Tai Chi Course Syllabus – Spring 2015

Course Number:31127 PEX 148-1001 T’ai Chi: 2 credits MW 5.30-630 PM Classes will be held at Great Basin CollegeFitness Center gym and/or solarium.

Catalog Description: T’ai Chi is an Internal Martial Art by which the student can learn how to exercise and control the body, the energy flow and the mind in order to focus on internal and external energies. Forms are taught in order to move this energy flow to strengthen one’s mind and body so that they can be used to promote health, longevity, self defense and mental freshness. T’ai Chi also helps ease tension and stress. It also stretches and strengthens tendons and muscles while helping the student attain proper posture and balance.

Instructor Information: William Galvin, Adjunct Faculty Office Berg Hall. .

Office hours by appointment only. Phone message service 738-7503. Home email is

Instructional Materials: There are no assigned texts or videos. There may be handouts on an irregular basis as the need arises. There may be suggested readings and videos as the need arises. There will be swords used in the Tai Chi sword portion of the class. There will be required homework after each session.

Course description and objectives: Lian Gong 18/36 and other forms will be used and performed as warm up exercises. T’ai Chi 24 Form and T’ai Chi 32Form Sword will be taught as time permits. The objective will be for the student to learn the forms so that the student may practice and complete them on their own. Just before class ends there will be cool down exercises performed.

Expected Student outcomes:

The successful T’ai Chi student will be able to:

1. Learn the fundamentals of posture, balance and breathe control.

2. Learn how to gather energy needed to perform the movements.

3. Learn meditation techniques needed to clear one’s mind to perform the movements.

4. Learn the proper warm up and cool down techniques needed to perform the movements.

5. Learn the T’ai Chi forms themselves.

Student Outcome Measurements:

The T’ai Chi student will be measured for success by the following:

1. Demonstrating the basics during class participation.

2. Performing the techniques as demonstrated by the instructor.

3. Meditating for the selected time for each session.

4. Performing the techniques learned at each session.

5. By practice, practice and more practice.

Method of instruction: The method of instruction will be hands on mode. Some physical contact may be involved. The instructor will demonstrate the form. Then the student will practice the form with the instructor until proficiency is shown. Then, the student will do the form without following the instructor. This will be done within the class schedule. Then the student will practice the form outside the class until the student is satisfied that the form is to the best of the student’s ability. Most students learn T’ai Chi by following an example. As the student demonstrates knowledge of the form, then the student will advance to the next form. A student who shows the ability to grasp the form early may be asked to demonstrate to the class their technique for learning the form. Each class will begin with a discussion about the objective for the day. This will be followed by a salutation, meditation, warm up exercises, performance of the forms, cool down exercises and a closing salutation.

Explanation of Grade Policy: The grade will be Satisfacotory/Unsatisfactory(S/U) based upon at least 75% class attendance and 100% participation. Class attendance is the cornerstone of learning the forms taught in class, so attendance is strongly suggested. To earn an “S”, the student will attend at least 75% of scheduled classes (miss a maximum of 7 classes/semester) and demonstrate correct form as a final test at the end of the semester.

Credit is earned with an “S” grade. A “U” (unsatisfactory) indicates that a student has not passed the course; no credit is earned. Grade Point Average (GPA) is not affected by S/U courses.

Students can withdraw from the course by the semester deadline (March 23, 2015); Withdraw (W) is reported on the transcript. No credit is earned for a (W).

Audit: Students can register for the course on an “audit” basis, and there are no attendance or performance requirements; no grade or credit is earned for “audit” classes.

Students should be aware that earning a “U” or “W” in a PEX course could affect financial aid if you fall below the required number of earned credits in the semester .

Attendance Policy: T’ai Chi is learned through practice. We will be learning 24 forms in a compact schedule. If you miss a class, you will need to make up the missed forms with due diligence. Therefore, attendance is highly suggested and will be recorded.

Other important stuff:

1. Since this is an exercise class, the student should be in good health. Any doubts that the student

May have should be checked out by the student’s physician.

2. Part of one session will be allotted for student evaluation of the instructor at a date TBA.

3. Keep in mind that the instructor is not a medical professional. Only a doctor with your complete

Medical history can determine what is advisable for you. The instructor is not able to diagnose,

Advise or prescribe treatment.

4. Never practice until a ½ hour has elapsed after a meal or eat sooner than ½ hour after a session.

5. Practice in a quiet place with as few distractions as possible. Weather permitting, outside is nice.

6. Wear loose fitting clothing. Also, there will be no street shoes allowed on the gym floor.

7. Wear flat bottomed sensible shoes. Stockings may be better than improper shoes, but don’t let

Your feet get cold because it detracts from your energy flow.

8. The most important thing to remember when performing T’ai Chi Ch’uan is that in order to gain

The most benefit from the forms, one MUST PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICE.

9. The second most important thing to remember is that the student must practice some more.

10. The third most important thing to remember is again practice.

11. The last and final thought is that the student should relax and enjoy each session.

12. The above mentioned items are the guide lines for the class and changes will be made as the

Need arises.

T’ai Chi has been called “Poetry in Motion” because your feet and hips are never still. You should never get caught flat footed again.

So, unwind, relax and enjoy yourselves.

BONUS VISITS to Fitness Center For every 1 credit of PEX that you take, you may use the fitness center for 8 bonus hours at no additional cost to you. Since this is a 2 credit class, you may come in on your own for 16 hours during this Spring 2015 semester. Please sign in on the “Bonus Hours” sheet in the office.

CAMPUS SECURITY:GBC is committed to the safety of our students and has a duty to promote awareness and prevention programs for violence on campus. Acts of violence include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Acts of violence can occur on the physical campus or centers of GBC in addition to field placement sites, clinical practice settings, and other places where college or class activities occur.As well, the online environment at GBC is considered a GBC site.If you experience any incidence where your safety has been threatened or violated, or if you feel threatened or harassed, immediately report this to your instructor, any center director, faculty, or staff member, or directly to the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security(775.753.2115) or the Vice President for Student Services(775.753.2282).