
FY2015Japanese-China Research Cooperative Program

Application Forms

Joint Research Activities in‘‘Genomics of Biodiversity: Exploring the Formation Mechanism and Conservation of Biodiversity’’

Form-1E(within one page)

Title of the proposal in English
Thematic areaof theproposal / 1. Can be more than one
Keyword / Up to 10 keyword to describe the project
Type of
research / Basic Research Industrial Research ExperimentalDevelopment
Duration of the Joint Project / around 3 years

Japan based Principal Investigator (PI)

Name / (Given) (Family)
Tel /Fax

Chinabased Principal Investigator (PI)

Name / (Given) (Family)
Tel /Fax

Form-2E(within 1 or 2 pages)

Summary of the joint research project

Added value to state of the art
Technical approach
Expected research results at the end of this funding (about 3 years)
Expected prospect of the results in the future (10-20 years later from now)
Short abstract of the joint project / 1.This study aims at……….
2.The Japanese team will ……….
The Chinese team will……….
3.This collaboration is expected to……….


Please show some illustrations which helps to understand the joint research project (Please reduce the file size) – withina half-page or 1 page


1. Derailed Scientific Descriptions of the JointResearch Project

maximum 6-8 pages,Please refer to the evaluation criteria in the guidelines.

1.1. Main Objectives of the project

Please describe the overall aim and specific objectives in detail:

-Scientific issues and context, and their relevance to the call, which the project will study in the proposal

-State of the art

Describe also the expected results of the project.

-Expected result at the end of this funding (about 3 years)

-Expected prospect of the project in the future (10-20 years later from now)

1.3. The joint research project description

Please explain the scientific / technical project.

-Relevance of the proposals to the call

-Introduce the scientific ideas and breakthrough highlighting the originality and novelty.

-Describe the technical approach and how the project will address the problem

1.4. Scientific excellence of the project and the project partners

Please explain what makes up the excellence of the proposal and the project, and its innovative aspectwith clear statements of what roles Japanese and Chinese researchers will play respectively in the project,

Synergy of the project (including how the partners complement each other, expected added value from the proposed joint project)

1.5. Project coordination and management

Please describe how the project will be coordinated, and what will be the tasks of each partners.

- Description on the expected added value from the proposed joint project, including how the competence, technology and other resources in each group complement each other and eventual multidisciplinary approach

- Describe the plan to exchange young researchers between each side and the training activities planned

2. Work plan/schedule

2.1.Proposed research workplan and description of the work packages

For each task, describe:
- The objectives of eachwork package and its subtasks (if necessary), its main milestone and possible indicators of success
- The leader/organization of eachwork package and the partners involved
- Every partners' technical contributions and manpower (e.g. man-months)

- Description of methods and technical options and how the solutions will be made,

Work Package 1

Work Package2


2.2. Research work plan (timetable/Gantt chart)

- Present a timetable/Ganttchart of work packages and its subtasks and their dependencies

- Present a summary table of the deliverables of each work package (title, partners,deliverable,job number, term)

2.3. Research networking plan

Clear description of plan for joint workshops, researcher exchanges etc. in each year, purposes of and expected outcome through these activities

3. Research Infrastructures for this Research

3.1. Fund from other sources (including JST) that support the existing on-going activities. (Japan based Principal Investigator only.If you do not have these sources, no need to write.)

Name of Source and it’s Research Title / Research
Period / Total Amount of Grant (yen)
Describe howproposed research cooperative project will be related to these on-going activities.

3.2. Fund from other sources (including NSFC) that support the existing on-going activities. (China based Principal Investigator only. If you do not have these sources, no need to write.)

Name of Source and it’s Research Title / Research
Period / Total Amount of Grant(yuan)
Describe how proposed research cooperative project will be related to these on-going activities.

3.3.Characteristicequipment and so on for carrying out thisCooperative Project



4. Management of intellectual property etc.

Describe the management of intellectual property rights related to the proposed joint project


Budget plan for the project (one for the Japanese side and one for the Chineseside)

*Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) starts in April and ends in Next March.

Japanese side (yen)

Expense item / JFY2015 / JFY2016 / JFY2017 / JFY2018
direct expense / Facilities, Equipment and Consumables
Salaries for Japanese Researchers
Travel Expenses
Organizing workshops, symposium, etc.
Overhead Expenses※

※30% of the sum of each "direct expense"

Chinese side (yuan)

Expense item / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
direct expense / Facilities, Equipment and Consumables
Salaries for Chinese Researchers
Travel Expenses
Organizing workshops, symposium, etc.
Overhead Expenses※

※20% of the sum of each "direct expense"


The Curriculum Vitae of Japan based Principal Investigator (Research Leader)and the five best papersonly in the last 5 years -maximum 1 page


The Curriculum Vitae of China based Principal Investigator (Research Leader)and the five best papers only in the last 5 years -maximum 1 page


Researchers in Japanese Research Team

Name / Organization, Division / Title / Degree / Specialty

Researchers in Chinese Research Team

Name / Organization, Division / Title / Degree / Specialty