Cataloging Coordinating Council Minutes

Date: 2004-09-23


Joan Swanekamp, Steven Arakawa, Paula Ball, Sarah Elman, Marsha Garman (recording), Abdul Hannawi, Helen Bartlett, Eric Friede, Rebecca Hamilton, Ellen Jaramillo, Beatrice Luh, Soraya Magalhaes-Willson, Daniel Lovins, Nancy Lyon, Tony Oddo, Lenore Rouse, Karen Spicher, Manon Theroux, Patricia Thurston, Stephen Young, Cindy Zwies, Karen Denavit, Dorothy Rachmat


Matthew Beacom, Dajin Sun, Robert Killheffer, E.C. Schroeder, David Walls

1) Brief News/Announcements

- Soraya will be leaving Yale at the end of October. She is moving to


-Steven A. and Daniel L. will be conducting a workshop during the last week of October on Introductory Subject Analysis. Anyone interested should contact Steven. Access to Cataloger’s Desktop is necessary. Steven will send out a description of the class. It will be limited to catalog librarians (no more than 12) and will be held at Mudd from 9:00 – 12:30.

-Steven will also be conducting a Serials Volume Holdings Class sometime in November. This class should be of interest to cataloging staff or staff who do serials receiving. It will be a 2 hr. session.

-Joan announced that Cataloger’s Desktop will be moving to the Web after testing by CPDC in October. She will try to arrange some overlap between the Web and CD-ROM versions. Licensing will be limited to 30 simultaneous users.

-RLIN21 update – target date for implementation is still the end of October/beginning of November – remains to be seen. Patricia T. has completed a spreadsheet of logon profiles and will distribute it to everyone for assessment/comments. Shaundolyn Slaughter will be offering training for searching in RLIN21. Web & Workstation Support will need to install clients on all user’s PCs that need it. During the transition, if we experience problems, OCLC may be a possible alternative for some.

2) Report by Manon T.

Manon reported on updates to our policy on exporting records to the utilities. She handed out documents comparing the old policy to the new policy. One new addition to the policy: any bib record used to establish a NACO heading should be exported (or re-exported) to MARS and the utilities with the correct heading after the NACO record is produced. This ensures that MARS will send us the NACO record and that the bib record in the utillities matches the NACO record. Orbis is our catalog of record for all materials except vernacular APHY language materials. Sarah E. asked about CJK. Orbis is now the catalog of record for CJK materials as well. Stephen Y. asked about music scores. The Rare Book Team sometimes converts RLA bib records from books to music format and wonders whether to re-export to the utilities. Joan said not to worry about them as they will be caught with the RLA export.

3) Documentation Discussion

Steven presented the 035 Field Summary (Draft) document. He noted some minor corrections he will be making for CtY-D and Notis id 035s for variant edition cataloging.

In conjunction with the 035 document, we looked at the Variable Field Deletion Policy Draft (spreadsheet). Steven has added tag 263 to the table.

A question was raised about tag 510 for Serials Citation/Reference note being among tags to delete. The concern was brought up because the 510 tag is also used for monographic cataloging in which case we would want to keep the tag. Steven will add a note.
Manon had a question about deleting 650s with second indicator 7 and $2 lctgm because sometimes these are assigned by Yale catalogers (e.g. Walpole). Steven will revise.

A similar concern was brought up about the 69Xs being included. This document is supposed to be for non-cataloged records only and, therefore, locally assigned headings should not already be present. However, when in

doubt, the supervisor should be consulted.

There was a discussion about 79X tags. They are not valid in our tag table and, if encountered, should be deleted. Daniel L. had a question about the 79X tags that will be present in the RLIN Hebraica snapshot. But on further thought, he thinks they will appear as 880s when we get the records.

Manon pointed out that records from some libraries (e.g. NYPL and BL) have only 6xx second indicator 4 subjects and that in these cases the 6xx second indicator 4 tags should not be deleted but instead changed to LCSH. Joan said that currently they are deleted from preliminary records and then the record goes to cataloging for heading assignments. Joan and Rebecca H. will review preliminary record guidelines to see how they fit in with the document.

We next discussed the Shelflisting Introduction (Draft) document. Under item 15, Topical Cutters, it was agreed that for copy cataloging, if there is no conflict with a previously assigned number, the copy-cataloger should just accept the number in the record. Generally it is not necessary for the copy cataloger to touch base with the supervisor whenever a topical cutter number is new to Orbis. Exceptions are made for specialist areas.

Under item 18, Filing Rules, Steven pointed out the incongruity between filing rules and computer sorting. Because the sort order in the webpac and Cataloging Module follows the card shelflist order rather than the computer sorting order used for headings, the only practical recourse is to continue to refer to the card filing rules when making shelflisting decisions.

Steven will make minor corrections to the Shelflisting document and release it. He will explore the possibility of creating a training session for copy catalogers.

Standards for Recording Serial Holdings in MFHD Supplement (Draft)

Steven pointed out that in order to follow ANSI/NISO standards, if subsequent levels of detail are required at the end of a range due to a gap in holdings, then the same level of detail is to be used at the beginning of the range. Since this may be impractical in some cases, Eric F. had suggested an alternative of putting volume holdings that contain gaps into a separate 866, adding the necessary level of detail and using a comma to indicate a gap. This brought up a discussion of whether current staff would remember to do this since they are used to another routine. Also, we discussed whether or not this would be confusing to the public. It was decided we will stick with the current example that is based on Eric’s suggestion. For the public, the change might help to highlight the volume that is incomplete. Staff training will hopefuly address the change.

Steven also pointed out his example for a change in the way the enumeration is issued (e.g. textual to numeric). In this case, the change is indicated by a semi-colon not a comma.

MFHD Policies and Procedures (Draft)

Lastly, we reviewed the MFHD Policies and Procedure (Draft) document. Steven addressed inconsistencies in the guidelines for using blank indicators and “$k Suppressed” when the MFHD is suppressed, especially with regard to the archival and print master copies for microfilm. It was decided changing the indicators is unnecessary but we should be using “$k Suppressed” whenever a MFHD is suppressed.

Under item 2.7 Steven will add Online Resource to the records that use 852 first indicator 8.

Staff should continue to use 852 first indicator 7 for non-LC call numbers. Steven will wait until Endeavor does the flip (changing these indicators to 8) before he changes the documentation.

There was some discussion about the $i indicating a line break for Non-LC call numbers. There is a sorting problem due to different practices by the utilities. Catalogers should send comments to Steven about use of $i to indicate a line break for Non LC call numbers.

Meeting adjourned 12:00 pm.