DeerCreekMiddle School

Seventh Grade Pre AP Literature

Kari Steele


Web site:http//

School number: 348-4830

Course Goals:

  • To instill in all students an appreciation of literature of all kinds.
  • To have all students reading on grade level or above.
  • To have students become life long readers for recreation as well as information.

Reading Program:

Research shows that each student should be reading every day to improve reading ability. Seventh graders make gains in reading through sustained silent reading, reading aloud, and through teacher directed reading lessons. Because of this, I insist that students bring a book to class everyday. I will conference with each student in order to make sure that they are working toward their potential and meeting their reading goals.

We will be using the Accelerated Reading program, which focuses on books and lessons to accomplish these goals. This program allows students to choose what subjects they are reading about rather than having to read about things they have little or no interest in. All students will have a required reading point goal of 20 points per nine weeks. For each additional five points earned, the student will be rewarded with 5 bonus points, up to 50 extra points per nine weeks. Is your child allowed to read non-AR books? Of course!! I will give them instructions on how to write a test that I will put on the computer so it can be counted toward their goal.

We will begin by giving a computer test to each student to determine on what level they should be reading. This individualizing allows students at whatever reading level to grow and be successful. I will check with the students periodically to check their progress. They will be given time in class to read each day but they must also read outside of class.

We will also be reading novels as a class. These books will be read in class. There will be assignments associated with each. Our Literature book will also be used throughout the year for various lessons and activities.

Know what your child is choosing to read! Inside the cover of his/her library book should be the grade level, number of AR points and a rating:

LG-Lower Grades

MG-Middle Grades

MG+- Middle Grades Plus

UG-Upper Grades

Discuss with your student what you consider appropriate for them to read. LG should be considered a “clean read”, MG, MG+ and UG are not necessarily “clean reads”.

Homework Policy:

Homework will be completed when assigned. All assignments are due the next day, at the beginning of the hour, unless otherwise specified. Students will be given two late homework coupons per nine weeks. Students may use those coupons to turn in late work for full credit on daily assignments by stapling the coupons to the late work before turning it in to the late work basket. All late work without a coupon will be given a 50%. (If for some reason the class does not meet the assignment is not late.)

Make-up assignments:

  • The student is responsible for obtaining make-up assignments when absent. Assignments will be posted on the assignment board and website. It is the student’s responsibility to get make-up work turned in within two days if they were absent one day (see your handbook for details). If you need additional information about the assignments see me at a time when it is mutually convenient. I will schedule times to help each student in any way possible.


Talking during tests = zero

Behavior Expectations:

In addition to following the DCMS school-wide discipline plan, my classroom is managed based on 5 R’s:

Responsible – bring supplies, homework, etc.

Ready – be on time, in your desk, working on your bell work

Respect – for others and yourself

Reason – think, think, think!

Reach – push yourself more than you usually do


The Grading scale used by Deer Creek Middle School is Deer Creek Policy:

  • 90-100 = A
  • 80-89 = B
  • 70-79 = C
  • 60-69 = D
  • Below 60 = F

Scores within 2 points of either end of the scale will usually have a plus or minus sign attached.

Retake Policy:

Any student scoring below a 70 percent on a test given in class (not an AR test) will be required to retake the test within a one week window. Prior to retaking the test, the student must complete and turn in a qualifying assignment (provided by me). This will be designed to help the student re-examine the information in hopes of improving understanding and performance.


The best way to make sure you (your child) are keeping up with your assignments is to check PowerSchool often. Your login and password can be found on your schedule.

*Please check my website on a regular basis. You can find the address at the top of this page. You may also access it from the DCMS website. On my website, students/parents will find important information, including links to literary notes, study guides, etc.

*Students and parents may sign up for NewsFlash which I use to send out important reminders every so often. To sign up for this (reminders can go to an email address or as a cell phone text), go to my website and choose the tab for the correct class (there is a separate NewsFlash sign-up for Pre AP Lit and Pre-AP Comp) and enter your information.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or need further explanation. The best way to reach me is through e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you throughout the school year.If you have a question that cannot wait until the next day, please call me at home 341-7957.

(Please cut along the dotted line and return the bottom signed portion only Keep the rest for your records)

I have read the above syllabus and understood its contents. I intend to be a productive and cooperative member of Mrs. Steele’s Pre AP Lit. class.


(Student Signature)

I have read the above syllabus and understood its contents. I intend to encourage my child to be a productive and cooperative member of Mrs. Steele’s Pre AP Lit class.


(Parent Signature)