Gelsomina 'Jessie' Williams, LMHC

1633 East Vine Street, Suite 213 , Kissimmee, FL 34744

1120 West Minneola Ave Clermont, FL 34711

Client Information


Patient Last Name:______First Name:______

Marital Status: Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed

Race:______Sex:______Religious preference______

SSN:______Date of Birth:______Age:______



Phone: Home______Cell:______Work:______

Email address: ______okay to contact ______


Referred by______Phone:______

Referral source:______(for example) internet, phone book

(If patient is a minor, please provide name of parents/guardians, address and phone if different)

Name: ______


Insurance and Payment information

Name of insured: ______SS# ______

Date of Birth: ______Home Address______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Employer: ______Work Phone: (____)______

Marital Status: Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed

Insurance Company______ID#______Group#______

Phone Number for customer service: ______

Phone # for Mental Nervous/SA benefit: ______

Please provide authorization number: ______

Payment Policy : Payment for services is due at the time they are rendered. Payment may be made by cash, check, credit card or debit.

I authorize the release of medical or other information necessary to process any insurance or EAP claims.

Initial: ______

What would you like to get out of counseling today?




Have you had previous counseling (when/ where/ issue at the time?)



Current medical conditions and medications:

Medical Condition Medication Name of treating physician





List 2 goals you would like to accomplish in the next 4 months.


2. ______

Please list the name/ relationship/ and age of people in your household.




Statement of Understanding

Services and Confidentiality

Jessie Williams, LMHC is a private counselor providing assessment, referral and counseling services to you and your eligible dependents.

Your contact is voluntary and confidential and strictly protected within the limits of the law. Any information disclosed in counseling will be treated with the utmost respect for confidentiality. Information regarding your contact can only be released with your written permission, unless required by law.

As a mandated reporter, Jessie Williams, LMHC is required to report to appropriate authorities the suspected abuse or neglect of a child or elderly person. Jessie Williams, LMHC is also required to take any action necessary to prevent imminent threats of harm to self or others.

Cost of Services

If your sessions are covered by your EAP benefit, there is no cost to you.

Sessions are 45-50 minutes in length. The fee for sessions is 85.00. If your sessions are covered through your insurance plan you are responsible for your co-payment. Payment is due at the time of service. Cash, check or credit/debit card is acceptable means of payment

No show Policy

If you can not attend your appointment and do not call by 5pm the day before your appointment there is a $25.00 fee. After hours messages can be left at 407-947-7984. Insurance does not cover these charges. Fees must be paid prior to your next appointment.

COURT APPEARANCES: Please note that I am unwilling to go to court to testify unless subpoenaed by a judge. My fees for having to appear in court are $300.00 an hour (3 hour minimum), paid in advance.

Fees for Summaries of any kind are $25.00 per summary.

Your signature indicates that you have read and understand the above information, give consent for treatment for yourself and/or your minor child, and that you authorize the release of medical or other information necessary to process any insurance claims.

A copy of this form will gladly be provided at your request.

I have been offered and have reviewed a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practice.


Name of Client(s) (please print) Jessie Williams, LMHC


Client signature

______Parent/ Guardian/ Partner Signature Date