Walkuski, 2013 ©
Dr. Walkuski
Fall 2013
Catching/Jump Roping Skill Lab
Name: ______Date: ______
Today’s lab will allow you to observe and assess the skill of catching. Keep space and safety issues in mind as you have the children perform the lab activities.
a. Task one - reflection
b. Task two - Catching assessment (include catching instruction and associated games after the assessment is completed).
c. Task three – Developmental Tasks for Jump Roping
d. Task four – Group Activity
After observing and working with the students from Dryden Elementary, can you briefly describe, an effective strategy to:
a. get the children’s attention
b. keep the children’s attention
c. organize activities for maximum participation
Catching Checklist
Child’s Name:______Date: ______
Your task for this station is to qualitatively assess the student’s ability to perform the skill of catching (using a tennis ball) using the following criteria adapted from Gallahue (1998). As you throw to the student, be consistent in how you throw.
I. Catching:
A. Initial stage
1. There is often an avoidance reaction.
2. Arms are extended and held in front of body.
3. Body movement is limited until contact.
4. Catch resembles a scooping action.
5. Use of body to trap ball.
6. Palms are held upward.
7. Fingers are extended and held tense.
8. Hands are not utilized in catching action.
B. Emerging Elementary stage
1. Avoidance reaction is limited to eyes closing at contact with ball.
2. Elbows are held at sides with an approximately 90-degree bend.
3. Since initial attempt at contact with child's hands is often unsuccessful,
arms trap the ball.
4. Hands are held in opposition to each other; thumbs are held upward.
5. At contact, the hands attempt to squeeze ball in a poorly-timed and
uneven motion.
C. Proficient stage
1. No avoidance reaction.
2. Eyes follow ball into hands.
3. Arms are held relaxed at sides, and forearms are held in front of body.
4. Arms give on contact to absorb force of the ball.
5. Arms adjust to flight of ball.
6.Thumbs are held in opposition to each other.
7.Hands grasp ball in a well-timed, simultaneous motion.
Observationnumber / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Initial Stage
Elementary Stage
Proficient Stage
TASK TWO (continued)
Catching Checklist
Using the same information adapted from Gallahue (1998), have the child perform the catching task with a different sized ball (medium “soft” rubber or foam ball). Assess the child using the chart below.
ObservationNumber / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Initial Stage
Elementary Stage
Proficient Stage
Questions for TASK TWO:
Was your child at “different” developmental levels for the catch? Note where the student performed the catch at a different difference occurred. What might be the reasons for this? If your student did not perform the catch at different levels - why might this happen?
TASK THREE – Developmental Tasks for Jump Roping
Child’s Name:______Date: ______
You and your student will be provided with a jump rope (hopefully you are some what skilled!). Your task for this station is to crudely assess the student’s ability to jump rope using the checklist on page three and the following tasks:
Developmental Tasks:
1. Have students jump over a line on the ground or floor. Note the takeoff and landing, do they take off and land with both feet, one foot, or a combination?
2. Do the same task as in #1 now using a jump rope laid out on the floor in a straight line. Answer the questions from #1.
3. Now, with assistance swing the rope back and forth and observe their jumping behavior. Are they more precise than in #’s 1 or 2? What about their take off and landing?
4. Can they perform the skill as you and a partner turn the rope? Any observations/comments?
Jump Rope Checklist plus Activities
Child’s Name:______Date: ______
Cues/basic checklist:
BASIC SKILLS / YES / NOKeeps arms at side of the body
Turns rope by making small circles with wrists
Jumps on balls of feet
Bends knees slightly to absorb force of the jump
Makes small jumps over rope
“Advanced skills” checklist:
“ADVANCED” SKILLS / YES / NOTwo foot basic step (lands and jumps off both feet)
Alternate foot basic step (alternates jumping off left and right foot)
Double side swing and jump
(swing rope once on each side of body, followed by one jump, repeat)
Other Jump Rope Activities:
- jump variations- students jump three/four/ five/etc jumps in a row
- alternate hop (one foot), jump (two feet)
- beanbag balance
- cross arm jump
- side to side
- front door, back door entry hop. Jump, touch
- with two jumpers – circle jump
- enter front door (alone, with a shadow), enter back door (alone, with a shadow)