November 20, 2015

Marton Music Studio

In attendance

Drea Wagner, Jenni Hogan, Katherine King, MaryAnn Robinson, Elaine Phillips, PruPalacheck, Marlene Wondergem, Louise Mann, Sarah Vincent, Elisabeth Daniels, Ann Hoppert Keller, Rose Collier, Bonnie Shimulunas, ShelbaDeMaster,Susan Zeuske

Guests: Marlene Yang, Marci Tousey, Chloe Meyer

Visitors: Adam Zeuske to discuss online studio management program

  1. Call to Order

Drea Wagner called the meeting to order 9:03

  1. Approval of Minutes

Louise moved and Elaine 2ndapproval of the minutes from the September 2015 MMTA meeting as read by Tricia.

  1. Reports

A.President—Drea Wagner

At the WMTA conference in October we elected a new president, Nick Phillips. The conference also included the annual WMTA business meeting, where WMTA passed a revised constitution and bylaws. Please note that MTNA changed the membership requirements to includemembers teachers younger than 18 as full members.

The WMTA Website has been revamped and includes a place for teachers to upload information for Find A Teacher through WMTA. Drea will send link to MMTA members. If you have questions, please contact WMTA webmaster, Elisabeth Daniels.

The Executive Board met November 9, 2015. Topics discussed included revising MMTA bylaws to reflect the MTNA change in membership age as well as how that change influences our internship program. Please contact a member of the Executive Committee with comments about this issue. The Executive Committee is absorbing theresponsibilities of Growth and Development since we do not have a Growth and Development chair. The theme for our 2016 fall festival is Russian Music. The Executive Committee is looking for themes for the 2017 fall festival so that a speaker can be arranged.

If members are interested in Robert Vandall samplers that include a catalogue of his compositions, Drea has extras from the October presentation. Please contact her for information.

Note that the WSMA Solo & Ensemble lists are available through their website. Individual categories (i.e. piano) can be purchased for $10.

MMTA member Robert Hilgendorf has moved to Alaska 140 miles southwest of Anchorage. She is teaching and involved with her church. Roberta says, “I will greatly miss Michibago meetings and friends…” Doctors are very pleased with her health. Roberta has a box of Beethoven LP recordings. Please let her know if you are interested. She will be visiting Sheboygan in April.

The Sheboygan Symphony Orchestra has contacted us about their master classes. Mary Schalhorn, executive director, has hadtrouble finding students that are willing to participate. Please note that students do not need to be advanced to participate, intermediate studentsare welcome. Clinicians have an open and encouraging attitude towards students.

MMTA is compiling a list of students who are able to play background music in our community.Contact Elisabeth if you or a student would like to be added to this list.

Dr. Molly Rosemondfrom UW-Stevens Point will give a masterclass on Friday, February 26, for MMTA students.The masterclass will last for about 2 hours. The location is TBA, but we are considering the Plymouth Arts Center. The membership requested a Saturday time. If the masterclass is to be on Friday, the membership requested a time between 6:00-8:30 p.m. Further comments are requested.

December 2 is the early registration deadline for the MTNA conference.

MMTA has submitted an application for the MTNA local association of the year award. The winner will be announced in December. In our application we received comments from students and parents of MMTA as well as a recommendation from Nick Phillips, ourWMTA President.Drea will compile this list and send it to members.

B.Vice-President report—Ann Hoppert Keller

Our January presentation is on body mapping,similar to Alexander Technique. The presenter is Dr. Shipiro. Location TBA.

Ann sent out a revised schedule via email. MMTA is looking to make a brochure. Please send information about the benefits of MMTA to Ann. A question to consider: Why is MMTA spectacular?

Resources were shared about teaching special need students, especially dyslexic students. Web resources were sent to membership. We arelooking for presenter on this topic.

Elaine suggested that we reinstate a game sharing time where teachers share games that they have created.

The Coffee Cadence schedule is included with events at the end of the agenda.

Please share ideas for meeting topics.

C.Auditions—Marlene Wondergem, Louise Mann co-chairs

Changes: new entry fees (now $20 and $25). Marlene handed out a printed copy of all changes.All information is online at Details of audition changes are also in the WMTA newletter. If teachers have difficulty with Ovations! email Louise.

Changes include:

There must be an original score for the accompanist as well as the soloist, if the soloist uses music. As long as this requirement is met, the accompanist may play from copied music.

Teachers may not enter students who study with a different teacher.

Repertoire can not be changed after the freeze date.

When registering students in a different district, the audition fees go to that district, NOT the local district chair.

Students can take two theory tests if they audition at different levels, or just the higher of the two levels to qualify.

Students in grade 7 and above loose one point from the entire score if the measures are not numbered.

A teacher may not turn pages for their own student.

Adult students can accumulate points.

Treasurer’s Report:

A new membership list is available online. Two new members joined, SusanZueske and Elena Abend. PruPalacheck’s correct contact number is 262-268-7082.

D.Spanish Music Festival—Elaine Phillips and Bonnie Shimulunas co-chairs

The festival is November 21,at Lakeland. Please come to the recital at the end of the day or attend during the festival, even if you do not have students enrolled. There are 105 entries including 9 duets and 3 adult students. Three large divisions that originally had over 20 students were dividedby grade level. Now the following divisions are by grade: Grade 3,Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6,Grades 7 and Grade 8.

E.Young Musical Stars, Tricia Marton, chair

YMS will have similar registration deadlines and as in the past. The committee requests another member. Deadline to enter students will be in early March. Members will be emailed with details.

F.Awards Committee, Tricia Marton, chair

The Awards Committee will meet on December 16, at Marton Music Studio. Any MMTA member is welcome to attend.

  1. New Business

A.Donation to Piano Arts—tabled by presidentDrea Wagner

Tricia Marton moved to adjourn: PruPalacheck 2nd. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05

After the business meeting, Adam Zueske presented a new studio management program for teachers. Information can be found at: