Each album is due at its respective seminar, and includes the following:

Cover: including

·  name of album

·  training program

·  year of study

·  your name

·  instructor’s name (smaller font)

Title Page: including (identical to Cover Page)

·  name of album

·  training program

·  year of study

·  your name

·  instructor’s name (smaller font)

Page numbers: Number consecutively throughout entire album; rationale is page 1!

Table of Contents with corresponding page numbers

Rationale: Clean copy with

·  bibliography and in-text citations (note current and original publication dates)

·  12 pt. font, Times New Roman.

·  Follow APA style:

Lesson Plans:

·  If you would like to add your own notes, type a new page titled “notes”, credit with your name, and place after the MECR write-up.

·  Use tabs for the different sections

·  Handouts: Some belong in your album, some in your compendium. Your instructor will direct. Handouts in your album should be included in Table of Contents.


·  You may use your own photos, your own drawings, or a combination of both.

·  Pay attention to the minimum illustration requirements for each material, as given to you by your instructor.

·  Illustrations should be close-up, accurate, no children, clear, and in color.

·  Don’t forget the name of the material on the illustration page, along with a label, i.e., beginning, in process, etc.

·  Make sure your labels are neat: if your writing is unclear, use a computer

·  Illustrations should be opposite the page of the write-up

Include photos of the shelves at MECR with materials in order for each area. Place them with the flowchart at the beginning of each album.

Sheet protectors are optional.

This is your User’s Manual! It can be simple and beautiful at the same time. Neatness is essential, as well as the ability to find what you want when you want it. Make it something that you enjoy looking at, as you will likely be using it for a very long time!