04 upon inspection by the Treasurer and to turn the property over to the land owner, Jeff Ireland, for disposal of the mobilehome. Second by Commissioner Raymond. Roll call taken. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.


  • RC&D Dues

Chairman Karren mentions that RC&D lost its federal funding and is asking for support from counties. Chairman Karren explains that RC&D administers grants for Homeland Security and Bonneville Power Administration. Chairman Karren mentions that she believes the invoice will be sent out this week. RC&D is requesting support of $350 or more. The Commissioners agree to table this matter until the invoice is received.

  • Basic Service Bids

Commissioners discuss the basic service bids for fleet service that Jim Boulter received.

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to accept Ron’s Tire’sbid for the service of county vehicles for the year 2012 since they were the lowest bidder and they have two convenient locations on the east and west side of the county (see attached exhibit). Second by Commissioner Raymond. Discussion is held. Roll call taken. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners ask that the businesses, department heads, and elected officials be notified by the Clerk’s office.

  • Memory Media Contract

Discussion is held on the contract. Robin makes a change to the contract to make it valid for one year instead of two.

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to accept the Memory Media contract with the duly noted change that the contract will be valid for one year and may be renewed by the contracting party and by the county upon 30 days written notice of renewal to the other party. Second by Commissioner Raymond. Roll call taken. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

  • Resolution #2012-01

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to adopt Resolution #2012-01 for destruction of UCC financing statements from 1960 - 2000. Second by Commissioner Raymond. Motion passed unanimously.

Social Services – Edidt Ramirez

  • Executive Session 67-2345(D)

Motion by Commissioner Hegstedto go into executive session at 11:01am pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345(D). Second by Commissioner Raymond. Roll call taken. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

Moved back into open session at 11:22 am.

Motion by Commissioner Raymond to approve #2012-06subject to medical review and to deny#2012-08 on ability to pay. Second by Commissioner Hegsted. Roll call taken. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners sign a retail alcoholic beverage license for Gloria Peterson doing business as Dolly’s Subway Club.


Carlos Aponte

  • Health Insurance Renewal

Carlos explains that Delta Dental came back with a $1 cheaper on administrative cost, but when applied to the employee’s premium it is not significant enough to change from Blue Cross. Commissioners agree to stay with Blue Cross. Carlos mentions that Delta Dental and Blue Cross are about the same. Carlos feels that if it was significantly greater he would recommend switching, but since it is not, he does not recommend a change.

Carlos introduces Shawn Bills who is the owner of S.O.A.R. wellness from Idaho Falls. Carlos discusses the wellness program and proposes to have the on site testing run by S.O.A.R. wellness instead of IHS. S.O.A.R. would still provide the reports and their services mirror IHS. One thing that Carlos likes about S.O.A.R. is that they do a stress profile and they tell you what and why. Shawn mentions that they provide aggregate group data to the employer and each employee will get an individual wellness report card just like IHS.

Shawn mentions that they can measure the presence of risk factors. They identify the top ten killers and the top ten most expensive health conditions to have. They look at what the individual’s exposure and company’s exposure to the top ten killers. They look at the number of risk factors and they present the economic exposure. Carlos mentions that nutrition and eating habits were not looked at well by IHS and that S.O.A.R. does a better job.

Carlos mentions that we paid $175 per employee to LHS for a total of $26,425 in 2011 and for S.O.A.R. it will cost $115 totaling $17,365 for 2012. Thefeatures are the same and include a panel test, company’s executive summary, and wellness report card for employees. Marilyn mentions that with LHS we were paying to have people come from Chicago. Carlos mentions that S.O.A.R. can do a year long program for $155. Shawn mentions that the programs would include weekly support articles, thoughts of the day, webinars, and monthly health habit challenges. They focus on a different health habit once a month and send out a health habit calendar via email. They send out a support article as well and provide employees with education each month. The calendars are built based on the test results. Carlos mentions it is like the campaigns but is more hands on. Carlos says we can offer this as an option to employees. Shawn mentions that they are trying to keep people to think health conscious all the time.

