ACAD 169: College Reading Strategies (online)

Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP)

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Summer I (June 13 – July 8, 2016)

Instructor:Kari Jaeckel-Rodríguez, M.A., M.Ed.

Office: Nursing/Education 201D

Phone:920.424.3425 (office) 847.830.2254 (cell)


Required Materials

MyReadingLab-- Standalone access kit (available at the bookstore or at

Course Description

Success in college is in large part determined by how well students read, process,

and remember information. This course has been designed to offer opportunities

to improve skills essential to meaningful study of academic texts.

Course Objectives

Upon completion, students will


  • explain and effectively use active reading strategies
  • identify causes and remedies for poor comprehension
  • read critically to make inferences and select author’s purpose and bias
  • adeptly identify topic and main idea


  • recognize habits that hinder fluent reading and use corrective measures to break these habits
  • identify factors that help readers select an appropriate rate and reading technique
  • utilize flexible reading rates that include proficiency in textbook and study reading with college-level materials
  • increase rapid reading rate using material suitable for college students


  • explain and use diverse strategies for unlocking the meaning of unfamiliar words
  • understand the advantage in looking up words while working with them in context
  • have added a few new words to their active or passive vocabularies


Grades will result from an accumulation of points. Total earned points will be divided by total possible points to produce a final percentage and letter grade:

Percentages / Grade
93%-100% / A
90%-92% / A-
87%-89% / B+
83%-86% / B
80%-82% / B-
77%-79% / C+
73%-76% / C
70%-72% / C-
67%-69% / D+
63%-66% / D
60%-62% / D-
Below 60% / F

Points are earned in the following areas:

1. Graded Activities

All activities are professional communication with your instructor. Due dates are listed on the timeline of this syllabus; however, all activities with the exception of the MyReadingLab Reading Level readings can be completed in advance.

There are two types of activities:

A. Response assignments accessed through the course activities and submitted on D2L. (310 points, 58 % of grade)

B. My Reading Lab (MRL)

MyReadingLab is an interactive workbook. Directions for completion are listed with course activities. (170 points, 32% of grade)

2. Final Exam (50 points, 10 % of grade)

Your progress with class content will be assessed through a cumulative exam that will be completed as the last activity.

Schedule/Course Organization:

The class is organized into an introduction, three units, and a final. Work for this course can be completed on time or in advance.

You are FREE TO WORK AHEAD on all assignments, provided you complete them in the order they are assigned. Assignments not completed by their due date will incur a late penalty. No assignments/exams will be acceptedafter 8 a.m., Friday, July 8th.

Total work for this course should take between 20-40 hours and you have up to four weeks.

**Online learning success tip: Plan to work in advance of the due dates so that you have time to correspond with me, should you have any questions. While I occasionally check email on evenings and weekends, communication will be more prompt M-F, 8-4.

Day(s) / Topic/Agenda Item / Due no later than:
All assignments and MRL modules can be completed in advance; MRL Reading Levels must be completed during indicated date range.
June 6-10 / Class opens--ok to begin work
June 6-17
(official start day
is the 13th) / Introduction / Wednesday, 6/15, 8 a.m.
A. Assignment #1: Where are you now
B. MyReadingLab (MRL) Assessments: Learning Path Builder and Reading Level diagnostic
June 20-24 / Unit 1: Habits of Effective Readers / Tuesday, 6/21, 8 a.m.
A. Activity Set #2: Habits of Effective Readers
B. MRL Learning Path Chapters:
--Active Reading
--Reading Textbooks
--Summarizing and paraphrasing
---Notetaking and Highlighting
--Graphics and Visuals
C. MRL Reading Level reading #1
June 27 –
July 1 / Unit 2: Getting what you need from your reading / Friday, 7/1, 8 a.m.
A. Activity Set #3: Comprehension Strategies--Getting What You Need From Your Reading
B. MRL Learning Path Chapters:
--Stated Main Idea
--Implied Main Idea
--Supporting Details
--Nine Patterns of Organization
--Outlining and Mapping
C. MRL Reading Level reading #2
July 4-8 / Unit 3: Critical Reading / Wednesday, 7/6, 8 a.m.
A. Assignment #4: Critical Reading
B. MRL Learning Path Chapters:
--Purpose and Tone
C. MRL Reading Level reading #3
July 6-8 / Final Exam / Final exam due by Friday, 7/8, 8 a.m. No late work accepted.