

Corporate Sponsors' Liaisons:

o  Debbie Carlson, CMM, Sponsor's Director:

o  Marla Lopez, CMM, Assistant Sponsor's Director:

·  Please see Pikes Peak PAHCOM's new website and find important information about our sponsors.

·  Sponsors the old website has been shut down, please build your new website page immediately!! If you need assistance, please let us know. http://www.pahcom.com. Choose "Membership/Community" -- "Chapters" -- "Pikes Peak."


o  August Presenting Sponsor: Memorial Hospital has long been the cornerstone of health care in Colorado Springs. Offering a full range of medical services and treatments for conditions including cancer, heart failure, neurological disorders, trauma, pediatric care and more. Memorial is also pleased to announce the expansion of Memorial North Hospital to include a new heart catheterization lab and radiation oncology facility, opening 2016. A part of University of Colorado Health, we aim to deliver the highest quality patient care with the highest quality patient experience. Our partnership combines with Poudre Valley Health System, based in Fort Collins, and Denver metro-based University of Colorado Hospital. Separately, our institutions provide superior care to patients and committed service to the communities we serve. Together, we’ll push the boundaries of medicine, attracting more research funding, hosting more clinical trials, and improving health through innovation.

UCHealth exists to make communities healthier and improve modern medicine. We’re doing so by attracting the best nurses, doctors, and staff dedicated to our patient-centric approach. For more information about UCHealth-Memorial or resources for your office, please contact Debra Miller Baker at 719.365.6824 or .

o  Pikes Peak PAHCOM would like to thank ALL of OUR SPONSORS for their “constant” support of our Pikes Peak PAHCOM Community!!! We could NOT provide such valuable education programs without ALL of their ongoing support!


AUGUST CHAPTER MEETING -- State of UCHealth Memorial: UCHealth Memorial leadership enjoyed the opportunity to provide an update as to the current and future state of their system. Memorial was pleased to have over 100 attendees and greatly appreciated PAHCOM for allowing us to invite members of the community to the event.

George Hayes, CEO, addressed participants on “Where we are. Where we’re going.” Highlights included facts about UCHealth, an overview of the communities we serve and how UCHealth is growing. Expansion plans around cardiology, oncology and surgery at the North Hospital campus, were revealed. George also provided our new regional DocLine number, 1-844-285-4555, for transfer requests, direct admissions and specialist consultations.

Travis Sherman, Director of Strategic Planning, presented on “The Future of Healthcare.” The group also heard from Dr. Russell Strader, cardiologist, Dr. John McVicker, neurosurgeon and Sloan Maes, oncology service line director.

VALUE-BASED PAYMENT MODIFIER - VBPM (MEDICARE): A program that includes a modified payment under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule based on Quality and Cost Performance. If your practice is currently not participating in the PQRS Program, now is the time to start or you will receive more negative Medicare adjustments in the coming years. The Value-Based Payment Modifier which is starting to phase in first large practices and all providers by 2017 but the data from 2015 PQRS is what will be used by CMS for calculating part of the 2017 VBPM composite scores for practices/providers. There can be a positive adjustment, stay neutral or receive a negative adjustment; separate from PQRS penalties and EHR penalties or incentives. Also, start having your providers’ document chronic conditions, as this will help in the goal of providing "triple aim healthcare," the new pathway of healthcare. It is all about the changes forthcoming in reimbursement!!

The Executive Committee is looking for a speaker for Value-Based Payment Modifier but here are some free resources through CMS and Navicure Clearinghouse.



Navicure Site: Learn from us, scroll to free webinar on Value-Based Payment Modifier.

MEANINGFUL USE UPDATE: Barbara Drury asked that we let the chapter know that there is still no official word from CMS about Meaning Use final guidelines for 2015!

Per Barbara, there were15 modifications NPRM: They got twice as many comments as the other two NPRMs and it is taking longer to get through the comments. May have final rule late September.

MU3 and 2015 CEHRT: they are somewhat subject-linked together and are likely to follow sometime after the 2015 modification final rule.

Another rumor that HIMSS could not confirm was that the 2015 Modifications final rule had been sent to OIG for final mark-up prior to publishing in the Federal Register. Most on the call thought this was bogus.

Barbara Drury, BA, FHIMSS

President, Pricare Inc.

Watch your email for messages from CMS regarding the final guidelines!

NATIONAL CONFERENCE: Takes place October 20-22, 2015 in Clearwater Beach, Florida!

Pikes Peak PAHCOM is sponsoring a basket to benefit the national conference scholarship fund! This fund allows many attendees each year to receive some assistance to attend the conference! Basket Theme/Title = Rocky Mountain High Rollers.