Commissioner Raymond asks if there are employees who feel they are zeroed in on. Shawn says there is a potential which is not really a bad thing. Carlos mentions that from an employer’s standpoint everything an employee gets is confidential and the employer does not get the information. Carlos mention that no one has came in and voiced concern. Shawn mentions that they had an individual with a BMI that showed her as obese and she took offense to that.

Carlos mentions maybe we should go with the $115 and complete the wellness test, and then ask employees how many would like to receive the monthly support. They then could produce a report which shows a percentage of how many employees want to do the ongoing program for a year.

Motion by Commissioner Raymond to accept the proposal from S.O.A.R. for the wellness program for $115 per employee and thenreevaluate it in April after the wellness test. Second by Commissioner Hegsted. Roll call taken. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

Marilyn mentions that Carlos, Matt, and Shawn are willing to go out to Solid Waste for the insurancemeetings.

Motion by Chairman Karren to amend the agenda to allow time for the business of the Clerkand for Resolution #2012-02 at 2:37 pm. Second by Commissioner Raymond. Motion passed unanimously.


  • State Animal Damage Control

Commissioners discuss the animal damage control board and the work they do.

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to contribute $3,000 to the animal damage control district #5 for fiscal year 2012 to be paid out of the commissioners’ contingency fund. Second by Commissioner Raymond. Roll call taken. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

  • Sunday Beer & Liquor Sales

Commissioners discuss beer and wine sales. The alcohol ordinance was revisited and discussed.

  • Commissioner Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Raymond to approve the minutes of September 26, 2011. Second by Commissioner Hegsted. Motion passed unanimously.

  • Claims

Motion by Commissioner Raymond to approve the claims dated September 26, 2011 through September 30, 2011 to total $210,960.77 and to approve the claims dated October 1, 2011 through October 7, 2011 to total $226,878.37. Second by Commissioner Hegsted. Roll call taken. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

  • Clerk’s Business

Chris presents certificate of residencies for the commissioners to sign. Chris received a budget request for shop with the cop and asks the commissioners if they would like to support this cause this year.

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to support shop with the cop for a total of $1500 to be paid out of the indigent fund. Second by Commissioner Raymond. Roll call taken. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

Chris received a request for funding from the Casa program which is a court appointed special advocates program for children and presents it to the commissioners to read. Chris presents the CAI contract for signature.

Motion by Chairman Karren to approve the CAI service, software license, maintenance fees, and software support fees contract for 2012. Second by Commissioner Hegsted. Roll call taken. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Chairman Karren – aye. Motion passed unanimously.

Chris presents Finances Resolution #2012-02 that proposes to transfer $161,311 from the building trust fund to the district court fund and to transfer $16,154.51 from the justice fund to the Sheriff’s Highway Safety grant to close the budget. Chris asks for approval to transfer the money from the justice fund because the Sheriff is not here this week. Commissioners approve the transfer from the justice fund to the Sheriff’s Highway Safety grant and ask Chris to consult with the Sheriff as soon as he returns.

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to approve Finances Resolution #2012-02. Second by Commissioner Hegsted. Roll call taken. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Chairman Karren – aye.

Attorney- Robin Dunn

  • Executive Session 67-2345(F)

Motion by Commissioner Hegsted to go into executive session at 3:19 pm pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345(F). Second by Commissioner Raymond. Roll call taken. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Chairman Karren – aye.

Moved back into open session at 3:46pm.

Discussion held on pending litigation. Commissioners give direction to Robin to proceed.


  • Executive Session 67-2345(B)

Motion by Chairman Karren to go into executive session at 4:13 pm pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345(B). Second by Commissioner Hegsted. Roll call taken. Commissioner Raymond – aye. Commissioner Hegsted – aye. Chairman Karren – aye.

Moved back into open session at 4:32pm.

Discussion held on supervisor evaluations.

Meeting adjourned at 4:32pm.


Chairman of the Board


Clerk of the Board


County Clerk

Jefferson Co. Commissioner Meeting Minutes Pg. 1, October 11, 2011