Instructional Practices in Education & Training

Student/Parent Handbook

The following pages need to signed/dated by the student and parent.

All documentation is due by Friday, August 29, 2014

This is a graded assignment

Return to:

Ms. Rolanda Wilkins

KPHS-Room 1405

Instructional Practices in Education & Training

Student Agreement

This agreement is to be strictly observed at all times during your internship/class.

I understand that repeated offenses will result in probation and ultimate dismissal from the program.

1.  I will make it my responsibility to know, understand, and adhere to the guidelines and procedures of the class in order to protect the students and mentors.

2.  I will make every effort to be courteous, efficient, and accurate in the entire task to which I am assigned, and in all contact with teachers, students, staff and parents.

3.  I will not discuss information about any staff/student. I will maintain total confidentiality of all professional information.

4.  I will notify the assigned mentor teacher and my FCS teacher immediately if I am unavoidably tardy or absent. I understand that repeated absences will result in probation and ultimate dismissal from the program. The high school policy on tardiness will apply.

5.  I will follow the dress code exactly

a.  I will wear appropriate clothes as discussed in class.

b.  I will wear my nametag.

c.  I will not wear pants/jeans with holes, low riders, too tight, too loose.

d.  I will not wear shorts, mini skirts; low cut shirts, backless, strapless tops/blouses.

e.  I will not wear flip-flops.

f.  I will not wear skirts that are too short and /or revealing.

g.  I will not wear body piercing except earrings.

h.  I will cover all tattoos.

i.  My hair will be neatly styled. NO excessive hairstyles/colors.

j.  I will use cosmetics only in moderation.

k.  I will not eat, drink and/or chew gum while at the intern site.

l.  I will keep my nails clean, trimmed and wear appropriate polish.

m.  If an area/class requires specific apparel, I will comply with policy.

n.  I will not visit other classes/students, nor will I leave the class in which I am assigned without permission.

o.  I will conform to all direction from the mentor teacher immediately and without question. Any questions will be discussed later in private.

p.  I will be cheerful and smile while I am in the presence of the staff/students.

q.  I will report any accident that occurs in the class to the mentor teacher.

r.  I will behave in a professional manner at all times.

s.  I will not use the computer and/or make personal telephone calls, nor answer the phone in class unless directed to do so.

t.  I will make every effort to complete any assigned tasks given to me by the mentor teacher.

u.  I will follow all emergency procedures.

If I feel that I cannot meet the expectations of this agreement, I will request a conference with my teacher at once. I understand that if I break this agreement, disciplinary measures will be taken and termination of my participation in this program may result. If this occurs, I realize that I will lose credits.


Student Signature Parent Signature
Teaching Internship Teacher Evaluation

Professionalism and Responsibility Reminder


There is a -5 point deduction from performance evaluation per infraction

Please take corrective action to prevent this problem again. Thank You!

_____ (SC) Skipping Class (no call and/or no show)

_____ (DC) Dress Code violation

_____ (AB) Absent did not call, text, email before school/class as required

_____ (ODA) Out of Designated Area

_____ (UPC) Unprepared for Class (missing needed items such as binders, pens, assignments, I.D. badges)

_____ (ET) Excessive Talking during class

_____ (NF) Not Following directions and /or completing work as assigned

_____ (CD) Class Disruption (disturbing others, calling out, too loud, uncooperative)

_____ (UC) Unauthorized use of computer

_____ (SL) Sleeping/head down in class

_____ (CC) Cheating/Communicating during test/quiz, sharing/copying assignments…

_____ (UPI) Unprepared for Internship

a.  Late arrival

b.  Not signed in/out

c.  Out of dress code

d.  Unauthorized use of computer

e.  Socializing with friends

f.  No identification badge

g.  Not complying with mentor

 OTHER: ______

Instructional Practices & Practicum in Education & Training Classes


At times it may become necessary to use private vehicles to transport students to and from school-sponsored activities. When private vehicles are used to transport students to and from school-sponsored activities, the school district will require that students and their parents or guardian sign the Carpool Transportation Consent Form adopted by Instructional Practices & Practicum in Education & Training Classes. The Form shall serve as a consent, release, and indemnification clause to be signed by the participating parents and/or guardians and participating member(s) of the class acknowledging that the student is required to travel directly from school (or other location) to the activity and to comply with Board of Education policy regarding student conduct in connection with travel to the activity. The student may not operate a motor vehicle with more than one passenger in the vehicle under the age of 21 who is not a family member. The student may not operate a motor vehicle while using a wireless communication device, except in case of an emergency.

NOTE: Failure to comply with these requirements may result in discipline, dismissal from the program, or loss of credit.

______(print name) has my permission to travel from school property (or other location) to the activity by private carpool transportation, either as the driver or as a passenger in a private automobile driven by another student, parent, or other person. We understand and acknowledge that the Humble Independent School District will have no financial or legal responsibility for injuries arising out of such travel. We also understand that the District has no responsibility for determining whether the private transportation provider is insured. We further understand that all District policies and guidelines will be followed on or away from school property and any misconduct will result in Board approved discipline.

By signing this form, we hereby release the District, as well as its directors, officers, administrators, employees, and other agents from all liability for any and all injuries arising from travel to the activity via private transportation. We further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District, as well as its directors, officers, administrators, employees, and other agents, against any claims asserted as a result of travel to this activity via private transportation.




Student Signature


Parent or Guardian (print name)


Parent or Guardian (signature)

Humble ISD

Family & Consumer Science Department

Kingwood Park High School ● 4015 Woodland Hills Drive ● Kingwood, Texas 77339

Ph: 281-641-6765 ● Fax: 281-641-1617


Parents & Students;

The students enrolled in IPET may have the opportunity to participate in some off campus field trips with there internship school. Each high school student will be required to have a signed/dated parent permission slip submitted to their mentor teacher before the scheduled date.

Field Trip Approval:

A field trip is an extension of the classroom learning. They must be approved prior to the trip. In order for a field trip to be approved several requirements must be met:

a.Prior notice (email/phone) from the mentor teacher.

b.Student attendance is taken into account.

c.Student must have a grade of 80 or above in all classes.

d. Parent must sign the class permission trip documentation from mentor teacher.

Your signature acknowledges that you have read and understand the policy.




Student Name (Printed) Student Signature


Parent Name (Printed) Parent Signature

Training Report

iPET/PiE Handbook Documentation