Colorado conference attendees will get together at the Conference for a social event!!! Stay tuned for more information!!!

GOING GREEN! PP-PAHCOM Meeting RSVPs; speaker handouts/presentations; electronic newsletters, etc..... Yes, it has been challenging but things are getting better all the time. More-and-more is being moved to an electronic process through the National PAHCOM Website. Please expect continued multiple changes throughout the year in how we automate and "go green" using the Pikes Peak PAHCOM website through the National website. There will be "challenges" and we ask you to be patient as we learn the processes as well. If you cannot get the payment portion of the website to work, payments should be sent immediately after registering to Lori Trivelli, Treasurer:


Lori Trivelli, CMM, Practice Manager

AgeWell Medical Associates

2350 International Circle

Colorado Springs, CO 80910


·  September -- El Paso County Office Managers' Association (OMA) to be announced.

·  September 24-25, 2015 -- Survive & Thrive -- CMGMA Fall Conference -- Breckenridge!!! Plan on attending and outwit, outlast and overcome today's challenges in managing medical practice.

Registration is now open at www.cmgma.com.

·  September 30, 2015 -- PP-PAHCOM Executive Committee, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m., Age-Well Medical Associates, 2350 International Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80910. (Note -- changed to 5th Wednesday to allow several chapter officers and members to attend the CMGMA Fall Conference). All members welcome, please let Sandra know if you are attending.


·  No Chapter Meeting due to National PAHCOM Conference.

·  Friday, October 16, 2015 -- Breakfast Club, 7:15 - 8:30 a.m., Location: Colorado Springs Neurological Associates, 2312 North Nevada Avenue, 3rd Floor Conference Room, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.

·  Wednesday, October 28, 2015 -- PP-PAHCOM Executive Committee 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Matthews-Vu Medical Group (Bridget's Office), 4190 East Woodman Road, #100. All members welcome, please let Sandra know if you are attending.


·  The word is out.... Pikes Peak PAHCOM is a true leadership organization in the Pikes Peak region. We have new members interested all the time. Talk to your colleagues that are not members. Bring them to a meeting and let them see the value. The Executive Committee keeps the sponsor ratio of 2:1 and we have a waiting list of really good sponsors that want to support PP-PAHCOM! We need more members!!!

·  Membership with Pikes Peak PAHCOM requires both a National PAHCOM Membership and PP-PAHCOM Chapter Membership! Yes, there are separate dues $$! Renewals for National PAHCOM Membership can be completed on-line www.pahcom.com; renewals for Pikes Peak PAHCOM are emailed from the Membership Director -- Val Chavez, CMM, can now be paid on our PP-PAHCOM chapter website that is embedded with the National PAHCOM website. Please keep both memberships current! If you are a CMM or HITCM-PP, do not let your recertification(s) expire every other year. Check your membership page on the national website and make certain you affiliate with our chapter on your membership page, just two clicks and you are done. Otherwise, you do not receive any notices, newsletters, etc.

·  Did you know that you can save $100 when renewing the National PAHCOM Membership by choosing "auto renew." This does require a secure credit card to be on file but that saving could be put toward your Pikes Peak PAHCOM Chapter dues which are currently $125.00/year.

·  Add your professional photo to your National PAHCOM Membership profile. It is really simple to upload. I put my mug shot under my profile! www.pahcom.com

·  Recruit your colleagues!! Bonus $$ -- a discount on your next local chapter renewal when you refer a new member to join!!


Pikes Peak PAHCOM Refund Policy (Educational session registrations only– membership dues are non-refundable and non-transferable)

Unless otherwise specified, refunds for educational sessions are available as follows:

You submit your request to Lori Trivelli at a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the event. Include the name of the attendee the refund is being requested for

–  The event name and date

–  Reason for refund request

Once approved, Pikes Peak PAHCOM will deduct 5% of the amount paid as a processing fee and issue a refund check or a credit to the charged card account.


2015 Pikes Peak PAHCOM Chapter Officers:

o  Sandra Robben-Weber, CMM, HITCM-PP, 2015 President

o  Tari Gilmore, CMM, RMA, 2015 Vice President

o  Bridget Pieffer, CMM, 2015 Secretary

o  Val Chavez, CMM, 2015 Membership Director

o  Lori Trivelli, CMM, 2015 Treasurer

o  Debbie Carlson, CMM, 2015 Sponsors' Director

o  Marla Lopez, CMM, 2015 Assistant Sponsors' Director (New Position)


Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

-- Winston S. Churchill

Just remember the above when ICD-10 starts!!!!!

Sandra Robben-Weber, CMM, HITCM-PP, PP-PAHCOM 2015 President